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Everything posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. Think of GW2 as a filler game. You don't need to farm nor grind, because the game is meant for exotic geared players ( and spvp has no equip at all! ), except fractals.If you get bored about the game, to me it's simply normal. When this happens, find something else to do when it comes to VideoGames ( maybe just continue to do the daily login if you want to save for the future some extra golds ), and come back when there's something new! You don't have POF yet ( i don't know about HoT ), so at least the story and the living story could give you 30/40 hours of playtime ( even more if you want to explore the new maps and train your mounts ). Also work towards in order to get a griffon is a nice idea, because it's fun to dive in the skies watching the pleebs on the ground ( joke, but it's definitely fun even if it let you skip every encounter ). As other have suggested, there's the possibility that a guild and some friends could renew you interest in GW2, so you should definitely give it a try.But remember also what i said at the top of my post ( about the fact that you should try to accept GW2 as a filler game ). Regards
  2. More than 1 minute to bring down a class, and you have to reset 12 times because the class you are against is facetardroll.It's a good way to explain how memser works and the skill needed in order to play it. Get off your high horse. S/D thief ain't the most complicated class either. It's about at faceroll as it gets when it comes to thieves. I'm not saying Mesmer isn't faceroll however, but there are very few classes that require some semblance of skill these days. You said that thief need to disengage from 6-12 times in order to beat 1 class.You said everything dude, i just underlined in a different way how it is the current situation ( go and spam with thief then feel free to go back and spam with mesmer ). No, I didn't say that. Some other person did. I do not play Mesmer and I do not play thief. I'm merely stating that s/d thief doesn't require 300iq to be decent at. Then why you quoted me when i was answering to another person? Because, what you were saying was wrong. S/D thieves strength are their reset ability coupled with high, unblockable burst damage. They should not be able to stay in a 1v1 head on while having the potential to reset on a button press.So, to answer your question. Yes, an S/D thief should have to reset and bait cooldowns in order to beat the strongest 1v1 class currently in the game.Then after 8 minutes the match is over and you have disengaged 8 people playing 1v1.Definitely balanced as explanation. Thief will continue to do his +1 decap and no 1v1.Nobody will waste 6-12 ooc rec + return in order to kill a class "1v1 mid dude".
  3. More than 1 minute to bring down a class, and you have to reset 12 times because the class you are against is facetardroll.It's a good way to explain how memser works and the skill needed in order to play it. Get off your high horse. S/D thief ain't the most complicated class either. It's about at faceroll as it gets when it comes to thieves. I'm not saying Mesmer isn't faceroll however, but there are very few classes that require some semblance of skill these days. You said that thief need to disengage from 6-12 times in order to beat 1 class.You said everything dude, i just underlined in a different way how it is the current situation ( go and spam with thief then feel free to go back and spam with mesmer ). No, I didn't say that. Some other person did. I do not play Mesmer and I do not play thief. I'm merely stating that s/d thief doesn't require 300iq to be decent at.Then why did you quote me when i was answering to another person?
  4. More than 1 minute to bring down a class, and you have to reset 12 times because the class you are against is facetardroll.It's a good way to explain how memser works and the skill needed in order to play it. Get off your high horse. S/D thief ain't the most complicated class either. It's about at faceroll as it gets when it comes to thieves. I'm not saying Mesmer isn't faceroll however, but there are very few classes that require some semblance of skill these days.You said that thief need to disengage from 6-12 times in order to beat 1 class.You said everything dude, i just underlined in a different way how it is the current situation ( go and spam with thief then feel free to go back and spam with mesmer ).
  5. More than 1 minute to bring down a class, and you have to reset 12 times because the class you are against is facetardroll.It's a good way to explain how memser works and the skill needed in order to play it.
  6. Hold on a second.Is it a joke or you WvW team are really considering the Roleplayers when you talk about wvw modifies? What I am trying to say is that it shouldn't be a problem to begin with.
  7. I would say Male Norn or Male Charr, because they are mighty.But also human and Sylvari could be a good moderate choice ( more realistic and less pumped ). I suggest you to try on SPvP lobby the greatsword and hammer animations ( which are the best animations for a warrior ), then decide yourself. Ps: remember that with both large characters as charr and norns it is difficult to achieve tasks like JPs.
  8. Usualluy i create plate character with the max height and width, because plates look massive and mighty.Leather and cloth users smaller.
  9. Toughness has its reduction percentage decreased the more you incrase it.
  10. They should simply give us the possibility to set "standard mount/glider models", then add whatever they like.Also something in order to permanently disable minis spawn would be appreciated.
  11. I want to see different content, even though I do understand those who missed that part.Game needs to move forward ( since we don't have much new content and the few we get is every 3 months, we don't need obviously a remake of the ls1 ).
  12. Well, let's say there were 2 exploits: The playersbase, focused on farming instead of understanting the game.Me, one of the few who did the opposite ( but to be honest, 1/2 hours during the beta were definitely enough to understand how the new items would have worked ).Here you can find more informations about, even though in order to make money it's pretty late ( but you still can manage to cap MF easily ).
  13. There is no way he earned all that by playing the game normally. Obviously he exploited some bug or something, I have been playing this game for 5 years EACH DAY with 10+ hours per day and I have max magic find of 273%.LOL Check then for the images i posted in page 4.I definitely broke the game. Best exploiter EU.
  14. Or maybe instead on working on a recipe ( because there are no recipes involving 500 luck essences, and this would require a way to get back exotic essences too ), work on transforming the currency into a wallet one, then add a vendor to buy the essences you need.
  15. You can't.He probably wrote the wrong number https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Luck_(legendary)
  16. Regardless, I don’t think buying lanterns is a good enough solution. Some players don’t belong to a guild, and others either don’t like Scribing, can’t be bothered, or do not wish to donate a decoration to the guild hall. I personally will craft one/two statues each year (Year of the Rooster was different because of our guild name, so I made 4 of those statues) the rest of the Lunar decor doesn’t really fit in with the Windswept haven. So even though there’s no storage limit, those lanterns will go to waste if someone is just dumping their luck. Plus I’m not using my own resources to refine thousands of lanterns! That's the point many don't understand.Other Account bound currencies which are used for the guild have also different usescan be mostly used to make golds or profitcan be stacked into storage, and probably refineddon't drop the way luck doesLet's Take SPvP or WvW potions. You could use them for the guildor for personal profit. Let's Take instead a currency which can be traded, like snowflakes. You can use them for the guildor sell them to TP, stack them in personal guilds or storage, rafine them, sell them, craft, etc...As you can see, once you capped luck, you have definitely no other use ( and the fact you still drop luck is an inventory sink ).The luck system was crap since the beginning, because ANET didn't think about what would have happened after the cap ( or they deliberately decided to put this as a inventory/time sink, which would be probably the worst scenario in terms of community ).
  17. Just to be more clear about the situation This is more or less what i got in 25 days (with 2h per day ) of playing ( before unidentified item hidden nerf and market adjustement ).I do obviously have 1 character per class, and i am lucky ( no pun intended ) that i only like to play thief and revenant, so the others are just extra slots. But as you see the problem is definitely real.A wallet currency and a vendor which allows you to purchase essences could be an option, but i would be also fine if all the recipes which require luck would be reworked with different materials, and luck stopped to drop from salvagin. Whatever the solution, a fix is needed. ps: another character is full of ascended mats ( i do have 8x storage bank, but even so they drop too much ) and black lion salvage tools, which brings the number from 4 to 5.
  18. I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck. Definitely this.Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall. Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ). After double-checking the amounts required, any given upgrade (aside from further exploration) only requires a couple days worth of my average luck gain. So, once I hit cap, I can play for a week and supply all of the luck needed for a guild, shy of the Further Exploration upgrade (which would take me most of a month on my average play). Talk about a short-term solution. That's one person, playing semi-casually for 1-2 hours a day. Not a guild, but one person. umm what exactly do you do to earn so much exotic luck in 1-2 hours of gameplay a day? I just had space for 984 exotic luck and that was just for the further exploration upgrade (777), hero banner (100 or so i think) and one of the tavern upgrades, there's at least one or two others which I've already done which he's donated for before I think but what do you do where you earn almost 1000 exotic luck in LESS than a month? Given that you only play 1-2 hours a day "semi-casually". Coz it sounds to me like all you're doing is grinding silverwastes and salvaging what you get in your bags for the whole 1-2 hours. I can tell you I find your semi-casual claim pretty hard to swallow. Just coz you don't run a meta build while you grind silverwaste doesn't make you semi-casual. My friend opened tons of new years envelopes last year, but supplied several guilds with their further exploration luck (he just joined, deposited, and left) and he still ran out after this last guild. Now granted, he hasn't had time to play everyday like you since end of summer last year but I'm willing to bet you also didn't open as many lucky envelopes as he did either given you're capped on luck. (And he's been capped on luck since luck release because he was doing a luck salvage droprate thingy).I managed to cap luck with pof, but mine was 270% before ( halloween bags mostly ), and i managed to play 1/2 h per day for a month more or less with pof, then dropped completely. And i didn't play more or less for 2 years since the mf was released ( since it's my filler game ), so this is something which affects a moderate part of the population. And I have no problems stating this again. I ( and I am sure many with me ) don't want something in exchange for my luck.I just want luck to be a wallet currency in order to save space. If in the future ANET will decide to add some other uses for luck, no problem ( i do not pretend to be rich with luck, nor i want more uses for it. But just in case, wasting it is not a choice ).
  19. I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck. Definitely this.Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall. Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ). After double-checking the amounts required, any given upgrade (aside from further exploration) only requires a couple days worth of my average luck gain. So, once I hit cap, I can play for a week and supply all of the luck needed for a guild, shy of the Further Exploration upgrade (which would take me most of a month on my average play). Talk about a short-term solution. That's one person, playing semi-casually for 1-2 hours a day. Not a guild, but one person.Yeah i know.
  20. I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck. Definitely this.Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall. Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ).
  21. they would lose a couple of players, but gain thousands otherthey have successfully driven away most of their original playerbase, do you really think they would care about one more?i have never seen better UW combat in mmos, sadly they just dropped it for some other useless kitten They said the same with pof and its mounts, and currently the copy which have been sold are less than hot. And we had a -25% discount on the new expansion after 2 months. Uw combat is probably better than others mmo, but still sucks and can't be a replacement for the terrain one. Uw could be part of thr game, but not the game.
  22. It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.I will try to explain this better: It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it. But since it'sNot usable for any recipeNot able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )Not able to be exchanged for itemsNot able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).Not able to be consumed because of the capNot used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ). We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ). It is required for some recipes, wallet will not work.A vendor from who you can trade a wallet currency for some real currency ( or items ) and the problem would be solved ( as stated many times in the previous posts ). Next.
  23. It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.I will try to explain this better: It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it. But since it'sNot usable for any recipeNot able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )Not able to be exchanged for itemsNot able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).Not able to be consumed because of the capNot used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ). We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ). Throw it away and your bags will be free. Or are you saving it just in case you can do something else with it?As a currency, i have to save it.It should simply be a portfolio currency, and currently it's ANET the one at fault. And since it's a QoL problem which affect the game since years, it's ridiculous that we don't have a fix yet ( i was lucky i dropped the game and i only managed to cap my luck 4 months ago, or else part of my game would included manage it ). Actions like Throw it awayConvert themStack themUse themShould simply don't exist, because they are a time sink and simply bad development.
  24. I was confused because it was not a dps check, since the equipment is not necessarily related to skill ( especially here in GW2, i would say ), but now I understand what you consider about DPS check ( which is not ). To explain things better: When you want to do fractals or raid you have some ways to make you up your party of elitists as you: Equipment checkLI ( if raid )Class/Build CheckEventually TitleEtc...But you can't be totally sure that the one you allowed to join your group is performant because It could have been boosted ( pay for runs ) It could have been carried ( not so skilled but lucky to find good groups ).It could be skilled, but not with this class which is new for him ( even though he has the right build/equipment ).Eventually, you will have to kick him and looking for someone else ( it's a possibility, if the one you invited sucks ). That's why when i talk about the right ClassBuildEquipConsumablesEtc...I mean that there are some ways to limit the RNG ( the player's skill and knowledge ).
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