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Posts posted by NYG.2568

  1. @Cristalyan.5728 said:

    @"Syrus.2174" said:First of all, let me say that Grothmar Valley is a beautiful region, despite my dislike for Charr and their lore, I enjoy playing there. I can't say too much about the story yet, as we only got a glimpse into what's coming, from what I can tell. My gripe with this place though is how grindy everything is.

    I could understand many things, having to kill many enemies, requiring you to do events multiple times. Annoying, but not the worst. Even if some of the numbers are bit high.Next comes having to do the meta events many times over for achievements - again, it's annoying, but neither impossible nor something that one has to very much go out of their way for to finish, as meta events are usually what people are on a map for.Another step further - repeat the daily meta achievement 15 times. So, in other words, 15 days of doing dailies on the map. Still nothing one has to go out of their way for to finish, but it's really quite a long time. Half a month doing the dailies just for one achievement? I mean, with any halfway decent reward, people probably do that anyway. Maybe not grind per se, still an unnecessary long "wait time".

    Of course, there are also those achievements "Pest Control" and "Professional Bouncer", which just make me wonder, why so many? Couldn't 50 and 100 or maybe 200 have been fine as well?

    But the once that finally made me write this post were "Crater Circuit: Top Three" and "Grothmar Grand Tour: Pole Position".When I got top three in each race I was so happy to be done with the achievements ... only to realize some time later that: "nope, do it FOUR more times!" ... I apparently had missed that it wasn't just aI'm not a good racer, and I know I could still finish these achievements doing them during the concert or at night or something. But it just will make me hate other players if they participate as well and win instead of myself, and I'm trying to finally fix my screwed up sleep schedule due to how unhealthy it is and how it affects my life.If it had been "finish the race 5 times", I'd be fine with it. If there were two achievements, one with getting the top three finish ONCE, the other with having to do the race five times, fine.But finishing top three, FIVE times... I guess that's just the that one step too far.

    This is not the Guild Wars I remember, and I know of grindy stuff in the game, I do play WvW, I keep a constant eye on my progress towards the "Realm Avenger" achievement, but at least that is not depended as much on competing against players, ironically, despite me having to kill them for it - the races can only be completed at certain times and at most three people can get progress on the achievement each time.

    Why are Bound by Blood's achievement such a massive grindfest?

    Do you remember the "Hungry Hal" achievement? (the achievement giving you the "Good Apple" title). You should give 50 apples to a certain NPC. When asked what is with such a horrible achievement, the developers told us that this is a mockery to the way the other MMO's understand to force the players into grinding. Nothing serious. Just a reminder that GW2 is different from other MMO's and we should enjoy this.

    It seems that the newer devs in the ANet team have no information about the intention to ironize the other MMO's. And took it seriously - because most of them are former members of other MMO's, having the exact behavior as the "criticized" behavior. And they took it to other levels: 500 instead of 50. Then 4x1000 (killed enemy) instead of 50. And then refining it: 100 torches. But how many you can do
    of the other players activity. Also - it seems that someone forgot that on a race you can have only 3 places for counting on the achievement. If you have
    players, no matter how good they are (even aces of races), only 3 will receive credit for achievement.And then adding a time gate - 15 days of opening a vault - but ONCE per day.

    ANet management - please explain your devs, that the "Good Apple" was a mockery! It was not serious! Please teach your devs the spirit of your own Manifesto!.

    In essence this is the old fetch quest system used. In GW2 today you still do the fetching. You just don't have an NPC asking you to fetch nor an NPC to give the fetched items to. so did they really change anything??? All it's done is stopped you from interacting with NPC's and much like the rest of the way the game plays pretty much keeps you from interacting with anyone. I have never played an MMORPG that has you doing so much Solo, not to mention the mundane Repetitiveness.

  2. I got to, I believe it was the third tier of the main AP line. Than one day I logged in to continue the grind. As I started I took a quick pause and thought what I'm I doing , and why? It was than I realized i was doing the same thing over and over again for what? A title I don't care about as titles aren't the same, and an emote I'll mostly never use. It was than I logged out and won't log back in until new playable content is available.

  3. I am a veteran player from GW 1 days. I was in one the largest and most recognized guilds in it. Most if not all our members made the move over to GW 2.I can say with 100% accuracy damn near ALL of those players stopped playing GW2 about 6 months after it's release. The Guild still exists and I am still a member within GW2 but not one person in it logs in with any regularity. When/if they do it's only for a day or 2 after a new Patch of actual playable content is added. than they are gone again for months...There is no need at ALL for Guilds in a game called GUILD Wars. I pretty sure most of this games population is of the free to play players, Not those whom made the original purchases, but I'm sure Anet won't provide stats disproving that.This game would benefit from a more realistic Title such as... Collection Wars, Grind Wars, Cosmetic Wars, I prefer Mundane Wars...

  4. @warherox.7943 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:leg·end·ar·y1.of, described in, or based on legends.

    leg·end1.a traditional STORY sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.

    If we look at Excalibur a true Legendary, we know the story behind why/and what makes it such..

    I have always said there is nothing "Legendary" about these weapons, EPIC would have been a more fitting description.

    To be even more accurate for what they are Collectionary's or Grindary's is most fitting...

    I agree, there needs to be something more that makes them unique other than their look. I am not saying they should be much more powerful, but that's what you'd think anyhow, but I understand why they are not.Some of the ideas you had for each "legendary" bonus affect are quite interesting, but it's a little to late for that now..

    Ok, so Mjolnir is just a short hammer in a few stories by this logic? Nothing else to it?

    Even your boy Trahearn had a legendary from Irish mythology
    – Two-handed sword of Fergus mac Róich in Irish legend; said to make a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to cleave the tops from the hills.

    Another that made it into GW2 was
    - the enchanted talking mace of Ninurta, Sumerian god

    What about in-game options like Magdaer? You know, the sword that caused the entire Foefire, raising an entire nation as ghosts
    a la
    Return of the King? Ah, I guess it's not a legendary weapon, so it doesn't count...


    We can do this all day, but at the end it's just a point-of-view battle here to find an example that suits our purposes. Also, Excalibur (and Mjolnir) may be a legendary, but they don't exist in GW2 (Edit: Mjornir exists as an exotic weapon I had forgotten about that). Even further, very few of the legendary's have any in-game lore associated with them (and the HoT elite specs for that matter). I believe only Nevermore, Astralaria, and Chuk n' Champ have associated lore in their collections; both in the UI and in the places/things you need to do. But barring those, no one explained why the gen 1 legendary greatwords are cosmic windows to the universe.

    I'm pretty sure you some what validated my point.I used Excalibur as an example, Mjolnir also fits my example, They both had a story/lore and reason why they were made, why they needed to be used and by whom.Now in game there is very little if any true lore/legend behind these weapons I'm only speaking of THE Legendaries in game and the Lore of Tyria not outside influences.So what makes them Legendary to Tyrian's in essence. There is none, there is only go here collect this and collect that, craft this and craft that spend gold....I guess what I'm trying to get at is I wish there was a story driven journey in getting the Legendary's , not collections and a gold/material sink!

    I wish the precursor scavenger hunt wasn't just some massive gold sink. It turned out to be just as expensive, if not more, than just buying the precursor from the TP, depending on which one you go for. The Gen 2 ones are worse, since everything is account bound yet it still costs a ton of mats/gold.

    I guess that's what makes them Legendary...

  5. @FrigginPaco.4178 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:leg·end·ar·y1.of, described in, or based on legends.

    leg·end1.a traditional STORY sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.

    If we look at Excalibur a true Legendary, we know the story behind why/and what makes it such..

    I have always said there is nothing "Legendary" about these weapons, EPIC would have been a more fitting description.

    To be even more accurate for what they are Collectionary's or Grindary's is most fitting...

    I agree, there needs to be something more that makes them unique other than their look. I am not saying they should be much more powerful, but that's what you'd think anyhow, but I understand why they are not.Some of the ideas you had for each "legendary" bonus affect are quite interesting, but it's a little to late for that now..

    Ok, so Mjolnir is just a short hammer in a few stories by this logic? Nothing else to it?

    Even your boy Trahearn had a legendary from Irish mythology
    – Two-handed sword of Fergus mac Róich in Irish legend; said to make a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to cleave the tops from the hills.

    Another that made it into GW2 was
    - the enchanted talking mace of Ninurta, Sumerian god

    What about in-game options like Magdaer? You know, the sword that caused the entire Foefire, raising an entire nation as ghosts
    a la
    Return of the King? Ah, I guess it's not a legendary weapon, so it doesn't count...


    We can do this all day, but at the end it's just a point-of-view battle here to find an example that suits our purposes. Also, Excalibur (and Mjolnir) may be a legendary, but they don't exist in GW2 (Edit: Mjornir exists as an exotic weapon I had forgotten about that). Even further, very few of the legendary's have any in-game lore associated with them (and the HoT elite specs for that matter). I believe only Nevermore, Astralaria, and Chuk n' Champ have associated lore in their collections; both in the UI and in the places/things you need to do. But barring those, no one explained why the gen 1 legendary greatwords are cosmic windows to the universe.

    I'm pretty sure you some what validated my point.I used Excalibur as an example, Mjolnir also fits my example, They both had a story/lore and reason why they were made, why they needed to be used and by whom.Now in game there is very little if any true lore/legend behind these weapons I'm only speaking of THE Legendaries in game and the Lore of Tyria not outside influences.So what makes them Legendary to Tyrian's in essence. There is none, there is only go here collect this and collect that, craft this and craft that spend gold....I guess what I'm trying to get at is I wish there was a story driven journey in getting the Legendary's , not collections and a gold/material sink!

    I do agree 100%. I seem to have misunderstood a portion of your original post, but yes, the legendaries are in a vacuum in GW2 with the exception of the 3 I mentioned. I'm sure there were discussions about their lore at the table when designing them with a few exceptions like Rodgort (…. just Trogdor backwards [the Home Star Runner animated short]). This is only one of many areas where the RPG element of GW2 suffers because of either shortsightedness at best to downright not having been thought of in the first place at the worst

    Cheers, at least one other person besides myself gets it.

  6. @FrigginPaco.4178 said:

    @"NYG.2568" said:leg·end·ar·y1.of, described in, or based on legends.

    leg·end1.a traditional STORY sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.

    If we look at Excalibur a true Legendary, we know the story behind why/and what makes it such..

    I have always said there is nothing "Legendary" about these weapons, EPIC would have been a more fitting description.

    To be even more accurate for what they are Collectionary's or Grindary's is most fitting...

    I agree, there needs to be something more that makes them unique other than their look. I am not saying they should be much more powerful, but that's what you'd think anyhow, but I understand why they are not.Some of the ideas you had for each "legendary" bonus affect are quite interesting, but it's a little to late for that now..

    Ok, so Mjolnir is just a short hammer in a few stories by this logic? Nothing else to it?

    Even your boy Trahearn had a legendary from Irish mythology
    – Two-handed sword of Fergus mac Róich in Irish legend; said to make a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to cleave the tops from the hills.

    Another that made it into GW2 was
    - the enchanted talking mace of Ninurta, Sumerian god

    What about in-game options like Magdaer? You know, the sword that caused the entire Foefire, raising an entire nation as ghosts
    a la
    Return of the King? Ah, I guess it's not a legendary weapon, so it doesn't count...


    We can do this all day, but at the end it's just a point-of-view battle here to find an example that suits our purposes. Also, Excalibur (and Mjolnir) may be a legendary, but they don't exist in GW2 (Edit: Mjornir exists as an exotic weapon I had forgotten about that). Even further, very few of the legendary's have any in-game lore associated with them (and the HoT elite specs for that matter). I believe only Nevermore, Astralaria, and Chuk n' Champ have associated lore in their collections; both in the UI and in the places/things you need to do. But barring those, no one explained why the gen 1 legendary greatwords are cosmic windows to the universe.

    I'm pretty sure you some what validated my point.I used Excalibur as an example, Mjolnir also fits my example, They both had a story/lore and reason why they were made, why they needed to be used and by whom.Now in game there is very little if any true lore/legend behind these weapons I'm only speaking of THE Legendaries in game and the Lore of Tyria not outside influences.So what makes them Legendary to Tyrian's in essence. There is none, there is only go here collect this and collect that, craft this and craft that spend gold....I guess what I'm trying to get at is I wish there was a story driven journey in getting the Legendary's , not collections and a gold/material sink!

  7. I honestly feel sad for the gamers of today playing with this sort of Make money system.I am an older gamer from way back. I remember a time when you purchased a game for a set price and played for hours upon hours enjoying it.Yes, games are bigger today and more complex. I would rather pay a one time fee of say $120 US than to be bled dry. Most of these companies today don't even release full functioning games. Instead they break parts of it up and resell it to you. Take Call of Duty for instance they will release a game with about 9 maps knowing they made 20. Than sell you the remaining 11 in small bundles, some of which are remakes of old maps, and don't even get me started on the weapons.Don't take it wrong but many of today's publishers were around then Activision/EA 2 of the worst Money grab greed companies out today.Even back then when paying a one time price these companies made money, Hell they are still around today because of it.All this Micro transaction stuff is nothing more than Greed!

    I now find myself sticking to games and studios the uphold the old ways like CDPR. One fee whole game unless an Xpac is released!Yes I'm on a guild Wars 2 forum they are doing the same as above, Yes I still play once every 3 months for the nostalgia of GW1 and the story, nothing more..The rest of the game isn't that interesting to me..

  8. leg·end·ar·y1.of, described in, or based on legends.

    leg·end1.a traditional STORY sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.

    If we look at Excalibur a true Legendary, we know the story behind why/and what makes it such..

    I have always said there is nothing "Legendary" about these weapons, EPIC would have been a more fitting description.

    To be even more accurate for what they are Collectionary's or Grindary's is most fitting...

    I agree, there needs to be something more that makes them unique other than their look. I am not saying they should be much more powerful, but that's what you'd think anyhow, but I understand why they are not.Some of the ideas you had for each "legendary" bonus affect are quite interesting, but it's a little to late for that now..

  9. Ah, the good old days of GW OG. When you could explore from map to map. Remember needing a runner to get to certain areas, what was the big one Lonar's pass / Yak's bend to get to Droknar's Forge...Iv'e never thought of it the way you put it, There is no sense of travel, journey, or exploration. When a new map appears you are asked to travel to Lions Arch and take this Boat/ Airship and are instantly transported into a sand boxed map. After that all you can explore is that until months down the line the next sand box / "Theme park" as you say opens up.When I went to theme parks as a child with family and now as a dad, the journey to was enjoyable and memorable...

  10. I voted December, because the holidays, Then I remembered it's the holidays.It's October so were going to have Halloween, November will be a bit of a break with Thanksgiving in the US, and/or skill update/gem store patch. Then we will have Wintersday in December. During this holiday season many of the Dev's and players will be traveling. I do not believe they will want to add a big "playable" content patch in the middle, it seems like just too much.With the new patch we seem to be going further North which in the later half of Jan. beginning of Feb, Seem's more likely as it will be the dead of winter. What better time to launch a cold winter like patch...

  11. They should but they won't..They know the game is in decline. No I'm not saying it's dying, but most of the players whom bought the original game and first Xpax are not playing anymore, at least not on any regular basis.Yes, I know a few of you are gonna Whiteknight the hell out of this and say I'm still here and I love blah blah blah.But, If were being honest. it most certainly is in decline which is why the game has gone free to play, to create a false population.While doing this they will spew out sprinkles of new content and monetize the hell out of it, as the game Fades into that good night!

  12. Wow this is almost disrespectful.

    Seeing this reminded me of that fairy tale, Goldilock's and the 2 bear's, None of the chairs seemed to fit. LMAO!

    "This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.

    So she sat in the second chair.

    "This chair is too big, too!" she whined.

    So she tried the last and smallest chair.

    "Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

  13. @"Kahrgan.7401" said:The feel of being rewarded. I have been playing MMOs since 1998, and while I love GW2, I absolutely HATE the loot system.

    Almost everything is random, and you get your bags filled with junk constantly. Bag Wars 2 its been called and its not so far from the truth.

    They had an amazing currency karma, which could have been used as a base currency to get the things you wanted, and to combo them with new maps so people couldnt just stock pile and burn it on new maps, but it was squandered, then changed, then new systems were put into place that were the same in use.... but change for the sake of change.

    I really think this game could benefit from a refresh of the loot system. Add new interesting things we could farm for, grind for, and PLAY for, instead of do your "daily dose of disappointment"s, in-game loot boxes.

    I'm SO bored of the loot in gw2 that nothing about killing a boss, doing a fractal, opening up a chest, finishing a JP, is exciting... The loot system is not exciting.

    @Random Wax Orc.7695 said:The current loot system has too many ultra rare drops to allow making it rewarding for everyone. Using RNG on that ultra rare scale only appears fair in population statistics, but will leave most individuals feeling unrewarded. It took me like 4 years before I got a precursor drop, and by that time they were worth a small fraction of their former prices. I gave up trying to get Tequatl's Hoard after doing the event daily for like over a year, and still have never had a drop, while others are well on their way of completing that weapon skin set. If Anet weighted rare drops by the number of common RNG results, then there might be some sort of RNG social justice, but as it stands, anyone without a gambling addiction is probably turned off by the loot system, or has just been on the unusually lucky side of the curve.

    shrug This isn't a new issue and I don't expect anything to change.

    Both hit the nail on the head! Cheers...

  14. I think instead of them giving WvW mounts they should have used some sort of rez shrine when you've taken over a significant keep/area.One of the reasons I have never gotten into WvW is being oneshotted by what ever in the massive blob of players, only to rez 3000 miles away and have to run back. This for me atleast happens over and over again because of coarse no one Rez's.Also I wish there really was more to it than running around in a mass blob, taking the same spot again and again.

  15. I agree with the pricing being too high in just about every game that has copied the mobile games tactics of using Micro Transactions.

    Instead of selling something for say $5 to ten players and making $50. You could sell it for $2.50 to twenty players and make your $50.Is it a tactic to keep items unique or to separate the community further between those that can pay the price and those that cannot, perhaps it's just Greed??

    I understand it's a business and they need to generate revenue, but the pricing on non physical items in games is ridiculous.

  16. No, it's not worth it now. The game has become very mundane.It is now about going around Mindlessly collecting needles items, which serve no real purpose. There's no lore about why, there's no game play to go along with.It''s quite like doing a dot to dot picture when you were 5 and the only purpose was to see the picture at the end, now imagine a whole book of just that, and sprinkled in here and there is a tad bit of story which is very separate of why your dotting in the first place. It's done to keep you in an area, and for artificial longevity until the next sprinkle comes out. I for one don't find it fun chasing the apple on a stick...Others in here will argue the opposite, and that's fine some people like doing the same thing over and over and over again. Cheers!

  17. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @Tony.8659 said:As the title says, this to me is just annoying. That's reason I only did this once, that and the boss is a joke. Anet remove the puzzle but make the boss more difficult to fight. That is my suggestion.

    I'd have to agree, JP's should be a choice for those that like that sort of thing.I was kicked my first time through trying to make my way towards the Boss and collecting the chests along the way.I too did not notice the Blue shrine on the mini map, until my second time through.I told the group sorry I can't make the jump's and that I'd be leaving, it was than the kind Commander told me to wait and use the shrine on mini map.

    You were kicked because you were gathering the chests. Many groups don’t like to wait for this because that can easily be done when someone opens their own instance by themselves. They should have communicated that to you otherwise it’s their own fault to expect it.I'm pretty sure you were not in that group, so you wouldn't know the reason.The group would have no clue I was collecting the chests as they were already at the Boss. Firstly because I was rolled by the Giant Snow Ball, Secondly I'm not good at jumping in this game for reasons I already mentioned.Also did I not mention where it was my very FIRST time trying the SM, or did you disregard that part....

    No need to get defensive. I was just stating why they probably kicked you as that’s what I have seen when I run it.

    Not being defensive at all, but you stated it as fact, I simply provided the facts of my situation.

    I stated as fact the reasons why they likely kicked you: they felt you were opening chests and/or not listening to them by not taking the shrine. I was not making an assumption about what you were actually doing.

    You cannot provide facts not knowing the circumstances or being there first hand, that's not how it works. You ASSumed that's why they kicked me.As I said previously they could not know what I was doing as they were already at the Boss. That said, maybe just maybe I was having a hard time making the jump's and not collecting the chests. How was I supposed to know you could go back afterwards? Again it was my very FIRST attempt and never seen such a message nor was i looking at the mini map trying to make the jumps. No one said anything to me about the shrine in chat, had they did perhaps I missed it trying to concentrate on the jumps.

    @Kallist.5917 said:No Ty. IMO, if a player cant control their character well enough to get through a JP, they should really be working on that stuff before moving on to group fights.

    A JP shouldn't be a prerequisite in order to fight a boss. The so called skill required to do a JP has nothing to do with anything else in the game. I've played every form of content the game has all while avoiding JP's.For me at least the lack of depth perception or FOV is off or lacking, and the camera angles do no justice either.There are individuals with possible handicaps that can't perform the Jumps.

    It’s only a pre-req for at least one person. The rest can simply use the shrine. Better visibility of that shrine should be made in future releases.

    Not everyone knows this on their first time through, I'm sure you didn't yourself, until you either figured it out or someone told you.

    I saw the message across the screen and the icon pinged on the mini map.I done the SM 4 times now and have yet to see this prompt, perhaps there is a bug as others are suggesting...

    When someone unlocks the shrine, there’s a white message that pops across the screen. It’s the same kind that you see when someone wins a mount race. You also see the shrine icon on the edge of the mini map if it’s not within range.

    I have never done any of the mount race so I don't know what it's like. I'm not into that type game play. Cheer's

  18. @Tukaram.8256 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @Kallist.5917 said:No Ty. IMO, if a player cant control their character well enough to get through a JP, they should really be working on that stuff before moving on to group fights.

    A JP shouldn't be a prerequisite in order to fight a boss. The so called skill required to do a JP has nothing to do with anything else in the game. I've played every form of content the game has all while avoiding JP's.For me at least the lack of depth perception or FOV is off or lacking, and the camera angles do no justice either.There are individuals with possible handicaps that can't perform the Jumps.

    Aetherblade Fractal, Chaos Fractal, Nightmare Fractal, Solid Ocean fractal, Uncategorized fractal, shattered observatory fractal, Magg's path, Aetherblade path. If your not good enough to do this one JP, then you would struggle with all of these as well, dragging down your party. So again, Keep practicing. If your lacking at basic coordination over your character. I'd rather you practice it until you can do it reliably than to be handed the easy path.

    @Kallist.5917 said:No Ty. IMO, if a player cant control their character well enough to get through a JP, they should really be working on that stuff before moving on to group fights.

    Ridiculous idea. I cannot see the jumps because the "3D" world on a 2D screen has no depth - not old age, I have never been able to see them. I also cannot see most cave openings. That being said, when I teleported to the fight I set my minions to kill and then I ran around and rezzed 2 players that were down, one was dead & gone. Just because you can jump, does not mean you can fight ha ha

    Again. If that's true, then there is already plenty of content that you cant play in as the game sits right now.

    There is plenty that I cannot do, and plenty that I do not want to do - and still more than enough to keep me occupied. No real complaints here... except that "boss" was lame. He is such an easy kill. ha ha :)

    Exactly, you don't have to do those particular fractals. There are several others to choose from to get the rewards you desire.This is the first and ONLY strike mission currently available.

  19. @Kallist.5917 said:

    @NYG.2568 said:

    @Kallist.5917 said:No Ty. IMO, if a player cant control their character well enough to get through a JP, they should really be working on that stuff before moving on to group fights.

    A JP shouldn't be a prerequisite in order to fight a boss. The so called skill required to do a JP has nothing to do with anything else in the game. I've played every form of content the game has all while avoiding JP's.For me at least the lack of depth perception or FOV is off or lacking, and the camera angles do no justice either.There are individuals with possible handicaps that can't perform the Jumps.

    Aetherblade Fractal, Chaos Fractal, Nightmare Fractal, Solid Ocean fractal, Uncategorized fractal, shattered observatory fractal, Magg's path, Aetherblade path. If your not good enough to do this one JP, then you would struggle with all of these as well, dragging down your party. So again, Keep practicing. If your lacking at basic coordination over your character. I'd rather you practice it until you can do it reliably than to be handed the easy path.

    Heres the thing on that, I have done those fractals. Can't say I was good at them, but I did them with my now disbanned Guild whom had many patient individuals whom also weren't good a Jumping or understood some weren't. So perhaps maybe it isn't the Jumping that is the issue but the elitist mentality that everyone should be able to do it and / or Fast. I however play games to waste time and enjoy myself not be rushed by impatient people!

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