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Everything posted by Odinsfury.8360

  1. I played through it once on scourge. Then I got one of the mythical story disconnects that happen during the last cutscene of a story instance. So I contemplated quitting the game forever, but instead I repaired my GW2 archive which seems to correct the problem for a week or so. On the second run I realized I could use sand swell, which made it a lot easier. I didn't really enjoy that segment, but I thought it was well done.
  2. I'd assume that this is not nearly so simple as it sounds, because otherwise it kind of is the obvious thing to do. It might not be the easiest thing to do, but at least it's something to do.
  3. I tried two things and I haven't had any disconnects. Since then I have completed 4 complete living story 2 episodes. Unfortunately, I don't know which one fixed my problem. I stopped playing in Windowed Fullscreen mode. I noticed this trouble started around the time I was tabbing out to look things up. I also cleared the appdata folder like someone suggested in this thread.
  4. I came here just to complain about this problem. I'm trying to do Hidden Arcana, which has annoying mechanics and is irritating enough on its own, and I got disconnected twice. I'm glad they are working on the problem, but I am pretty close to quitting the personal story altogether. If you can't fix the problem, why can't we just "reconnect" back to the checkpoint we were at instead of starting the whole story over?
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