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Everything posted by Snipoukos.4912

  1. Exactly. That's what Anet should focus on fixing. Also a way to tag players you don't want to play with. If someone is underperforming I don't want to block them but I also don't want to have them as teammate again. Why do I have to cut all communication from a person that might be great in other aspects of the game? You can add them to friends and then nickname them it's the same thing. What you're saying is practically is impossible to go in long run. Not all 5 people can be online at same time and everyday like static raids, someone may have other things to take care of in real life or other things to do. If someone is missing you have to fill up that spot from pug which where it leads us faking kp again, find people who has legit/real experience for that content and weed out people who hasn't that experience yet so you need those gearchecks etc.You clearly lack the ability to read. I said adding to friends and nicknaming them is the same thing as blocking them and nicknaming them in order to "mark them" without losing the ability to chat with them if you want. This way you can still avoid them in your pug runs.
  2. Exactly. That's what Anet should focus on fixing. Also a way to tag players you don't want to play with. If someone is underperforming I don't want to block them but I also don't want to have them as teammate again. Why do I have to cut all communication from a person that might be great in other aspects of the game? You can add them to friends and then nickname them it's the same thing.
  3. Now that you cant ping kps the only good way is killproof.me.I give everyone that links kps or killproof.me a chance and I let them stay for the full even if they are underperfoming but after the run is over I block and nickname them with the reason I blocked so I know for future pug runs.If someone is refusing to link killproof.me there is a high chance this person is faking their KPs via chat.I get it that Anet doesn't like the whole "Elitist" system of gear check / in game dps meters / reliable way of showing KPs but this is creating more toxicity than before.Also to clarify killproofs via LI/LD/decorations/old 100cm kps are pointless since they don't show how skilled you are rather than how many times you cleared the encounter it doens't matter if it was a clean fast kill or a 1hour fiesta with countless of wipes so the whole system is flawed but it's the best one we got.
  4. Lets see. You cant salvage legendary gear so you'll probably get nothing. But hey it's a new feature you should be happy.
  5. Remove protection and add retalion. Deliver the final blow to those "elitist" players.If you dont like mallyx don't play it. Make your warrior play spellbreaker or god forbid take a chrono instead of a firebrand.Just because something ruins your ideal version of playing the game it doesn't mean the game should adjust to your preferences.Worst case don't play if there is no pain no gain.
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