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Everything posted by Phyxrgon.7305

  1. We were literally screaming in our discord at the message of being kicked for update. LOL
  2. Bug fix breaks the game login? Imagine my shock! However, same here, can't login.
  3. Only thing you'd kill are your toes.
  4. Who said I was asking for bikini, assume-o-tron? It looks awful on female charr. Apparently you don't know despite all your females. I'm asking for alteration like a shawl, or something.
  5. The trouble with that excuse is that female charr don't even have them visible on their models. It's only a problem if there's actual realism-- a fair number of chest/top gears exposes their chests because of the "male" variant and they're nonexistent. Take it from me whose characters are mostly female charr. 🙄 You're trying to excuse the realism that doesn't exist. Am just asking for an appropriate alteration, not copy-pasted from human body-shaped gear absurdly and apathetically stretched on charr where it clips into their bodies and with other gear half the time.
  6. You'd have to go to any bank/crafting station to access wardrobe storage, you can preview them there. Also, what is it with Anet and blatantly and lazily giving female charr the male attire? Why can't they just adjust it? Maybe I want my female charr to have the cute tied towel around the waist.
  7. I'm not so sure about this... considering how fast SotO went, I'm hoping y'all don't speedrun develop Janthir Wilds and then leave it so lackluster aside from the 1 or 2 ooh shiny. Hopefully there's gonna be spear combat animation refinement since it kinda made me cringe a little at watching the trailer's initial display.
  8. A few stats can make all the difference in most defender cases barring server latency, etc, but dismissively waving your hand at op's well-placed outrage doesn't invalidate the arrogant stupidity of the aura stat nerf. What is the point of guild-centric wvw upgrades if they're going to start gutting them unfairly? They should adjust the cost going forward if they're going to go down that route, but the best method was to get opinions from players beforehand instead.
  9. Should've yelled back garrison is not their personal scrimmage toilet and go petty lady-slap each other in EotM arena. 😉
  10. 1. Fix or get better servers; Server Maintenance is not going to kill your player population or feelings. No, my ISP is not your go-to scapegoat. 2. Treat ALL the professions fairly when balancing. If boonrips are nerfed, then boon generation/spam needs to be tuned down to compensate, etc. 3. Undo Siege Disruptor back to Disabler. No one asked for this... 4. Switch current trashy Firebrand page system back to old one, old was much better.
  11. "The Siege Disabler trick has been updated and renamed to Siege Disruptor. Siege Disruptors will now reduce outgoing siege damage by 66%, and they will cause affected siege devices to take 66% increased damaged for the duration. Golems will still have their skills disabled for the duration." Nobody asked for this. How do you solve doing any sort of siege killing with your own skills, with numerous enemy players body-blocking the siege itself, and the wall edge carpetbombs by enemy zergs with their ridiculous nearly-endless pulls(mesmer focus, necro greatsword, etc) and instant-deletion damage spikes? Edit: It still applies to friendly siege too where it can still be smacked by enemy player damage. Especially those that have not-desireable adjusted cameras that can get ranger longbow 5 spam anywhere. Devs don't scout or play with small number defenders, they just hide in morbidly obese boon-pooping mapqueues.
  12. https://i.imgur.com/w2BNx8A.jpg Xocotl Floppers(instead of Avatars of Gluttony) helping the bad kryptis. I mean... not really important per se, but this is hilarious. 🤣
  13. Willbender iterations need a big tone down, not Mesmer.
  14. Where in the hell is the boon culling/removal of excess boon generation if you're going to mindlessly nerf boon rip?
  15. Same, was gaming last night... now can't get to the launch window at all today.
  16. I mean, they're fun to stare at for a moment before my eyes burn from the rapid palette dancing... 😂
  17. Nerf everything until nothing is viable, and you will be happy.
  18. It's easy for you. Your management tactics won't work for most. You also assume every child will behave, assuming they have children at all, their situations, et al-- extremely foolish assumptions. TL;DR Not everyone's an IT person like you with "perfectly behaved angels", bruh. 🙄
  19. Long live the boon trains! /sarcasm
  20. Depends on the server, really... but it also depends due to the transfer wars that occur.
  21. Wyvern stalled at 25% health for me. Think it is stalling at its intervals.
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