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Everything posted by Lanhelin.3480

  1. I recommend to enable the option to make names of hostile creatures visible in the world. Because also the yellow names of usables and lore-items like books are tied to this option that makes them visible from afar. There are quite a lot of them and they are easily overseen without it. "Quests" that require the player to travel through various maps in GW2 and to complete different things do exist, but they are very rarely given by npcs, most of them are hidden in the lists of collections. Whether you try to achieve them or not is entirely up to you. Just last week I did the achievements to unlock the winter's day tree in my home instance. It's only possible during the current event. It took me three days to complete. And I always avoided JPs in the past because I'm a pretty bad jumper ^^ But for the tree I did six JPs in a row, many of them for the very first time - and I play GW2 since headstart (with few breaks). I thought the tree was worth it and it was satisfying. I do not recommend just to copy&paste a meta-build because it's much likely that something similar like losing interest in actually playing it happens again. Instead go into PvP and WvW with your own build and slightly adjust where you detect flaws. Maybe at the end the meta appears or something different, but you grew into it. E.g. I play a Power Renegade in PvP - despite I know that Renegade profits a lot (perhaps even more) from a Condi build+gear, but it's fun to play. I cleared the PoF maps and story with a Nonshatter-Mesmer (pre phant overhaul) and it was fun, because it was "my" build and I was successful with it. I'd never c&p a meta-build for the reason of plain efficiency, to me that'd be no fun at all.Though I admit, if you do not like the basic combat design, then this won't help too.
  2. Got two of them so far. 1 in the MF by combining four rare items (Warhorn) and 1 dropped from a skritt burglar's bag in Plains of Ashford (Disco Mace).
  3. Just a few suggestions regarding guilds and guild management: It'd be great, if we could assign different chat-colors to the different guild-ranks. Be it just the name of the characters shown in chat or what they write, would make it a lot easier to identify who is talking. Especially in larger guilds and/or when altoholics like me are in a guild.I wished the right to start missions was splitted into: start missions and finish missions. I'm in a guild where everyone has the right to start missions, primarily for the purpose to be able to finish them, especially race missions, because not everyone likes the races or all of them, but we have some players who are pretty good at it, so they all have the right to bring these missions to a successful ending by talking to the race-NPC. But the right to start missions should be seperated.When I'm in the guild hall (alone), tag up and create a squad and several members join and also go to the gh every time a second instance gets created and I get the message, that my instance will be closed soon. Why is this so? And could you please change it?Please increase the amount of possible ranks and rank-symbols. Sometimes members excel in something very special or behave in a certain manner that I like to honor with a special rank. Some of these temporary, others permanent.Change simple bounty guild missions in a way that the completion of the mission rewards all players in the squad regardless if they hit the mob or not, as long as they are on the right map. It's a recurring issue that the simple mission gets completed because a player or a pet couldn't wait but attacked - no matter if talked about it before or not. And for completion hitting the npc once for 1 damage is enough. Another great QoL improvement would be to allow commanders who untag to stay in the squad. Currently I have to leave it and need to be invited again. Or add an option for cdrs to hide their symbol to anyone else but squad-members.
  4. To avoid fights jump on something that requires a jump to get there, either jump on your own or use the rabbit. Most mobs cannot jump and when there is no path to get there by walking, aggro will instantly drop to zero. This is also valid for mobs who pretend to fly, technically they don't.
  5. Got a dc too out of nowhere and wasn't able to login again.
  6. Unfortuntely I cannot confirm whether the following influences the disconnects or not: I found a thread started by a player with a similar problem in another mmo. His solution was to unlimit streaming in the game launchers options. I was curious and took a look into the GW2 streaming options and it was set to "on demand". I don't know whether this is the default setting and I also cannot remember that I changed this setting somewhen in the past, but I set it to "max.".
  7. For a few days until now I tested instanced content while the Steam client was running in the background. No disconnects so far. I have no exact idea why it works. I did not restrict Steam downloads so it basically communicates continously asking for game updates, also their is-the-user-online?-tool keeps tracking mouse movement and keyboard usage, so there's some sort of continuous communication activity too. Maybe this sort of inet-communication also prevents the GW2 character-login-client to "assume" that the current character is offline or should be offline, which can happen in instances and then leads to a disconnection to character selection menue. A "real" D/C would also kick us from the entire client back to Desktop, but only the character gets the D/C, not the Account. So, I recommend to try activating Steam, unrestricting its downloads (if restricted) or to use a similar program like GoG Galaxy or the like.
  8. The suppression system can become circumvented if one varies the wording a lot. The system detects what words one uses in what order. Repeating the words or actions like sending letters with the same content 1:1 in a row will result in becoming suppressed very fast. This happened to me too when I gifted colors to different guild members, I could send letters to two of them but the third one was suppressed. Afair I used the same title for every letter, didn't write anything there and just attached the colors. But like in a normal conversation one doesn't say the same sentence every time but reflects on what has been said before, so the words vary a lot. Conversations like these also do not get suppressed in map chat. I'm not exactly sure about it, but it seems that also linked PoIs and WPs get detected and also count towards the suppression, which makes e.g. announcings for quick respawning events to become suppressed pretty fast if one doesn't pay attention to the wording. Though changing the words and using synonyms (e.g. champ, champion, super strong mob, big bad spider queen, need help @ [Linked PoI], come to, [Linked WP] event, etc. or activating Mentor/Cdr) should prevent the suppression.
  9. Currently I'm playing the personal story in core tyria, and so far was disconnected in two instances that I had to play again. One was where Ebonheart had to be freed of separatists just after the center was cleared, the other one was where I had to recruit two charr who were captured right after the talking cut scene in the ruins. In both cases my character was stuck with the watching-a-movie-symbol above his head for a few seconds, buttons had no impact anymore, until I got kicked to character selection. When I replayed the missions I just skipped all the cut scenes and could complete the missions. These missions weren't the first ones I played after logging in when the dcs occurred, but the fourth or fifth ones.System: Win 10 64bit, 16 GB Ram, Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB, GW2 is installed on a SSD On another system (notebook, Win 10 64bit, 8 GB Ram, AMD integrated graphics card 2GB) I had dc's in about every second PoF-Story Mission, and they always happened because something that should happen/appear/disappear, aso. did not load. E.g. near the end of the first PoF-Mission I got several dc's with different characters after talking to the villager and right before the charr companion should give me the fire extinguisher. And there is no cut scene at all at this point. There should appear the I-have-to-say-something symbol above the charr's head before talking to him and getting the extinguisher, but this did not happen and this or something else right after talking to the villager resulted in a dc.
  10. This only happens when something else in the evironment has to be loaded first. Though I have to admit, that this started to happen within the first days patches after PoF was released. Since then the environment now takes much longer to load than it used to before. And the mount seems to have the least priority on the loading-list. So after entering a new map and depending on the chosen graphics settings your system most likely needs a few seconds to load everything and you'll experience the delay.
  11. I assume you had a very good reason to show the smallest seized male human riding the jackal? Is this seize used the most by players? Because larger seized characters do not appear as small on this mount as the video suggests.
  12. I agree. And imho there are just a few things really worth regarding reasonable price-performance ratio. Things that I bought in the past were more bank- and inventory slots, character slots, my missing LS3 episodes, the infinite copper salvage kit, a few shared space slots and one PoF-preparation bundle mainly because of the infinite gathering tools. I never bought a single skin or specially animated gathering tool or things like that, because they do not serve any other purpose than posing. But posing in GW2 is pretty hard due to open world and Mega Server and fast-paced gameplay and other mechanics. Everything is about time-efficiency, doing things as fast as possible, staying focused, not talking much - and every specific goal like legys or upgrading the Guildhall further support this because they require an incredible amount of items aka time - which counteracts visual cosmetics like skins and their reception entirely. At least I have the feeling to waste my time stopping and viewing skins of other players, if they ever happen to stand somewhere longer and not raptor-jump out of view. There is not a single ingame-feedback on the different skins, so they actually have no meaning in the game world. I know I do not need them, but I also do not even feel motivated enough wanting them at all. There should be related cosmetic things in the game that I miss when I don't have this or that skin, like e.g. npc-reactions to different skin-sets, or to be allowed to enter special places, or to get further information from a faction-mate, and so on. Small things like that. Currently it's up to us to create opportunities to decelerate game experience that concede enough time to actually give things like skins a meaning and the chance to be viewed more than a few shiny seconds while still having the feeling of being embedded in the game world doing something there. Like the walk/hike event on sunday, which probably is just a poor substitute but better than nothing.
  13. I also suffered from dcs in instanced content a lot (story, dungeons), mostly after cinematics (and interestingly in parties too when others finished watching despite I skipped it) and in dialogue sequences. It also happened once after a Vista cinematic in Core Tyria, where there were no animated objects, npcs or players visible in the video.I had success not getting dc'ed where previously I got kicked in several situations by limiting my fps and keeping my gpu busy by constantly jumping, running, using skills. But the most success in these situations I had after switching to the 32-bit client. Now I use the 64-bit one for every other content but before I go into dungeons or missions I start the 32-bit client instead. Both clients use the same data pool, so there are just a few launcher-files to download.
  14. I suggest to everyone who wants to show her/his dissatisfaction with ANets skin rng lootboxes ingame too to advertise and join the lootbox protest near Desider Atum in Metrica Province. Go to one of Hrouda's protest stations and pick up a protest sign (this is possible even after the heart was completed and it's also visible when mounted, see screenshot below). https://imgur.com/a/4OQ7r
  15. I bought several things in the shop before and only once a rng color pack which I regret because I got a color I already had. I could have bought more to finally get what I was hoping for, but I'm not this type of customer. Instead I decided to never ever buy such a pack again, because I do not allow any company to take advantage of desires converting them into more and more money by not satisfying them. In the worst case the wanted skin costs 12.000 gems and only if unwanted skins do not drop twice or more times. I do not support this greedy practice. But I'm pretty sure there are enough players who already bought and will buy them, thus encouraging ANet to continue to hide things behind rng. Because it's more profitable "earning" up to 240 $/€ from two people who can't stand not to get what they wanted, than 10 $/€ from fifteen who get what they wanted (included the two mentioned before). ANet takes advantage of unaccomplished desires and weaknesses in shopping behavior and in my opinion this is an unrighteous practice, I decide to not be a part of.
  16. yeah, camera rotation I forgot to mention =) It nevertheless is strange. I don't know what data is saved on our harddiscs but I assume the whole instanced dungeons/story chapters are. And that's where the dcs occur, because we don't get dcs in any other content, be it pvp, wvw or open world. It only happens in instanced areas. It's a programming issue and ANet programmers should resolve it.
  17. I have this bug frequently since PoF went live. It seems the mount is always loaded last, after everything else was loaded. It can take some time depending on the area but when the mount finally is loaded, the camera jumps to my character and the mounting animation shows up too.
  18. This solution helped some people: I found a different solution which also worked for me: go to graphics settings and limit fps to 30. Keep your graphics card busy during dialogue sequences by moving, jumping, using skills. This helped me a lot in various story missions and dungeons too where previously I always got a dc.
  19. I suggest to limit FPS to 30 in graphics settings and to keep doing something during dialogue sequences (running around, jumping, using skills) to keep the graphics card busy. My suspicion: it is a programming issue I also encountered in other games like ESO and Witcher 3: when the graphics card has nearly nothing to do in such sequences its usage drops significantly, but then when something should happen and in case fps are set to unlimited the card performs significantly high in less than a second. This high difference of voltage causes a gpu signal drop out for a milli- or even nanosecond and results in a disconnection (single player games would crash). In other games this can happen in dialogue sequences too or menues or inventory where the gpu usage drops to under 5% and suddenly jumps to 100%. The FPS limitation prevents the high voltage difference. And doing something keeps the gpu usage higher to prevent it even further. Edit:These dcs I also got in every single dungeon after watching a video or in the second after other party members finished to watch them. Yesterday and after limiting fps and doing something while the others watched I got no dc in Sorrows Embrace. I dared to watch the video in Citadel of Flame right before the last boss instead of cancelling it and guess what happened - I got a dc.But I was able to finish the second PoF Story mission on two characters where I always got a dc in the dialogue sequence right before I should get the fire extinguisher.
  20. I think I found a solution. At least it works for me: go to graphic settings and limit FPS to 30. The difference in story instances won't be that noticable. If FPS are set to unlimited this can cause a performance spike in the graphics card during dialogue situations where the card has nearly nothing to perform but then suddenly has to compute something. If FPS are limited the difference won't be that high and the spike won't happen. To be sure one also can run or use skills in these situations to keep the card busy. Edit:I could finish the first mission on two characters where previously I always got a dc during the dialogue at the moment where I should get the fire extinguisher. It now worked without dc on both characters :blush:
  21. There's only one that comes to my mind: the Enchanter Wizard in DDO. Though he has no illusions but charms enemies to make them fight at his side. The highest difficulty level dungeons have a charm duration hard cap, because it trivializes nearly every content. I'd love to see an elite specc for Mesmer similar to this playstyle but it probably will never happen.
  22. I still have this huge login window which covers almost my entire screen. It scales normally when I scale everything down to 100% (Win 10) but then everything else is nearly unreadable. So I switched back to the recommended 125%. I figured out it has something to do with dpi awareness. I don't know how to tell the login window to scale at 100% only without scaling everything else too. There are two windows: first a nearly full white one with GuildWars2, the ArenaNet Logo written in it which initializes and which is as small as before but then the login window appears which now is a giant one.
  23. The main two problems are that we are not allowed to accept more than one bounty at the same time and that their exact spawn locations can vary, at least normal bounties. If there is no train, grab a bounty, get there to a save spot nearby, activate mentor/commander, announce it to be started in 10 Minutes and if it is the legendary bounty add that 10+ ppl are required for success (to encourage about 6 to 8 to join in reality). PoF maps are rather huge and even with mounts players who are doing something on the opposite side need a certain amount of time to finish what the're doing and after that to get to your location. I did this a few days ago on all maps without existing trains with the legendary bounties and most people also were willing to wait the 10 minutes or glad to have 10 minutes left to travel there. The only risk is, that a player who also has accepted the bounty advances too close to its spawn location and the event starts earlier, but most of the time they all waited in range.All bounties appear again after 30 mins at the board, no matter whether won or lost before. If you can't see the scroll despite 30 mins passed, just relog/leave the map and return, then it should be visible.
  24. I got this dc once in the same situation and had to replay the whole mission. In the second try I left Joko alone and walked away towards the border of the map while he was talking behind me. Fortunately this avoided a second dc. I know these dcs very well, they frequently happen to me in dungeons too, when other party members watch their cutscenes. I often can avoid these when I run away far enough (but it never is clear what distance is enough, so it's a 50/50 chance to stay there or getting kicked). I don't know what exactly causes the dcs, all I can say they are related to dialogue a/o cutscenes. Edit:I also got a dc during the dialogue sequence after the boss fight in Glint's cave. Fortunately I had to replay the boss fight only (because it's separated by the portal from the previous mission-map).
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