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Everything posted by Odokuro.5049

  1. I'll be sure to check you guys out, it's sorta late here and I have stuff and things to do in the morning, sounds like a chill group though for sure.
  2. Hello y'all, older gamer here (35 y/o male) looking for an active PvX guild with the majority of members being in and around my age. I just recently came back to playing GW2 after a long break (Got burnt out doing the same ol' thing.) My home server is Dragonbrand, I used to be on Yaks Bend but transferred over just for a change in WvW community. I enjoy pretty much everything GW2 related, but mostly stick to Farming events/maps, dailies, WvW roaming/small-group, sPvP (Stronghold), and fractals. I would like to attempt to get into Raids, and am willing to learn a spec/setup if need be. I'm a pretty laid back guy, with a sarcastic perverse sense of humor, who just wants a guild/community to be part of, and be social with. I look forward to the responses I get, thanks in advance. P.S.: My timezone is EST -5
  3. TL:DR"A Boonbeast Ranger killed me, please nerf."
  4. Looking for a Core Ranger build that is built around conditions, I'm really enjoying Sword/Torch + SB and using commands such as "Protect me!" and "Sick Em!", along with the movement speed from Signet of the Hunt. I was going to go with Skirmishing/WS/BM and pick up cool down reductions for my weapon setup, along with cooldowns for the command skills, then whatever floats my boat after that. I'de be using Full Carrion until I can afford Vipers. Let me know what you all think, or what advice you have.
  5. I'de like to see the corruption of said Boons, that way as a Condi Rev I would have some cover conditions so my Torment isn't as easy to cleanse off, lol.
  6. Pretty much leveling up to 80, personal story, unlocking both e-specs, and that's about it. I am planning on using a Condi-Soulbeast for end-game pve content.
  7. What power weapon setup is good for a core ranger before I get into elite specs and alike? I like the feel of Axe/Axe + GS since I like having a ranged and melee option. But what are your thoughts?
  8. Trying to find a race to make my Rev, that isn't the common or "Go-to", race for this class/spec, that still has the Rev feel to it. So far I am very much considering Sylvari for it, it's not a common choice for one, and two, the race itself has a glow to go along with the color swirl the class has around the hand/forearm.
  9. Or have a squad of five players whos characters possess strong reveal skills, talents and alike to comb over the area. Surely this must be more entertaining than pressing "1" on your keyboard when you're in the blob. But this just may be an, "Odd", thought I have.
  10. I voted for, "Other", because a few of them sounded like they would make me get the next expac. New playable races, I would LOVE to play as a Dwarf for sure. (New playable races in general would be a awesome addition and bring in some fresh feels.)Additional usable weapons, would break up the current layout of weapons, and could lead to future new elite specs.Randomized World Boss spawns, like dynamic events popping up, more bosses, even hardcore ones, but the loot needs to reflect the difficulty for sure.
  11. No, but there are guilds like mine that take on newer players and returning ones too, that, need help relearning the game or need questions answered, that would be happy to recruit you. My guild is a mixed server, PvX guild, with a splattering of different timezones (EST/OCX/GMT) and likes to act like an online family opposed to just a roster of people, ect. Feel free to send me a mail in-game, we don't have many requirements and all of them are minor ones, so if you're interested, feel free to contact me. Best of luck in your adventures!
  12. I have wanted to play as a Dwarf since Guild Wars 1, I feel like they weren't added as a playable race, since a lot of people would have said, "WoW much?", but honestly if they made Dwarf a playable race, I would main Dwarf and be the Dwarven King.
  13. I'll be honest, once I understood what to do, and what to avoid and how, it wasn't anything besides time involvement at that moment. Besides you didn't need to stay on the platform with Scruffy you could go hang out on the steps below the platform and wait it out, dealing with the sparks by tossing the orbs onto them was a cinch once I found out where they where. But I will agree on the uselessness of the NPCs in general, they would pause before they started to attempt to revive you (That's if they did attempt.) and they all seem to be unaware of the fight going on and tend to just stand their either idle or glued to you and do little to nothing besides add dialogue here and there. Ohh and Braham needs to get that stick out of his, you know, or I'm going to drop kick him in the teeth.
  14. I voted for Sword Offhand. Reason:I feel that it would be cool to be like a Blade Dancer style assassin. Flashy engage/gap closing skill that allows you to dance around your target evading attacks all the while delivering a series of slashes and body blows to both weaken/cripple and apply vulnerability, an attack that fixes your target in spot and you use the other sword in a flurry of back and forth slashes, the last ability would be a stun with a backwards shadowstep allowing you to disengage to safety.
  15. After I noticed his rotation, and when he would syphon me in, I knew when to disengage and get away from him. After that, the fight was well easy in the way I wasn't going to die, but, took a while because he has a good amount of HP. Besides this is at the end of a very traumatic experience, and adds a lot of flavor to the story.
  16. I payed special attention to his rotation of skills, and when he places the small circle on the ground, I knew his follow up ability would be the syphon/pull in wombo combo. So I would get in, deal damage, then when the circle appeared I would get away from him and then when he was done, he would always rush me, so dodge, and then continue with my combo, repeated until he died.
  17. Happened to my twice in a row, was trying to form a group to finish up a Fractals related achievement, and had the same asuran tempest join my party and merge our group, with that of a squad doing what I believe was triple trouble... Can it be made that party leader is the only one enabled to merge, and for that fact, choose fractal level. Because this is getting me annoyed.
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