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Everything posted by Amarils.8916

  1. It kind of killed my fun with the spear to be honest i hope they fix the revealed on aa after using shattering assault.
  2. did you just say that ele....the class with 25 spells in their arsenal ....2 elements dedicated to protection and heals, have no utility ? did you just say a mesmer dont have burst damage ?
  3. im sorry what ? are you doing tier 1 lol ? t4 is full in LFG at reset and you can fill a group under a min every time of the day ...and for raid have you try to advertise one ? it fill in 2-5 min
  4. The way i see it they are release expansion lets say half the size of EoD and build on that sooner than what we had in the past so lets say you get the first 2 maps and 3 months later you get 2 new if you have the expansion and i really dont think they will stop adding Elite Specs they may not add it every expansion to get something different instead ( Tengu Playable ) and then add some other specs later just to space a bit the release.
  5. As an apology for this bug i want it to be part of the lore and have Evon Gnashblade said something about spamming the courrier
  6. i would also be interested in a thieve only guild i love that thematic
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