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Posts posted by Caedmon.6798

  1. 2 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

    Rank means nothing.

    Low rank could be an experienced PvP player entering WvW every now and then, could be an alt accout etc.

    On the other hand your high rank server mate could be a keyboardturning zergling that is instadowned in any 2v2 (e.g. when you defend a camp) and less of a threat than any sentry guard.

    And seriously, there would be more players insulting newbees as noobs and "go back to PvE" instead of offering constructive advices.

    Rank means experience. It doesnt mean that youre a good player but it means you know the game mode,or atleast should.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    If you haven't seen it, the June 28th update changed several Shadow Arts traits along with other trait lines and utilities.

    One direct nerf to stealth uptime is the new Meld with Shadows which no longer increases the duration of self-applied stealth.  So every time you stealth via Silent Scope, you no longer have that extra duration.

    I used to use my DE to farm Winterberry bushes in Bitterfrost Frontier, and it was by far the most expedient farming.  I didn't bother with stacking stealth duration.  Instead, I only relied on Silent Scope to stealth as I approached bushes, losing any aggro from the nearby NPEs, gather the berries, and mount up and zoom off as the stealth wore off.

    This was all possible because I used Glyph of Industry which reduces gather time by 50%.  It can be purchased on the TP or it comes with the Firestorm Logging Tool rotationally available through the Gem Store.  If you don't already have the Glyph of Industry, I think you'd find it indispensable for expedient farming.

    If you do find that you need longer uninterrupted stealth uptime, your only option is to continue using various stealth utilities and perhaps Hide in Shadows, which is now the only stealth heal since the update eliminated Concealing Restoration, in conjunction with the combo effects others mentioned.  The combos may seem awkward and spammy at first, but you can stack solid stealth duration from them to fill in the gaps between utilities.  And as mentioned, they can be done outside of combat, even when you're already stealthed.  However, In order not to waste existing stealth time by performing the combos in stealth, you should start off with the combos, then use utilities after.  Keep repeating as needed.

    Hope this helps.

    Youre talking about pve farming mats...like, who the f cares. The issue lies with PVP and WVW. Not gathering mats on a pve map.

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  3. On 6/27/2022 at 12:23 PM, Bazsi.2734 said:

    People think this is a good thing... but it's not. Going in and out of stealth as fast as possible is the way deadeye plays. You can figure out the rest...

    I dont think they can.

  4. Silent Scope needs to be 2 seconds.
    Stealth on Steal needs to come back.

    These 2 changes were made by someone having no clue about thief whatsoever,or simply wanting it destroyed. I'm not going in details because it's falling on deaf ears anyway,as this will.

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  5. It will still be fine though. Im mostly dissapointed with the Stealth removal on Steal in SA,if i read it right. Since that was an opener for an actual Spike,and not to really to hang in stealth with which is the biggest issue blobbers complain about,its a weird change.

    But hey atleast all their reflect spamm and projectile hate is still untouched !  Its all pretty much a joke to me at this point,whoever is balancing has little to no clue..Or theyre taking advice from the wrong people..*Cough* 😄

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  6. 17 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    In b4 everyone has that one or two exceptions of the only two people they know who still lay warrior for some unbelievable reason


    Seriously just look around the lobby and you’ll see barely any warriors anymore. 

    They all quit or rerolled. There’s no point to playing them in their current state. It’s so bad that players who left warrior now only fight for balance changes on their NEW rerolled class.


    Warrior is the untouchables of this game mode. Next week is their last chance or I fully give up hope they’ll do anything other than neglect until the servers shut down. Am not even kidding.

    Im sure the banner change will make warri's OP again in pvp/wvw......😊

    But like others said,warri is actually decent I think,sure some things are in need of changing,not gonna list it cus its been said dozens of times..but most other specs just outperform warri with less risk. I am interested to see what they will add to WH though.

  7. 20 minutes ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

    It just benefits the team with more players even more and just gives a +1 to bobbing. Gonna wait for the full patch notes but my expectations for how good the outcome of this will be is just pathetically low.


    They trying to push out roamers and solo players for years, so it doesnt even surprise me anymore. W/e ill just adapt as always and find my ways to make my kills anyway,bring it.

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  8. On 6/8/2022 at 10:45 AM, Karagee.6830 said:

    Allegedly I got reported by some genius from Jade Sea for cheating because I capped a camp, on a warrior, while he went invulnerable. They are all special cases on that server.

    It's funny though.I usually just respond to people explaining the mechanics but then they still usually proceed that im full of it. Had a guy pm my thief after I used shadow step Port + return. When I did that he instantly stood still and started to pm me that I just ported twice in a row and Im a hacker. Its just funny at times really.

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  9. On 6/12/2022 at 10:38 AM, Khaliifa.5623 said:


    as I written on title, 

    I wish to add fps limit option while in the background which kind like 'mute while in the background' option that already in the game.


    purpose is just saving power usage.

    I know, 'exit to desktop' is best for saving energy. but sometime we need short or long enough idle time even while playing game.


    I could imitate that by radeon driver software through the radeon chill option,

    but it does depends on actually load/activity, not a background states, so chill option make fps lower even while I playing game.

    definitely, that wasnot a proper method for the purpose.


    Right before you alt tab,and you know youre gonna alt tab for quite a while. Set the FPS limit to 30 Ingame + lower your resolution. This will lower temps and save energy aswell.I know it's not exactly what youre asking but its a solution nonetheless.

  10. 6 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

    There's a confession: Stealth is, in your own words, so overpowered that you NEED to buy items to try to counter it.


    ... and you're not fooling anybody: those items aren't sufficient because;

    • you have a hard limit on number of traps,
    • thrown painters just get evaded,
    • they cost supply and,
    • traps are static.

    Unpack a target painter. This trick marks up to 50 enemy players in the area for 30 seconds. Costs 10 supply to deploy. Cannot be avoided.
    Deployment Range: 1,200
    Effect Radius: 360

    They cant be evaded. You can use 2 throwables and even lay down a stealth trap if youre not good enough to fight a thief without using these tools when you have 25 supply. But the main point, The throwable cannot be evaded.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Virdo.1540 said:

    Exactly. If you cant beat them, join them.

    I had issues years ago fighting vs thieves on my warri. I didnt understand a thing of it,how often they could stealth and port. Then i had a few buddies in my guild that taught me their mechanics and eventually I picked up thief myself and learned their mechanics and noticed its a very different playstyle as any other spec,close to mesmer and not as easy to pull off as I thought it was.

    From there I could counter them on my warri. And thief became my main class soon after it. People just complain without bothering,if you dont bother you shouldnt complain.

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  12. On 6/10/2022 at 6:52 PM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    Limiting the amount of projectiles that can be blocked/reflected would hurt smaller grps the most, because the more players, the easier it is to overcome that limit. So no, bad idea. If anything, it's the amount of players protected by aoe reflects that should be looked at. But having defenses that can't be powered through by sheer numbers is a good thing.

    It would actually give smaller groups a better chance vs boonball groups that share reflect/block pretty much forever.

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  13. 45 minutes ago, kokocabana.8153 said:

    Let's pretend that the entire Anet marketing department is looking at this thread for ideas on how to make a better trailer. Have you provided them any constructive feedback on how to improve their trailers other than to go watch Destiny/ESO trailers on Youtube?

    Throwing more money at it? I already discussed the limited budget and audience reach.

    Create a more narrative style trailer with in-game characters we are familiar with showing up? That's an idea, but you didn't mention that.

    Did you not realize my thread was a Question ?

    I should tell Anet on how to improve their trailers ?! I gave a few simple examples on what proper trailers are,you expecting me to tell Anet on how to do it is a bit wild isnt it ? Im not a developer.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, kokocabana.8153 said:

    Let's re-frame your claims into something simpler:

    "Chocolate ice cream is good ice cream. Strawberry ice cream is not good ice cream. More people like good ice cream. It's been that case since the early 90s."

    If this line of reasoning sounds dumb to you, then it should because there is absolutely nothing to back up my claim that chocolate is better than strawberry.

    Not really. I think theres a clear difference between the trailers I posted compared to what Gw2 puts out. I dont understand these comments really,its about me wanting anet to put this game out more but somehow people are against it in some way.

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  15. 9 minutes ago, kokocabana.8153 said:

    I understand if you don't like the GW2 trailers and you like the Destiny/ESO ones. That is a perfectly valid opinion, however you are claiming that proper game trailers bring in more new players and GW2 trailers don't. What criteria or metrics is this based on?


     Thats been the case since the early 90's really.

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  16. Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

    Again, are you going to explain yourself here or are we to believe these vague interpretations are the best you are going to throw at us?

    What are you even on about ? I just told you,their trailers are terribly made. Thats not vague,thats pretty straight forward.

    But it seems youre only looking for attention now so ill leave you at it.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:


    It doesn't do much ... but they do ... I love when people contradict themselves. 

    Im not contradicting myself I was talking about Proper trailers like the ones I posted that bring in new people. The trailers from Gw2,Didnt do much. Its hard reading isnt it. I dont even understand why youre trying to fight me some random bs that doesnt make sense about me wanting gw to bring in more people,go do something useful man

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