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Posts posted by Rico.6873

  1. @"Fellwitch.4536" said:


    Do you know how many Black Lion scrap things I got?

    6-7. I already had two I believe, thus bringing my total to 9.

    How many scrap items = one Black Lion Claim Ticket? 10.

    So basically, 21 bucks down the drain, didn't get a single good item.

    I can understand trying to make money off of this stuff, but frankly, I got pretty scr3w3d on this deal.I had absolutely NO problem spending the money in the first place, but I guess my assumption I would actually get one of those weapon skins was completely in la-la-land.

    Lesson learned. How likely am I going to be in the future to spend money and buy gems?


    You can buy scraps using black lion stattues


    The more you know

  2. If you like a challenge, completing the raid achievements will give you a full armor ascended gear"The achievement for the legendary armor"

    Doing raids (which require Exotic armor with the right stats) can also give you free ascended weapons if your luckyWith a higher chance then fractals

    Find a static if you want a higher chance to complete and learn them

  3. The class is underpowered and needs buff for PVEIts OP in PVP and maybe WvW

    They could have fixed it by disabling Toolbar abilities when entering forge modeBut noooo they had to nerf PVE and they disabled the trait that requires you to let you end forge mode with a blastby disabling toolbelt skills when waiting for the forge mode to recover...

    Still salty about that change..Engineer is not OP in PVE! but Its OP in PVP (WvW)....

  4. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @alain.1659 said:Well all these arguments are nice and dandy but please find a solution without destroying the core engi. Delete holo I dont care. But nerfing core utilities without giving proper buffs would destroy the profession altogether.

    Please play core engi for a month in this meta with success. Then talk again. You can barely compete with core power yet you offer several nerfs claiming them to be small. If you had proposed buffs for core with the nerfs that would be something to think about.

    These changes can be made in conjunction with buffs to core kits. However, balance has to start somewhere.

    If core engi is already unviable, these changes wouldn't make a difference in terms of how much it's played in ranked. You can't justify Holo being overtuned because core engi is underpowered. That's horrible reasoning lol

    You are seeing what you want to see there. I do not justify holo. As I told you you can delete the friggin spec altogether, hell if I care. But it is wrong to nerf the core profession without giving it a chance to be valid. As you are the one that offered the nerfs, you can also state some possible buffs to make it up for the core.

    For example just like elite specs I always thought that core should have a unique set of utility/heal/elite set that elitrs cannot use. Heck even a traitline that is not usable by elite specs would be better to balance the game. I know that this is not a good one but still it is an idea to make core specs viable.

    Balance should start with balance. Not with overnerfing.

    This discussion is about holosmith, not core engi. I do not have to suggest buffs to core engi simultaneously in order to justify my suggestions.

    The adjustments I proposed are very mild and reasonable. If you disagree, feel free to explain why.

    When you talk about someone else (core engineer) it will be included in your discussion even if it isn't the main courseYour nerfs affect core engineer with minimal effect to holo, which will make the chances you propose less likely to happen causeAnets stance is to make core and other professions viable , each with their own drawbacks

    I myself think holo should get pay for their forge modeWhere instead of losing health when your forge mode is full you would pay health to enter forge mode

    I do think some abilities would need some changing not nerfed but changedputting the stealth part on another potion or replacing it would help for starters

  5. The speed buff feels underwhelming at the moment

    Why not give every time the speed boon is applied for the first time

    a 25/50/75% speed buff for 1/1.5/2 seconds with a 10/15/20 seconds cooldown?

    While Superspeed gets a 200/400% speed buff for 1/2 sec with a 30/60 sec cooldown when applied at first cast

  6. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @Swagger.1459 said:Yeah, unfortunately feeling entitled to getting everything for free is a thing.Imagine you are building a house on some acreage. Your best bud lends you a few power tools.It takes two years, for the sake of the argument.All of a sudden, right as you are about to finish building the house, your boss shows up on your property and says "nope, these power tools are mine now, and you will be paying me a fee for every power tool you have exceeding the quantity of 3".

    So ... are you a yes man? Or not

    That’s a horrible analogy and doesn’t even fit.

    We get 3 free, buy more if ya need more. And what do you think the devs put food on the table by volunteering at Anet?

    Seriously, shame on anyone who thinks they are entitled to be handed every little thing for free. Y’all get 3 free, so be grateful for that...

    Hope they add more to packages/expansion offers/bundles ^^

  7. @Danikat.8537 said:If you're doing a story instance in a party and one person drops out is it possible for them to rejoin the instance? I've never tried that myself but I know it works with dungeons and if story instances are the same it could be a solution to this problem - go in with another player, and then if you drop out you can rejoin. And if you still want to beat the boss by yourself you could ask them to just wait out of the way somewhere.

    afraid that once someone leaves the instance they cant come backHeart and mind end boss from Hearth of Thorns expension comes to mind

  8. @ZDragon.3046 said:

    @OutOfOrder.3719 said:It sounds like this change to the Scourge Shade mechanic will nerf PvP and PvE builds hard, and do nothing to address WvW large scale battles. what the kitten ??

    It wont really be a nerf in pve at all it will just require the player to pay slightly more attention to deal damage specifically for end game content.In pvp it is a nerf because scourge now is an easier target if it summon a shade.in wvw well... better get your anti tox runes.


    But that said i mean if they make scourge subpar in every mode what is it suppose to do.

    Think about how this affects dpsing moving targets....

    Scourge was not suppose to be a dps that might be part of the problem.

    That said if you want to dps a moving target then dont summon a shade and move next to said target then use shade skills like every other form of necro... but you dont have a true shroud or hard defensive tools....

    hmmmm problem seems to go back to core necro woops...

    power dps aye but it was meant to be a condi dps

  9. @Vagrant.7206 said:

    @Stallic.2397 said:Too bad Holo's don't use barrier, cause then the next patch will bring them down a little from god tier.

    Who else thinks warriors will be the next top side-noder?

    You do know that the same trait that gives corona burst stability also gives it barrier, right?

    That barrier is little which can be burned away easily while the amount of time the barrier lasts is shortbut if the warrior times it right he could insta destroy the holo yes

  10. @KidRoleplay.3615 said:

    @KidRoleplay.3615 said:Three fractals. You forgot Twilight Oasis. And I personally dislike any of them that transform my character into something ugly.

    Yes your right I did forget about the Human/Awakened we played in the Joko/Twilight Oasis Event/FractalThank you for reminding me, updated my original post.

    Though I'm not sure Twilight Oasis counts as a Human event, It felt more like a Awakened event to me

    Oh, it counts alright. You're ex-Sunspears, and that was an exclusively human thing. Plus, after Joko revives you, you dont even look zombieish. Unless that's what comes later.

    Joko/Sunspear events counts as a transformation Human event got it!Still think the humans could have something more but I can't think of what so (Crosses humans of the list)I'll let the humans go for now :P

    I myself would be interested in the fall of the spirits Norn fractal Event where we can do a powerful spirit attack on mobsAh that gives me the GW1 vibes mhhh

  11. Complete the rune and you can copy/paste it on every every armor slot you desire?(Salvaging that armor would not get you another legendary rune/sigil because its a copy of the original one, destroying/salvaging the copied rune would just make it go poof)

    Though tying the legendary rune to the Mesmer Profession would be fittingA Legendary rune/sigil that can create Illusions so powerful that are as strong as the original

  12. @KidRoleplay.3615 said:Three fractals. You forgot Twilight Oasis. And I personally dislike any of them that transform my character into something ugly.

    Yes your right I did forget about the Human/Awakened we played in the Joko/Twilight Oasis Event/FractalThank you for reminding me, updated my original post.

    Though I'm not sure Twilight Oasis counts as a Human event, It felt more like a Awakened event to me

  13. @Schimmi.6872 said:

    @Schimmi.6872 said:What's the problem with the existing tonics, you can use the miniature tonic under water too?

    you cant use any tonic underwater?At least I tried to use one with the fractal one but It didnt work

    I don't know if all work, I just tried the Endless Miniature Tonic in two fractals (Aetherblade included), because it might be the best for your use and you can also fight while using it.(

    Thx didnt know that could fix my problem! :open_mouth:

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