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Posts posted by Saharo.5381

  1. @otto.5684 said:

    Medi trapper with ToF is the only functional setup with traps. FYI most of the damage comes from ToF passing in and out and LB 3. No one will ever sit in PB and it has not tools to keep enemies inside of it. Dragon maw is a terrible skill. If I am willing to play without RIi would go for feel my wrath not that none functional trap. And I would not. You need the sustainability to be all to even remotely contend.

    Really? I was under the impression ToF was not common anymore. I'd say over 75% of the DHs I've been seeing through Gold for past two or so seasons run Maw or PoB, if not both. Maybe I'm just seeing the same players. Is the meditrap build you're talking about LB/SwSh, or LB/GS? I know ToF damage comes from crossing the trap, but I've seen people dodge the F1 spear/tether fairly often and DHs only get one pass with the LB knockback.

  2. @Koen.1327 said:Hostile traps have red rings around them

    thank you, I'll probably need to turn up my graphics & pay more attention to the base of the trap and not the huge animation in the case of Dragon's Maw.

    @Tharan.9085 said:But why would anyone run those two traps?

    Dragon's Maw and Blades are extremely common for an offensive DH to run in PVP. Most people don't bother with Meditrapper/Test of Faith anymore since the burst is pretty mediocre.

  3. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @"Saharo Gravewind.5120" said:When I say "set by an enemy DH" I don't mean show me a red/blue/whatever colored symbol when it's set on the ground, a set trap should remain hidden since it's... a trap. Upon activation, there should be a way for you to distinguish friendly traps from enemy traps.

    @"Fueki.4753" said:There is one way to distinguish between friendly traps or not: check which team the DH is on.There rarely are matches with more than one DH.

    DH traps are light blue because it's there theme colour.There is literally no reason for the traps to be red.

    So there is no reason for enemy AOEs to appear different from friendly AOEs? All other AOEs can be distinguished.

    I've been in plenty of matches with more than one DH. Is "it's uncommon therefore a nonissue" really your answer? lolIf there are 3 DHs on one node, doing a rollcall is utterly useless. I'd like to know whether or not I should waste my roll dodges when traps are triggered because I would obviously want to dodge enemy ones and am fine standing in friendly ones, as with any AOE.

    Actually you shouldnt dodge the trap but the cc

    Ahh yes I can dodge the CC which is not in any way related to the visual cue of a Dragon's Maw triggering.It can also be useful to dodge the non-CC traps like Procession of Blades, unless you recommend standing in those too...

  4. When I say "set by an enemy DH" I don't mean show me a red/blue/whatever colored symbol when it's set on the ground, a set trap should remain hidden since it's... a trap. Upon activation, there should be a way for you to distinguish friendly traps from enemy traps.

    @"Fueki.4753" said:There is one way to distinguish between friendly traps or not: check which team the DH is on.There rarely are matches with more than one DH.

    DH traps are light blue because it's there theme colour.There is literally no reason for the traps to be red.

    So there is no reason for enemy AOEs to appear different from friendly AOEs? All other AOEs can be distinguished.

    I've been in plenty of matches with more than one DH. Is "it's uncommon therefore a nonissue" really your answer? lolIf there are 3 DHs on one node, doing a rollcall is utterly useless. I'd like to know whether or not I should waste my roll dodges when traps are triggered because I would obviously want to dodge enemy ones and am fine standing in friendly ones, as with any AOE.

  5. Agree that clutch rezzing is one of the most fun things in sPVP, especially when you're coordinating with the downed player. Denying a kill is more satisfying than getting the kill imo. Pretty much the only thing keeping me playing Scrapper & FB.

    Rezzing favors neither side -- side with fewer players can stick around an be a nuisance for longer, but if the side with more players keeps rezzing then you can't make a dent in them.

    I'd argue that rallying feels like it helps the side with fewer players more, but technically it's probably also neutral. If you're 3v4ing and get a kill which rallies your 2 comrades that's a real lifesaver and you feel like you toughed it out. If you're 4v3ing and you have to rally 2 comrades off a kill you'd feel like you threw your advantage and got lucky.

  6. @Ghos.1326 said:

    @Revolution.5409 said:The problem is that in PvP there are professions that do too many things with a single build and are Firebrand, Holosmith and SB.

    Would anyone explain to me why pets should get nerfs?

    Because when a rock gazelle can legit smack you for 10k, on top of all of your high damaging strikes to add, it tends to get a bit unfair. I mean, why should that be a thing at all? hitting 10k with a pet? No thanks. Nerf everything, all the things that are overperforming currently, bring it down. Let the fire of justice rain down hard.

    High damaging strikes? Any ranger that is hitting you that hard on non-burst strikes is going to be be glassy, so I wouldn't say its unfair. DPS rangers can't clear condi. Even when it is a burst, if it's a DPS dealing ranger, he's probably running GS. Which has arguably the most predictable and easy to read animations.

    Holo or Spellbreak can hit you for a huge amount too, and they have other annoying spec mechanics that are more OP than a pet. And not AI-based. They'll hit you for that 10k and then each of their individual strikes will actually be /high damaging/.

    Pet nerfs would hurt all ranger builds. Absolutely no point.

    1. Holo - Lacks tradeoffs for all that CC, stab, mobility, invul... aaaand wasn't heat supposed to have actual downsides if not managed properly? Feel like they get away with too much here.
    2. Spellbreaker - Highest health pool + high DPS + CC + mobility + condi mitigation + decent heals, all at the same time? Offers too much.
    3. Weaver - Can be tanky as hell and hit hard then evade... but for the skill it takes to play and the overall lower number of Weavers I encounter, I'm not too upset.

    Surprised so many people say FB is OP. Being the only viable class in a role does not automatically equal OP... that's on Anet for nerfing other healing/support specs in to the ground and then some. FB it is strong, but it's not like a weaker healer will do peanuts against other hard hitters in this meta. Unless it's a solo build, FB success is very dependent on the skill of the team.

    Also Soulbeast & Boon Beast... Soulbeast burst animations are among the easiest tells. Sic 'Em Sniper? Glass cannon. Just keep your eyes open or listen for rapid fire and you should be fine. They don't have blocks or condi cleanse... After the unblockable nerf a few seasons back DPS Soulbeast doesn't give too many problems. Boon Beast is annoying but they don't hit too hard since they're trading for sustainability. If you're not equipped to duel... then they become very annoying.Fix glitches with pets, yes, but pets are nowhere near OP. Would be sad to see one of the few decent Ranger builds be taken away because of whiners.

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