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Everything posted by Rongaron.9213

  1. I have one issue with warrior for sure, as long as i can accept wvw/pvp nerfs with every patch for last few years and more years to come for sure, knowing how much Anet LOVE to skirtt warrior i want know one thing - WHY PVE NERFS
  2. i dint felt those were win buttons, even if you still need to put TOO much effort than those are worth it, unlike harbringers one stun and bombarding you with condi damage (Wich of course still are untouched/reworked after too f long, Anet Have to see how damaging conditions are overtuned in general because of thier stackable mechanic, and they should change/remove stackable aspect of condi dmg skills and i dont give a damm if it will nerf condi warriors as well but atleast it wont be a dominating factor in every mode, eventualy Anet, give us Stat wich reduce condi damage like armor reducing strike damage (And dont come at me with that 33% resolution boon because it is absolute DOG 4 letters)
  3. i would say the shame kodan kitten about Harbringers if Warrior as dps cant have damage why the kitten Harbringer still can?
  4. meanwhile warriors for past few years in endless nerfhell "first time?"
  5. we had "needed" nerfs for FAR too long by now, atleast several past paths got us nothing but nerfs (rarely was a some weak buff wich dint change a jack &*(^ )
  6. And i thing every Thief spec should be nerfed as much as warrior for past few patch (Atleast)
  7. Yeah even there was a time when Even non warrior mains start asking for real buffs for us but no, even then Anet dont give a flying 4 letters while they LOVES to demonstrate it
  8. and when Warrior staff was broken?! healing was easy to deal with if you are condi build class (necromancers and poisions helo?) and that snap pull time increaste, it just not a nerf but its now as much buggy as bladesworn elite!
  9. Meanwhile Warrior gets nerfs for PAST DEKADE BY NOW including FK|N PvE and support weapon, and now snap pull is clunky as f!
  10. I do you better, i have Obsidian heavy armor set (except boots) with abyss and gold dyes only! and red cape, i dare anyone to steal my drip 😄
  11. "Oh nooess some charr copied my 3tier cultural armor piece and rest of elegy armor set with radian pink dyes on them u.u ill report him/her for copying my fashion" really people we goin to make this world burn if we goona throw tauntrims over something like that
  12. I dont get what people are mad about new freature, Wow and others games have same kind of freature but in our game its a bad thing? guys get your dolyak and skritt &*^% together people 💢🤦‍♂️
  13. ok seems now ok and honestly idk how to show crash log, there command for it?
  14. Nothing, literaly nothing, even if i log into game ill get crashed in less than minute later
  15. like in tittle, since newest build tonight i kept crashing before login in into game
  16. Change the way of damage condis working, instead of stacking damage, change it to flat damage and duration time stackable so it wont be so overpowered (especialy since there no real counter stat to condi damage)
  17. same thing, just checked it myself, like allways Warrior's updates is poorly executed
  18. same thing happens to me
  19. by casters and others you mean thief or harbringers fanboys who cang get over being killed by warrior by somekind of big mirracle or maybe just they are bad at it (btw im not consider myself as hight skilled player at all, but warrior, in compare to others classes is pretty outgunned when comes to kits, skills and stats even, try beat perva evade/teleport thiefs or "One skill and one shot rotation" Harbringer as condi warrior even, i wish you a fgL
  20. Since when Warrior is unkillavle duelist? you sure you play same game as i do?
  21. well tbh i played warrior only for years and never felt overpowered (skill is one thing and i never considered myself a pro gamer at all, problem is how warrior feels inferior compare to other classes (even in Pve thanks to damm elitists) , unless you meet a total plants on battlefield )
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