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Posts posted by Etria.3642

  1. @Edward.8904 said:

    @Randulf.7614 said:So you would be asking Anet to make a mode which actually encourages a player not to spend money?Nope, I think the game mode appeals to people who aren't currently willing to spend more money or willing to spend money to begin with.There is also a misunderstanding in your post that vets cap themselves from buying new items, spending more money or getting new fashions. That is not the case with GW2Strongly disagree, but that's alright. Even Content Creators like Wooden Potatoes suggest that this is a problem with the end game.You also can’t untie things that are account shared for one character. Once unlocked it is unlocked for everything so it couldn’t be a new char it would have to be a new account and I can’t see why they would invest time into making something with little financial gain.Yeah, this is what would take the longest. I think that it would make a lot of money on a long time horizon and if someone wanted to only play SSF Characters (Say, 1-4 professions) it would be per character and that would make a decent chunk of change, more than expacs\LW especially considering the dev time!

    There are so many problems and changes they’d have to make (limiting legendaries for eg) just to make it workI think the limiting of legendaries are a feature, not really a problem!

    So you want anet to devote time and money to a game mode that is aimed at, let me confirm, people who do not want to spend money.

    Not people who haven't spent money but might if you do this but who don't want to spend money. Who aren't willing to spend money. Who, by the very request, would have to spend time on a character that would never benefit from spending money.

    This is akin to asking a subscription game for a special character slot that gets the benefits of the game but doesn't ever require a subscription.

    It may or may not be cool for players but I can't wrap my head around it making any business sense.

    And as for my personal opinion I've kinda tried to do this myself but I get fed up with not using mounts somewhere around the sixth heart in queensdale.

  2. @magnusthorek.8027 said:

    @"yorick.1305" said:Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies

    The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).

    The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<

    So even IF you can do map comp in two weeks (which I cannot) the comparison is inadequate since you can get a gift of battle in roughly four hours.

    And of course, you still have to do all the hearts, all the points of interest, and all the vistas. I am also assuming that two weeks included buying the waypoint unlocks from the gem store which is far from cheap. You also have to have spent enough time in wvw to GET the hero point unlocks.

    I will stand by gift of battle being one of the easiest and fastest parts of a legendary.

  3. I sold everything and bought exotics? I didn't feel getting a ton of mats on map completion was not meaningful. Course, I did full on 100% completion before moving on to HoT despite my friends wanting me to hurry and get gliding and such. I mean, core Tyria is such a tiny bit of the game, I know that now, but back then I thoroughly enjoyed map completion. I absolutely WANTED the title that came with it. Also I hit 80 well before map comp, and also, should I have needed karma, map comp will actually get you a ton. I also was doing world bosses for the achievements and THOSE give a ton also.

    I guess what it really boils down to is please don't make crafting obligatory ESPECIALLY for new players.

  4. This used to be a thing, may be still. When I was farming the shells for a precursor there were regular squads. Can't tell you if they stopped or continued. The trouble with it, is that 15 people is actually the ideal number. When you get to 30 suddenly they die too fast--if you didn't get a hit in that penetrated, no reward for you.

  5. Aside from crafting, raids were the fastest for me. Not only do magnetite shards add up quickly but ascended pieces drop regularly as well.

    Also crafting in this game is pretty easy ASIDE from scribe which is a ginormous grindy expensive tedious... Anyway use a guide. You can even buy the time-gated mats.

    If attaining ascended and then quitting is your only reason for playing you picked a pretty easy to attain reason to quit. Ascended isn't an end game goal at all.

  6. @"TPMN.1483" said:I wonder what happens when the OP decides they would like the legendary conflux ?


    Requires 4 Gift of Battle and 6 weeks for 20+ hrs of WvW -)


    Actually it takes 5. You need 4 to purchase an item and 1 for gift of the mists.

    That all said with high ping I highly discourage following a zerg. Not only are they a group but they usually like fighting other groups which makes it worse.

    Just go and repair walls, kill sentries, escort or kill yaks. Take ruins, kill veterans- the ones with the event circle. Keep in mind participation doesn't vanish when you logout so you can leave with tier 6 and return still with tier 6. Do as many dailies as you can and use boosts. This is honestly probably the easiest part of a legendary. Also keep in mind that running with a Zerg does NOT make it go faster. You get your progress every five minutes no matter what you're doing. Just keep your participation up.

  7. Actually, I was thinking. Instead of requesting gold for the item(s) that sold, simply request the item replaced. Then sell it again. I realize this is adding yet another layer of complexity, but if support CANNOT return gold, then at least the item is back. The glitched weapons, or precursors, or legendaries, or whatnot.

    They can at that time also look at whether the item was duped, since I've heard several reports of that. Yes, it does essentially add another of whatever item it was, but I can't think of ANYTHING that would be hurt by adding a few. Presumably support would look a little more closely at before/after on accounts with the high ticket things, infusions and the like, but still. For those who genuinely lost on that gold, it would be something.

  8. I have to laugh at this, to be honest. It's like a Merry-go-round of fail.

    Player: I am missing gold! I submitted a report and it was denied!Forum respondent: Anet says to submit a ticket and wait.Player: ...

    Uh, wait for what? Support said no, which in my opinion, is the wrong answer. I am going to assume that those who received the no answer submitted appeals(at least I hope they did) but with zero outcry about it, chances are the company would deny the appeal. By posting about, and bringing awareness to, this gross betrayal of trust in the game's market, hopefully that will cause the appeals to get approved.

    At this point, since this could happen at anytime, do we trust the tp at all? Before this happened, and the responses from Anet, I would have said GW2's market was the best in any game I have ever seen. Now. Yeah, not so much.

  9. The original way swtor handled it was to simply remove all no longer available achievements. They are just gone. There was an outcry, so now they set any earned but no longer available ap's to zero.

    I don't like either option, even though it does level the playing field. In fact, this is one of my points in favor of guild wars 2 when debating the two with friends. There was a very convoluted secret achievement on Makeb that came in sections. I personally only earned about 3/4 of it, but friends got the whole thing. Now it's simply gone. Yuck.

    I think the solution to the competition is to just keep competing. Folks do eventually miss events, dislike certain achievements, etc.

  10. I hope everyone who lost anything should get their items and gold replaced.

    I am NA so did not in this case lose anything, but to compare: in a SWTOR quest, it bugged, and could be replicated yet when I requested my money back(1.875 million) the customer rep who contacted me had to login to my account to duplicate it. He did duplicate it. SWTOR removed the event following this duplication. But he told me, "I see you have plenty of credits, you'll make this back today."

    I was, and am, still furious. Just because yes, I play the market there does NOT mean my millions are less hard-earned than a player who only has a couple.

    So I truly truly hope that Anet does not make this same mistake. 100 gold is 100 gold and worth replacing whether that account has 5 gold, 100 gold, 1000 gold or a million gold. If the player cares enough to make a ticket, IT MATTERS TO THEM. Do not brush off or treat it as "inconsequential".

  11. It's funny how some people really like certain things and others don't.

    For me the absolutely worst thing about season 2 was Caithes memories. Before that I liked her. After that I totally and utterly had zero respect. I loathed that entire mess. I am still working my way gradually back through ls2 for achievements and am dreading replaying that atrocity. It kind of reminded me about those morality experiments they did in the seventies, where they would pretend to torture someone in the next room while doing a job interview to see how many people would interfere when given a reason for the excruciating screaming.

    But that is just my opinion. I am glad others like it.

  12. @AliamRationem.5172 said:

    @"battledrone.8315" said:so, will you give me 100s of gold, so i can EXPERIMENT with builds and runes at max level?

    Changing traits and skills doesn't require gold. And getting the gold needed to experiment with new builds is easy provided you play the game

    You don't understand. The guy is talking like reaching 80 is an achievement, despite "playing" the game for years. This is the perspective of a player who doesn't really play the game much and yet would like it to be tailored to his every whim. Ignore.

    Agreed as I haven't seen them respond to the helpful comments, instead overreacting after someone bites on their "give me gold" bait.

  13. After I bought all those priced at less then 10g on the tp NATURALLY those were the ones that then dropped for me. I gave the extras that she didn't have to my daughter, holding onto the others but final tally was 14 weapons dropped, doing 4-6 glitches daily, missed one day, didn't do any.

    Here's one of those odd superstitions though. USUALLY it was just myself and one daughter, sometimes with friends. Our luck was horrible. BUT when we had a certain friend along, that is when we got most of our drops. Not all friends, just that one. And it affected not just me, but him and my daughter too. I know, I know, just rng, but weird rng. Like, we went 0/6 4 days straight, but if we had him along, ALL of us got AT LEAST one drop. Some chests all 3 of us got the drop. Yesterday I was, how about we wait for X, and do the dailies then...and when he logged on, sure enough. We each got a drop. Not a large enough sample size but dang, I am half-tempted to haul him to a couple infusion bosses.

  14. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:If anything it’s not even close to being as difficult as it used to be.

    It's still a big leap I'd say.

    @DisabledVelociraptor.7865 said:The leap in difficulty from the personal story to heart of thorns is insane... forgive me for complaining here but this is kitten near unenjoyable..

    At first, yes. After a while, it will help you train your player skills and getting
    a lot
    better, which will prepare you for other endgame content. :)Most of the new players never reach that point. They simply quit.Just saying.

    @"bOTEB.1573" said:And this is why HoT maps are constantly full compared to PoF.Challenging content (map-wide events) is just better and healthier for the game and the player base.It's not the challenge. It's the rewards. PoF lacks the draw the HoT metas have.Notice by the way, that the few PoF metas that do exist, are either completely unrewarding, harder on average than HoT ones, or both.

    PoF metas are now very much rewarding, and a few are easy enough bots are taking advantage. Getting a hero's choice chest from there is now not only an amalgamated but also 3 rare unids PLUS chances at tasty things that sell for bunches. And now they are attracting the necessary core group of players who know them so it makes it much easier for new folks following along. BUT that said HoT metas have the treasure mushroom advantage: you can try your luck for invis footwear while waiting for the metas. PoF you pretty much either stand around waiting or maybe do a race.

    I do like that they are different but also HoT with mounts and all masteries is an entirely different and much more enjoyable beast than without. Add in a skyscale and woah. Easylife.

  15. I prefer to just buy gems. Incidentally I spend more on gems for this game ($35 a month) than I spend on a subscription for swtor ($15) and because you can buy everything on their cartel market for credits there is zero reason to buy cartel coins.

    This may be why gw2 releases more content.

    I mean, technically gw2 already has a difference between ftp and purchased and that is not an insignificant one. Adding a sub would make the difference more vast. In addition gw2 markets itself with the attraction that you CAN take a break without suffering. Your armor is still best in slot, nothing degrades. Just login to get the episodes and if you miss one you can buy it with gold.

    Tldr: no.

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