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Posts posted by Etria.3642

  1. "It's possible we just disagree about it then, since I haven't hit the cap and have daily AP available to me, yet don't feel a sense of urgency to go after them instead of the permanent fixtures. If there were no cap, it would reward people who log in every single day to do their dailies and they could potentially zip past me in their AP counts, but it wouldn't hurt me in any way, so that urgency isn't universal. I pick at it when I can, and would continue to do so cap or no cap."

    Because there currently is a cap, indeed there is no urgency. We do agree about that. I or you or anyone can decide that we don't want to complete the daily today and we lose nothing save the opportunity for 2 gold. Eventually we will reach the 15k cap. I might reach it sooner than you, my daughter will reach it sooner than me, others may already be there. I am over halfway, and indeed, there are many many days when I do not complete it. I play a festival, or work on season 2 ap, or help a guildie with his skyscale, or do raids, or literally anything I feel like. My opportunity cost is 2 gold, which can easily be made up in other ways.

    Should that cap be removed, the opportunity cost is 2 gold AND 10 ap which CANNOT be made up. Doing a different achievement does not make up the loss; it would have been in addition to it.

  2. @Poormany.4507 said:

    @tmorrow.5189 said:This kind of inflexible achievement is why i'm losing interest in GW2. They did the same thing with dragonfall's war eternal, where for mastery, you need all 18 achievements with no choices. What's wrong with offering some options, there is heaps of content to choose from? I don't mind if the achievements they offer are difficult or challenging, I just want some choices so I don't have to play one way. Not everyone wants to grind out strike missions all the time.

    Agreed - the recent achievements have also made me lose much interest in even bothering with achievements at all. The ones in the Saga are not even mostly difficult, just extremely time gated and grindy. The worst ones for me are the ones that require you to compete with other players for completion (i.e. many of the newest strike mission ones) and the ones that require you to do the same exact events 25+ times.

    I found it's easiest to get ones where other players can help or hurt completion by just going in by yourself or maybe one friend and doing them. I much preferred having this option over the, as you mention, repeating it 20 times.

  3. @AgentMoore.9453 said:

    @Jojo.6140 said:Also, the more AP are available through dailies, the less valuable the AP from permanent achievements become. And the latter require much more effort and playtime in general.

    That may seem to be the case except for the small caveat that permanent achievements are, well, permanent.

    You can do as many or as little as you want within any time frame and always get the maximum amount of points on offer. Daily achievements are timegated (and missing a day means you miss your shot at them), meaning it will always be more beneficial to go after story and gameplay achievements if your goal is to accrue large numbers of AP.

    If they removed the cap, you have that backwards. It would ALWAYS be more beneficial to go after the points that will disappear. removing the cap on dailies would essentially mean adding 365 mini festivals of dailies. Miss one, miss 10 ap. You can always go after story and gameplay achievements after getting the ap that will vanish. This, as I and others have said, means the others are always less important.

  4. Absolutely not. I used to think they should, too, but they really cheapen achievement points in general.

    Don't look at it as incentive to login. Think of them as freeing you from feeling OBLIGATED to login.

    If you actually want to play the game, and get the NEW achievement points, you'll have to actually play. If you don't want to I suspect that indeed, you don't want to play.

  5. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Etria.3642 said:T6 get the most use for me, because I use them, but there are a few choices. GW2 efficiency can help you decide what to make. If you don't have a copper/silver/rune salvage kit, you can use them to make very good salvage kits.

    You sure you dont mix up spirit shards with mystic forge stones here?

    You're right, for the kits. Teach me to be forum-scrolling while distracted. I do use both things, but for me:mystic forge stones I am currently trading in for provisioner's tokens, but you can use them to make salvage kits.spirit shards I use to make t6 mats.

    Can you tell I'm working on finishing my legendary armor?

  6. I at first thought this too, but dig a little deeper. The wvw trinket requires 4 gifts of battle. Yes, this is little for anyone who regularly engages in wvw, but tournament match wins are also little for anyone who regularly engages in ranked pvp. (My daughter does both, she is only waiting for her clovers to make each).

    Either requirement will take quite a bit of time for your regular pve'er. I mean. I am shocked that they haven't yet fussed about it requiring 4, when for regular legendaries that require a single one, they do.

    These each require game play in their respective categories. I can't find myself disagreeing with this.

  7. @"Josiah.2967" said:If you ask me Chili's and Ice as a currency are going to kill the maps quickly. The fact that you can't even convert them to "something Magic" that will be used for the Saga is problematic. You have no reason to farm older currency. Once you have things, old content is dead.

    Well, you can easily if with some clicking convert the ice into useful things. Ice + karma get season 4 currency, consume for volatile magic. Then either use that for trinkets or buy the trophy boxes from season 4 to sell for gold or use yourself.

    The peppers though. I am going to save a fairly high amount of them because after the ginormous uproar in season 4 about the amount of currency required for Skyscale, I have a sneaking suspicion I will need the new currencies for something coming up. Maybe they figure if we CANNOT use them for anything else we'll have enough for whatever it is.

  8. I was THRILLED when build and equipment templates were announced. One click and I could swap between dps scrapper, wvw heal scrapper, fractal high agony Holo, power dps rifle Holo, power sword/shield Holo, wvw dps scrapper, delete and make adjustments as I wanted and then came the actual.

    It doesn't store or save your selection to a cloud bubble, it changes it whenever you change something on your current build. It removed my stuff from legendaries. It is clunky, difficult to figure out and I hate it. There is zero way I am paying for something that doesn't work the way I wanted.

    It isn't the monetization I object to but the actual system itself. Yes, it is spendier than I wanted but just like bank tabs or shared inventory slots I would have slowly bought them. But I'm not spending a dime on this.

  9. @uberkingkong.8041 said:

    @Hashberry.4510 said:I don't like that sort of system where you farm a boss over and over hoping for 'your' drop. This is one reason why I play this game, to avoid that style.

    Yet that is how Tequatl and others is done.

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:The issue with this system is that a large percentage of players will rush it at release to get all of the skins. There then will be players that are upset how these small-scale bosses are difficult to get to as they spawn randomly and die so quickly (sound familiar?). They'll request changes which will then make them like everything else thus failing to accomplish what you intended.

    Also, the boar in Queensdale hasn't been a champion in like 6 years.

    Thats why you have many sets, many bosses.If 2-10 people band together because they working on something that is a good thing.Who says it always has to spawn too, it could spawn based on RNG.
    Which makes those 2-10 people stick together longer and actually form some kind of bond, like recognizing the other player,

    rather than 20+ people come to fight a world boss and you probably wont recognize anyone again even if you see them again and again because there is too many people around everytime.

    Like a guild? There are definitely fashion guilds out there. Of course, it would be nice if I could join one, but alas, my guild slots are full.

    That said, so, you are requesting, a boss that can be killed by 2 or so people, that randomly spawns anywhere, so you can spend months, possibly years, farming the armor pieces that drop from it? (Since I assume you want a full set.) You would also have to hope that it wasn't also being killed by another group, of just a couple folks, at the same time, just in another map. Would these armor pieces be account bound or free to be sold for Chak infusion style prices?

    The alternative is if the bosses spawned everywhere, frequently, all over, repeatedly, so everyone could easily get the pieces.

  10. @"Randulf.7614" said:WHilst I hate the charges and believe them an outdated, cumbersome part of the game that are overstocked on vets and a problem for new players at this point (I am unconvinced many are bought on the store), it is false that pve has little options to get them.

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transmutation_Charge_(item) (you will have to copy and paste the link)

    Achievements, dailies and map alone accounts for a large portion of them alone before adding in festivals, fractals and other sources

    You can usually get them during festivals too. I am sorry you dislike wvw , though, have you tried it during a slow time and NOT in a zerg? Just run around capturing sentries and camps, it's no different from pve with the exception that sometimes someone will come and kill you. When that happens, I just sit there, since I don't have a roaming build, nor do I care to get one. I figure I am helping them progress toward their Ultimate Dominator achievement. I then wp back, pick a different target, and good to go. Finding a map where you are outnumbered is even better, in case you like pips.

    Or you can pick a time when your team owns Stonemist, grab a book, and repair walls every 5 minutes. I had a commander fuss that I was using valuable supply, so unless smc is full of supply, I just wp back to the keep and take it there, since that is usually full. Or one of the nearby towers. Don't mind anyone who fusses at you for repairing. I tend to avoid doing either of these at all costs when the prime time is going on, usually you can see this because the maps will be full.

    • Confused 1
  11. @"kharmin.7683" said:If there were "easier" bosses that dropped "unique" items, then how unique would these items be if practically everyone does the content for these items?

    Either that or the drop rates would be so low it'd be another rendak. One that only the first couple there would get hits on.

  12. So much really depends on player knowledge of classes and mechanics and gear. Yes, gear does make a difference.

    When I first started, determined to figure everything out for myself, my elementalist had mismatched gear, no or wrong runes and sigils, the wrong weapons, I didn't know what a breakbar was, and I was convinced I had nothing that affected it. I had no concept of stacking. Why would I stand near the boss if my weapon is ranged? Consequently, everything, and I do mean everything, was HARD. I remember a season 2 story, where I ended up completely naked, no armor at all, and quit in frustration.

    Eventually though, my stubborn self started paying attention to advice, both ingame and out, got some decent gear(just exotic) and things were much better. I recently was replaying said season 2, for the achievements, and. I cannot believe it's the same fight. I wasn't even downed. Got all 3 achievements. I had asked my daughter to come in with me as a healer because it was "so hard" and I didn't need her and she laughed at me. But the point is, it WAS hard for me three years ago.

    Get some experience under your belt, learn, gear. It'll be a whole new game. And then you can join the others on the forums saying how easy it all is.

  13. @Aridon.8362 said:Well when people start making a huge deal about everything, it becomes just that, a huge deal. Just last night we had this nerd-level know-it-all who kept rudely interrupting our raid lead in a training raid, and fighting with other members in our guild about the littlest things, that aren't even important. In PvE and WvW I never do this.

    I myself lost it when I was in an spvp team that were simply four other walking free kills. Literally our match was tanked by 30-500, you bet your cats I was toxic. And there was this one time this salty troll kept saying I sucked even though he could only 2v1 /laughing at me, I challenged him to a duel and he refused. I swear by all things he started it and I was sure I could shut him up, just kept arguing with me. He eventually blocked me, but I had a guildie send him 5 stacks of packs of salt to him and call him bad.

    I've also had to argue with people on this forum about how lazy they are being regarding raiding. But I don't want to get banned again. I literally ended up sending a message and blocking the dude I was arguing telling him I hope his ego never lets him raid in game because he was being a whiny nutcase about it. The toxicity isn't just in PvP man and most certainly not just among more challenging players, it's also in the casual community as well. There's people determined to ruin the game by adding fluff to make it into a Korean echi MMO, and worse, a World of Warcraft without progression.

    Wow. I cannot say I have ever felt the need to have someone else, or me either, ever send someone stacks of salt. If someone ever sent them to me, I would definitely laugh, share with friends, laugh at the loser who took the game that seriously, and then never think about it again. Like, really? Care enough about it to go out of your way to call someone bad?

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