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Everything posted by MrMouser.6583

  1. Obviously I know I can just look at the red exclamation mark but I made this post cause i actually loved the fact that the game had an audio que for it.
  2. Used to be able to hear fish bite before hooking into it and now after patch its gone, is this intended or just something went wrong ? This was very useful when fishing with many people as you could hear when to hook the fish instead of trying to figure if your bobber is actually moving.
  3. You misunderstood, my point was that this is a missed opportunity , the fact that we can't decorate it ourselves, don't think that receiving an upgrade to a space is the same as decorating it specially if we think of what decorating means in the guild hall. Unlocking all upgrades in the guild hall is not decorating, placing objects inside is. Sry if I was not clear enough previously.
  4. I want to say I clearly heard all you said and still feel the way I did. They did NOT say you will be able to decorate it, you are progressively unlocking a pre-decorated stage is not what decorating means to most of us specially since we have guild halls. So I will say it again if we don't get the same system here eventually it will be a missed opportunity ... again, for me. The place will not serve as a hub for NEW Strike Missions, it will be just another Eye of the North, the only difference being we don't progress it as a community but as an individual. I do think that there are many systems on top of this place compared to Eye of the North but I still think it doesn't add enough now to make it exiting, for me and other people at least, my issue is the information they provided was just to vague and for now it alludes to being way more but it could also not be enough. Personally if they give us decorations like they do with guild halls and let us invite people to our instance, let us import home instance unlocks, it will fix all the problems I have with it at this point. People have been asking for proper home instance for year, they have all the systems in the game they just need to put them together and hey maybe this is it or at least the first part of it but we just don't know at this point.
  5. For me it only feels empty cause they did not tell us more about it, hopefully there is more or at least there is desire to build on top of it constantly during the expack cycle. For me I expected this to be player housing, I wanted to be able to bring all my home instance unlocks to it and on top of it be able to decorate it using something like the guildhall system, I kept on waiting for them to drop the bomb on us that this will be the case but they didn't however not going that way eventually feels to me like a serious missed opportunity so I pray the only reason its not there cause its not ready. I am fairly optimistic, they showed in the past year they are willing to listen and also showing the extra legendary sets for me feels like that was a response to the community response and not necessarily planned so if thats the case then it means they are doing their best to address the issues we have.
  6. I must agree, I find it a bit unfortunate for everyone involved that they approach revealing game this way, I haven't seen any mmo go to such lengths to not show and take pride in what they have made, surely there must be things you can show that are a bit more exiting. I respect them if its their decision but its not the first time it ended up with the community feeling disappointed. Seeing a world boss or event even if it may be a slight spoiler won't take away from the experience killing it. I hope they do another stream before holydays to rectify this.
  7. New raceHoT style metasMeaningful PVE benefits for holding various WvW structures as well as switch some of the bigger structures like keeps and castles from always being able to be attacked to limited time attack's, Lineage 2 had a very good system for this, and if alliances actually come them looking at what Lineage 2 did in terms of how the siege worked and the reward system would benefit the game a lot.Multiple person mount
  8. If you wanna be special, you better outperform other people. Also remember when doing group content its not about you, its about the group and the goal, there are people out there that don't care that much about what you play as long as you can carry yourself. At the end of the day you are playing an MMO.
  9. I don't understand why the top pick is a sword, how boring can you be, we have enough melee or close combat weapons. I picked longbow because I feel like we need a good long range weapon, considering how shit the staff is we sure need something that is maybe a bit more fast paced and have a mix of single to multiple target applications.
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