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Everything posted by Peutrifectus.4830

  1. Someone has been getting pwnd by an engi me thinks. Most of these things arent overly OPP but flash shell and Elixir S are good for safe stomping. I think someone got stompped XD. ACP is one of the only ways to focus on an meaningful condi clear and it forces you to take a pretty lackluster trait line. This list is... how did I put it, lackluster?
  2. no one: ...litterally no one ...Anet: NERF CORE ENGI .... every f'in time...
  3. mate, I've been using this for ages....http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lZwsYaMPWKOyPdJNA-zVZYgB9JGNM4gALjmSgeLA1OIBwG4tMqyG-wI'm still collecting the infusions but I'm so bored of the Especs and this is more fun for me :DTurret gets more cleanses and the water fields are good to combo with egun4 and shield4.... I would say f5 too but the delay is too clunk for my ADHD brain to time XD
  4. OR simply rework core traits to produce multiple effective synergies which reqire 3 core trait lines to work and which would be impossible when selecting an elite spec.Mic drop.
  5. surly the way to buff any core spec is too have a series f traits that synergise spread between 3 core trait lines. Im not even going to spit ball suggestions buthaving a sick combo that requries 3 core trait lines to work is where u should look. Instead of buffing individual picks that any spec can choose
  6. What I'm using atm. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAoqlRwcYdsG2Je6SqtTA-zVRYcRDjM4zoXJQHKAJfQChNwbZRXL-w In larger groups I trade for shield and gyroscopic acceleration. Occasionally change ft for tk but I love the flamer. Just watch to not use auto in big fights for retaliation reasons, I more use it to add to the cleave on multiple downs.
  7. I'm back to playing condi core in wvw dire/trailblazer p/p grenadeerEgun/Tkit/Gkit yea yeah Screw the meta. I wanted to go back to having fun!
  8. Hmmm.... I mean... they announced some fun stuff and stuff I'm looking forward to but it felt a bit underwhelming for the sense of occasion :/ Its like calling everyone in the company into the bosses office to announce a new photocopy paper supplier... Where did the buzz come from? Anet...?I watched wooden potatoes wax lyrical about the announcement and speculating... that definitely contributed
  9. Almost every other option still feels inferior to alchemy holosmith... sigh. Ima just be having fun with my core Condi build over here playing harder and getting rekt. As a PvPer, I've never played so much PvE as much as this season :/
  10. Don't forget the suggested enhancements to mine field and throw mine I suggested... That would be the real hypothetical MVP. I think the Slick Shoes stunbreak is currently awesome, the speed lasts for a good amount! I'm not sure Stability or Ammo would be my first choice to improve it. We just put long stabilities on Defense field and Elixir U. If I was going to nudge Slick Shoes toolbelt, I would allow the Engineer to suppress the effects of immobilize while under the effects. But I don't think we need to buff it if the utility portion is good enough to use. Now there's something. If Goggles becomes the stunbreak with short immunity to blind, weakness, vulnerability, whist slickshoes toolbelt stun break grants superspeed and short immunity to cripple, slow and chill. Both are thematic to the utility, add value to their practical function and aren't to0 strong :)
  11. there's been a fair bit of discussion on core and scrapper recently around the bizzares and I use them alot (for all their faults) and I have a wide build diversity (even in each specialisation). Out of all the core utilities, turrets are at the bottom of the pile and I like what you are proposing with them in terms of cooldowns and overcharge abilities. Gadgets though... always been the coolest ideas but always slightly behind the curve in terms of strength. The newer ammo updates have done wonders for RB and PBR and I think that the same treatment on SS would be welcome too... what got me thinking about slickshoes though was that Slicks are suposed to get you out of a sticky situation and the CC and SB did a great job of it back in the day but in todays heavy aoe CC crowd, it's lack luster in that role. I would propose when traited with gadgeteer, to add either 1 stack for 2 secs or 2 stacks for 1 sec of stability on the f# stunbreak aswell as superspeed or give it the ammo mechanic with 1 stack stab for 1 sec (in adition to current effect) to partially counter heavy cc spam. This would also indirectly buff scrappers who make use of rapid regen or mass momentum. I feel that holo build would still benefit from kinetic battery mich more.... thoughts?
  12. Working on a pair of HOPEs for him :)
  13. Bit of a tangent.. Whatever happened to piercing round on pistol? It only ever effected the #1 & #2 skill but it was gravy
  14. Except its not, i dunno if you're new to engi but ive won plenty this season playing a classic static discharge boon spam build, less damage then holo but more sustain as it should be, firebrand making tempest obsolete is mainly cause scourge (which is broken as kitten and will be nerfed...) just wipes tempest off the game due to tempest not having enough cleanse to handle it. Firebrand has less healing but more stability and cleanse to make up for it. First time Engi here, grats on your God of PvP title with Static Discharge core Engi@Chaith.8256 this just made me spit out my cereal XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD Oh, +1 for the Elixir X suggestion. Very much!
  15. I remember getting 1 shotted by a deadeye once. Once. Fool me twice, shame on me! ;)
  16. staff style tesla rod would be cool. A bit more of an actual dedicated RPDS main weapon would be nice.
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