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Everything posted by Zexanima.7851

  1. I thought about the whole resistance thing but it's so infrequent that using it on immob isn't usually practical. Plus most professions that can spam immob will out immob your resistance duration. I agree with the last point though, the best solution in this case is probably just reducing the immob sources
  2. This works for all involved: to you, because your time is money, and you value your time. To ANet, because purchasing gems is what keeps the company afloat. To the player who set the legendary in the TP, since they have more time than they know what to do with, and they bothered with all the hassle of making the weapon to make some gold. Like it or not, this is capitalism at work, working as intended. I'm not an expert on economics and this is highly off topic it but I think MMO's with a system like this wouldn't be anything close to capitalism being every aspect is highly regulated by the developers. I could be wrong, maybe an experienced economist can lay it out in lay-mans terms. I know there are tons of papers around MMO economies.
  3. Not all of these may be "good" suggestions, I'm just brainstorming here. I'm also not suggesting do all of these things either. In PvP CC could be single target. CC is high value and should be used with meaning, not just spammed into a group of bodies.CC skills could have cooldowns on par with stun breaks. Give professions short amounts of stab on some weapon skills.Getting CC'ed 3 times in short succession grants 2 seconds of CC immunity buff ( not stab).While it's a "soft" CC, immob is pretty powerful in a game that has lots of play around movement and positioning. Here are some suggestions around that Stun breaks remove immobStability affects immob (this is potentially a bad idea as it will reduce the effectiveness of stability)Give some boon immob immunity (super speed, quickness, or something, idk)Just reduce sources of immob to be on par with hard CC
  4. Firebrand (Axe pull, shield push, symbol stun, justice pull)Condi herald (Chaotic release, temporal rift, surge of the mists, call to anguish or if running jalis forced engagement)Core terrormancer (spectral ring, doom, reapers mark, stab corrupt. 50% increased duration on all of these. 60% with rune of the necromancer)Scrapper (Thunder clap, personal battering ram, launch personal battering ram, throw mine, to name some common ones. They can go very very CC heavy with most having low CD. e.g. throw mine 15 sec, 12 traited)These are just to name some of the more problematic ones I see as I'm sure I could list more. This isn't to even list the copious amounts of immob which is technically a "soft" CC will still get you killed just as well as most CC. Immob is what makes things like Firebrand and condi ranger a nightmare to play against. EDIT:To elaborate a bit more what makes a lot of these CC heavy builds bad is that they can either1) Bunker and take a take a point or get you killed just by keeping you locked down2) Condi bomb you then lock you down and prevent you from cleansing 1v1 these have a measure of counter play if you're expecting it and build against it. It's in XvX situations that it gets disgusting.
  5. Not a lot of professions that have reliable stability. 1 stack of 1s of stability wont do you much with all the CC flying around either.Stability sources for reference If you want to actually play (not be a rag doll) against CC heavy comps, which there are more and more of, you have to invest heavily into stun breaks/stab if you're not a profession that has an easy source of it. This means any professions that don't have a trait like "get stab for doing X" are going to be pigeon holed on their build options.
  6. I think it should be more like "If you're CC'd continuously for 3 seconds, you gain 2 second immunity to CC (this doesn't break current stuns)" would be reasonable. Idk, there is probably a dozen better solutions though. I'm already getting sick of the CC meta that's starting to surface too. Inherently CC is a very un-fun game mechanic because it removes player agency. With how it currently is, it's not a matter of slotting "some CC and stability" because these professions that are stun locking are carrying way more stuns than your breaks have CD's. This causes people to really have to narrow their builds and take up a lot of utility/traits just to prevent getting locked down forever. Some people might say "Well in a condi heavy meta you have to slot lots of cleanses." but that doesn't really compare as there are a lot of passive cleanse procs on most professions, sigiles, runes, and even some weapon skills to deal with condi. There are a lot few passives procs to deal with CC now and no weapon skills (that I can think of atm) that allow you to deal with CC so this leaves you have to take up a lot (if not all) of your utility to just deal with CC if the team has one/multiple of these "CC lock" builds on their team.
  7. As someone who plays almost exclusively scourge atm I wouldn't suggest it (I just play it because I like the profession). Specifically for a newer player. If you don't already have a good understanding of all the other professions you're gonna get clapped. The the current "meta" seeming to be very CC heavy you'll just get ping ponged around. You need to have a good sense of when to use the few stun breaks you have and when to soak damage. Unlike core necro you won't have dumb amounts of sustain just from rotating in and out of shroud. I'm not trying to say "Oh I play scourge and its sooooo harddddd" its just that I don't think it's a new player friendly profession for PvP.
  8. Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills. Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger? You're making it sound like the clips I linked only worked because I used ranger-specific skills to kill another ranger. But that's not relevant at all. The videos show the same few ways to completely nullify the damage from rangers without having to do much more than dodge once and hold W. It could also be that SLB is just learning and not good at it. Also, clip 7 is meaningless. Also, not many classes have a 4.75 sec cd on 6-7 dmg skill... Or two set of offensive weapons. Oh, sorry, I think that's only ranger....ANd I am not saying that ranger is good or bad. I am just saying your evidence here is not conclusive. Also, from a statistical point of view, at lest clip 1-3, you are farming the same Slb in the same game? So, your INDEPENDENT observations are less than 9... 10k True Shot on Maruaders DH I can link one for other classes too if you'd like. And no, clip 7 is exactly what good players do vs. ranger. Grim just did exactly what I do vs. greatsword rangers and simply run in the opposite direction so none of the attacks even have a chance at connecting. So that's a pretty kitten good example of what I've been trying to tell people. You can say "it's meaningless" all you want but in reality, it's exactly how you counter rangers in melee. Also, you should read my OP again. Specifically:This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class. The same attacks you see these players use are the exact same ones the good rangers throw at you. However, by using reaction time to avoid Point Blank Shot, LoS to counter longbow damage, and movement to counter pets, greatsword, and merge skills, you can nullify almost all of the damage a ranger throws at you without having to burn more than a dodge or two. And no, clip 7 is exactly what good players do vs. ranger. Grim just did exactly what I do vs. greatsword rangers and simply run in the opposite direction so none of the attacks even have a chance at connecting. Firstly, it would be more convincing if he run back and use the strategy to kill you. However, he just ran away and DID NOT come back to try to kill you... If you think this is a good argument to decide whether a class is viable in competitive environments, then no class is viable: anyone can just run away from you and survive. But this is meaningless.Also, freshair weaver might have the short CD burst to down you. And has nice superspeed uptime. So, again, might not be a very good piece of evidence. This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class. The same attacks you see these players use are the exact same ones the good rangers throw at you. However, by using reaction time to avoid Point Blank Shot, LoS to counter longbow damage, and movement to counter pets, greatsword, and merge skills, you can nullify almost all of the damage a ranger throws at you without having to burn more than a dodge or two.Maybe a good advice, but you need to keep in mind that for melee classes, if I run away from rangers, rangers can run away from them too, but then ranger has LB set and pet dmg. So still might have the advantage. Also, think about the amount of skills others need to dodge: LB4, LB2 (if there is no place to LoS), GS2, 4 and 5. % also resets 2. And, pet cc, also you have unblock after pet swap. In sum, your strategy against rangers, are the strategy against all other melee classes: think about rev and FB, just run away, and the symbols or rev Mace 2 would not hit. But they are not viable? Therefore, might not be appropriate to defend the ranger class. And, rangers do have a LB set which is also an offensive weapon. Rangers might be hard to start with, since they also need to control the pets (follow and attack), but saying its not viable is nonsense. Rangers might not be the strongest and might have counters, but it does not mean it is not viable. Okay let me just preface this by saying I gave you multiple video examples on how this strategy can work consistently and you're trying to argue that: a) It doesn't actually work consistentlyb) It's not a viable strategyRanger's mobility is almost completely tied to GS. We have a single skill that should be reserved for trying to escape rather than chase someone down (it doesn't even cripple). Unlike holosmith, spb, or weaver, there are no ways to reliably close the gap on an opponent in melee range if they're kiting like this. As a result, simply turning around and holding W is a strategy that works more consistently against ranger's melee than all of those other side noders I just listed. Hence, why it's way easier for good players to nullify ranger damage (and why it's not/hasn't been good competitively) compared to other classes.So then dodge the PBS, LoS the longbow, and keep moving the same way to avoid the pet as you should do for greatsword. And you can't completely avoid other those classes' damage in melee like you can for ranger GS.Look how fast I died when other players know what they're doing. Well-timed CCs, well-timed damage, well-timed anti-projectile, etc. etc. Do you think Grim just randomly decided to hold down W or do you think maybe another high ranking player did that because it works? He was obviously looking behind him because turned around to try and kill me again as soon as I used the Maul.Didn't you just say to me, "Also, not many classes have a 4.75 sec cd on 6-7 dmg skill"? Well, DH has a skill that can hit for 10k every 8 seconds. 3-4k more damage on a 1-2 second longer cooldown that can be used at 1200 range that can't simply be outranged easily (though just as easily dodgeable as Maul) is v dangerous considering it can take 60% of your health off at any given moment. :open_mouth: Yes, try straight up running away from a Rev to counter S/S Shiro or condi mallyx and see how that goes when they ranged chill, port/pull, and super speed you into downstate. Either way, there are other skills on other classes that can be avoided the same way. Ranger is one of the most prevalent ones that can be 100% avoided through movement alone (traveler runes are all you need if you choose not to take swiftness in your build). Seriously mate, you arguments are not complete nor convincing: Firstly, GS3 is a leap. Also Slb has a leap also if merge with bird, right? I think there are more, but not sure. Also, you have LB that can do nice dmg. And in some places you need to take a few hits before running to a place that I can LoS.Again, if you are ranger, you can do the same to Engi and war. Run away when they have Holo or GS F1, then run back to kill them afterwards. Also, as I mentioned, it might be very well that Freshair weaver counters ranger, as they have every tool kit for it. Projectile denial, Superspeed uptime, short CD ranged burst etc. Having a counter is normal, it does not imply its not viable. I also feel the pain, your statements does not stand scrutiny, many of them are just focusing on one aspect while ignoring the whole picture. The whole point of my response is to argue that your evidence is not sufficient to show that ranger is not viable. Thats all.This is basically all I was trying to point out myself. You can prove what ranger is weak against and how to counter it, these clips don't do that though. It comes off as a poor attempt of saying "See, ranger weak plz buff" rather than an informative guide. If that's what OP intended or not. EDIT: If you do want to do an informative guide plenty of people on youtube have examples you can build off of. It'll take a ton more work though than linking a few twitch clips.
  9. It's those dreadfully annoying Longbow sounds. Especially Rapid Fire. Change the sounds and everyone will love Rangers! ? Dude, you're not completely wrong haha. Its super annoying. Same with guardian scepter
  10. Necromancer and there are a few things I think could be fun Cultist(Sword): Sacrificial skills that actually impact the necro (other than applying a few condis) and have a high cost but high reward. Example, you Sacrifice 25% move speed and 1% hp/s to pulse chill in a 300 radius. LF becomes a "blood pool" and lessens the negative effects of sacrifices but is burned through really quick. Sacrifices without any "blood pool" have a huge negative effect. Lich(Shield): Heavily based around summoning actual undead. You have no shround/barrier but you take % less damage per minion. Shroud skills are now summon skills and summon different types of minions. Utility skills are like ranger shouts for pets. Banshee(Longbow): You summon tormented spirits that float around you an buff your allies and debuff your enemies. They act kind of like rev upkeep skills...except a bit different. LF becomes ether which you dont want, kind of like holosmith heat and the more you have the more negative effects you inccur. The more spirits you have summoned the more ether you generate. All skills that once "generated life force" now "spend ether".
  11. This games PvP (to some extent WvW) population is just super low and getting lower. I back this up by nothing but I assume most the people discussing professions are in two categories 1) Just learning the game and need help2) Playing a PvP mode. There really isn't a ton of reason to discuss professions among the PvE community as open world it doesn't matter and for raids/fractals there is what's BiS and that's it, nothing to discuss. The PvP community being low population would be reflected in these parts of the forums. This is purely speculation with absolutely no facts to back it though aside from some loose reasoning, so bag of salt and all that. Only reason I even post on the forums anymore is to just burn some time at work.
  12. What about warrior? Revenant? Necro +1'ing you? I assume they can't even compare in terms of damage pressure.... You do realize a lot of the stuff you just said and pointed out stands on equal ground with what a lot of the other classes can do. The difference is, they can usually CC-lock you down much more easily and quicker. If ranger has its damage gutted, it will have nothing. It'll be a worse thief. That's why I suggested if anything is done to rangers burst damage they need a buff to sustained damage. EDIT:Also, addressing those Warrior: If you get +1 you'll see them coming. Blow defensive cd's and gtfoRevenant (power shiro): They are (where?) the best for +1 because they are even better than ranger at this and were suffering from the same problems. Just because they can do it doesn't make it okay for ranger to as well.Necro: Stun them and just walk away?If you get +1 most of the other professions you have time to disengage because their burst wont absolutely clap you. ALL THAT BEING SAID I feel like this is picking apart at my weakest argument in an attempt to support that ranger is some how weak and useless. If I provide examples like the OP did I could prove that every profession is weak and useless in competitive.
  13. Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills. Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger? Dodges are not infinite, LoS isn't always possible, not every profession can out move ranger. Ranger isn't as ridiculous when you're in a 1v1 situation and not worried too much about an objective. They are fairly predictable and what you suggested will work most the time. Granted you probably wont kill them unless you have some sort of ranged pressure but surviving is very do-able. It's when they +1 or jump you in a team fight their burst becomes an issue. When you get PBS+Rapid+Smokescale assult+maul+hilt+maul in a very short span (due to quickness) from off screen when you're fighting other people there isn't much to be done about it except die. I'm not saying you cant survive it but most the time you'll get deleted without much time to react. Its like they are doing what the thief should do, but better. Builds like this are squishy, yeah, but they are not looking for 1v1's. Glass ranger builds are rotating quickly between points and outnumbering and are way to effective at it. Even if they do get focused after bursting they have plenty of survival options. If I where to suggest anything it would be to shave their burst damage from stacking modifiers and increase their sustained damage. You only need to dodge PBS. One dodge. That's all it takes.And takedown...and hit bash...and maul..and smokescale CC...and GS 4 CC..There's LoS everywhere. Clip 9. All maps have a ton of LoS.It's not the amount of line of sight but if you have the means/teime to get to it before eating the quickness LB comboEvery class becomes dangerous in a +1. PBS -> RF -> SA -> Maul -> HB -> Maul is an incredibly long combo. There is absolutely 0 reason why you should ever get hit by the entire thing regardless of whether or not the ranger has quickness.That's true but not every class will delete you in a +1 to the effect of ranger. The combo is long but they don't have to hit you with the whole thing. A partial rapid fire and at least 1 cc and 1 maul will just about do in most professionsI don't get it dude, you harp on about how easy and 'weak' ranger is yet you play it? Are you just trying to advocate for the profession until it's leaps and bounds better than all others by trying to make it look underpowered? It needs tuning, like most everything else. Some stuff is too weak on it, some stuff is too strong. As a side note, it's not very helpful when you're trying to show how 'easy to counter' ranger is while playing ranger. All you're really proving with these clips is that you're a better ranger than the other ranger. It would be more helpful to provide clips on the other 8 professions vs ranger and how they do.
  14. Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills. Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger? Dodges are not infinite, LoS isn't always possible, not every profession can out move ranger. Ranger isn't as ridiculous when you're in a 1v1 situation and not worried too much about an objective. They are fairly predictable and what you suggested will work most the time. Granted you probably wont kill them unless you have some sort of ranged pressure but surviving is very do-able. It's when they +1 or jump you in a team fight their burst becomes an issue. When you get PBS+Rapid+Smokescale assult+maul+hilt+maul in a very short span (due to quickness) from off screen when you're fighting other people there isn't much to be done about it except die. I'm not saying you cant survive it but most the time you'll get deleted without much time to react. Its like they are doing what the thief should do, but better. Builds like this are squishy, yeah, but they are not looking for 1v1's. Glass ranger builds are rotating quickly between points and outnumbering and are way to effective at it. Even if they do get focused after bursting they have plenty of survival options. If I where to suggest anything it would be to shave their burst damage from stacking modifiers and increase their sustained damage.
  15. They will probably start working on it a few years after the release of the third expansion, which will release in a few years.
  16. It's doing okay. It's not the pain train it use to be but you can still get pretty reliable results with it. Condi warrior is pretty interesting now. You can do things like run LB + Hammer and load people up with condi then stun lock them and watch them burn.
  17. To be fair, it's taken them way to long to announce they are doing a third expansion. The way they worded it to it sounds like they just started on it not too long ago. While the whole "maintenance mode" thing isn't true Anet is veerryyyy slloowwww moving on big content releases. It can really feel extra barren too if you don't play living story content.
  18. Well, I guess we at least we have conformation they will be doing more expansions. Even if it's who knows how long away.
  19. Well you dont play it for good fights either, there are other games for that. You play it to meme and get memed on.
  20. Do you like knockdowns and stuns? I do not like them, or find them fun.I do not like knockdowns and stuns. Would you like them twos or fives? I would not like them twos or fives.I would not like them more than hives.I do not like knockdowns and stuns.I do not like them, or find them fun. Would you like them in a shroud?Would you like them rezzing downs? I do not like them in a shroud.I do not like them rezzing downs.I do not like them twos or fives.I do not like them more than hives.I do not like knockdowns or stuns.I do not like them, or find them fun.
  21. I guess I should specify better what I'm looking to do. I mainly play scourge as far as PvE goes I solo group content (bounties, ect) or run dungeons/fractals as a 2 man with my buddy. So I'm looking to support him (barrier and blood magic heals), stay alive, and do just enough damage. I was thinking full trailblaizers with a couple pieces of apothecary and shaman sprinkled in. Celestial just doesn't require me mix and matching stats and gives me a bit-o power damage. So idk, I think you're right in that it's not the best.
  22. I run it in PvP all the time and it works fine for bunker/support. I was mainly speaking to PvE stuff (non-raid, non-high tier factals)
  23. allow pets to capture nodesanother problem solved Remove players from games and have only pets, all problems solved. Peak GW2
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