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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Shiny guild! Stuff, stuff, stuff! *goes skritt* I like shinies, can I join please? ㋡
  2. Is that one of Snargle's new naughty novels? Perhaps make acquiring it a Snargle related achievement.
  3. The way I like to look at it is how many hours of entertainment you get out of what you pay. If you compare the cost-content ratio then I'd say GW2 is one of the cheap MMOs out there.
  4. I actually tested it and cannot manage to dismiss my minions by mounting anymore, no matter how fast I do it. So this is issue is indeed fixed, at least for me. Thank you & /gg Anet!
  5. https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/1433176941566349326 It does not say that it's fixed. They only re-enabled the automatic minion summons after dismount. Unless there's another hidden 'we fixed this' tweet I am missing.
  6. Not "taking sides" or trying to defend anyone here but please do note that there are more people who work from home since the covid crisis. Many have GW2 running in the background while they do some work, likely keep the game sounds on while tabbed out and check in from time to time. Their toon (usually minion master necro) stands still in area where mobs spawn constantly. I've seen some who I assumed to be "afk farmers" discuss things in map chat, so clearly they were not afk. I have also noticed the same "blitzkrieg gathering", as I like to call it, taking place and I suspect the super fast ones are indeed using some kind of macro to do it. One place I see this often is the Sandswept Isles. Before now the last time I've seen it was before PoF, so it has been a problem in the past. However there are many who do park their toons on eg. rich iron nodes just to log them in and gather it daily and that is completely fine. On a sidenote; wish I could work from home and keep playing GW2 in the background. I wouldn't make much but every bit of gold helps.
  7. Well said. I also think that Tangled Depths is very well designed map, one of the most in-depth and best designed maps in the game. Yes I had trouble traversing it before mounts but that doesn't make it bad design. More of a challenge really, which I enjoyed especially since at that point I had gone thru two easier jungle maps.
  8. Never had too much problems with either difficult mobs or aggro range in PoF. There are certain mobs like sand sharks, eels and hydras that seem to have high aggro range but I've learned to deal with it. I guess the point conveyed is that they are more aggressive type of enemy so they will attack you from further away. Situational awareness is the key in avoiding them. There are mobs like this in HoT also, eg. the sharpshooters. Had way more trouble in HoT with the high spike damage mob packs than anywhere in PoF. (Still loving you pocket raptors.) I sincerely hope they don't make EoD (too much) easier than what we have with the other expansions.
  9. The classic minion master reaper and double shortbow soulbeast have very easy rotations. Basically just use all the skills off cooldown, plus the minions and pet helps by pulling aggro away. These are my go-to brain free easymode builds to chill and kill with.
  10. The ram is bit low since that GPU uses system ram but it should work. Only way to find out is to try. Anet is indeed going for dx11 upgrade but this is about the d912pxy mod that uses dx12 instead dx9 for the game.
  11. So far the main hook for me is seeing/exploring Cantha. Also looking forward to the story plus having my feet perched up on the skiff, sipping on a cold one and casting for that ever-elusive crappie. For HoT it was the jungle maps and difficulty increase (made it a challenge) much more than gliding. For PoF it was again the new maps but also mounts, love how well they were implemented.
  12. Same, I enjoy doing map completion including the hearts. And I always 'cheese' that stealth heart too, likely the only heart I do not like doing. But doesn't take that much when done the fast way.
  13. @Dante.1763 As I said I have no issues with long loading screen times. Don't have problems with loading the environments either, everything is pretty much loaded when the screen disappears. If the Tequatl circle thing hasn't happened before then the August 17th combo field visual effect update might have something to do with it. It's been a while since I've done it, could test to see if I have the issue too.
  14. @Super Hayes.6890 You also might want to see if there's update for bios and/or the M.2 drivers. With my old motherboard I had to update both to get the M.2 working properly. With my current newer motherboard the same M.2 drive worked without issues from the get-go. As for the OP, the issue could be low end system running too many things at the same time. I have not experienced such issues with loading screens. I always try to run as few other tasks as possible while gaming. And yes, imo upgrading to SSD is definitely worth it, especially for the drive running the operating system.
  15. There are guild upgrades and some other things you can save em for, see the list here. Artificers can upgrade the lower rarity essences to exotic quality to save space. I'd say buying Tyrian Exchange Voucher with em during Lunar New Year is one of the most useful things, Leggy Shards and Mystic Clovers if you need those. Sadly they are capped purchases, seen here in the vendor list. There's also the Lucky Red Bags for gambling if you have no other needs.
  16. Wiki says: "..the magic find listed includes all account-wide magic find bonuses, including any earned via achievement rewards. Hovering your cursor over the amount of magic find will show the breakdown between the two sources. The amount of magic find from luck is capped at 300%." "After reaching 300% magic find bonus, the bar will turn green. Luck will continue to accumulate up to 472,510. It is important to note that Essence of Luck can still be consumed after this point, essentially wasting the item." So check the breakdown to see if you are capped in it and if so do not consume any more essences.
  17. Thank you for the great info @Donari.5237 Based on that it's either Orange Cream or Taffy for me.
  18. I agree. Thank you for this forum feature Anet <3
  19. I don't see what the big fuss is about regarding this "issue" since I've never had trouble naming my toons. Usually takes me about a week to come up with few names cause I want to research the words and then wait a while to see what name I prefer. If that one is taken, which is very rare, then I use another on the list. Was bit surprised to see my lastest kinda unoriginal toon name 'Lilla Lullaby' wasn't taken. That said, I would not mind a mail notification system, eg. after period of inactivity telling you to either log in to character select screen or log in to your account management and click a button to keep your names.
  20. If the dyes would be tradeable then those who don't care about dyes could sell em on TP and people who collect dyes could get them all. The prices would be high (at first) but I'd likely still buy them over time. That way it would be a win-win situation.
  21. This is what I was hoping too. Some sort of EoD "teaser" gizmo or novelty.
  22. FYI: I liked the last year's gift a lot more. Especially the enrichment since I love the effect.
  23. Free stuff is free. Yeah, I bought the game and expansions so techically it's not free. Bit disappointed with the dye kit being achie reward. To choose only 1 from 6 possible when I want to have all the colors! I also hope they fix the birthday blaster buff overriding the cake feast duration.
  24. Ah, I see your original point now @Inculpatus cedo.9234. Sorry, english is not my native language. If the dye set was in the character birthday gift then yes any toon after the first six to have 9th year birthday the dyes would be no use, but I have that problem already with the other birthday dye sets. I don't think this was a mistake either. It just makes me sad to have to wait for the other dyes, assuming ofc they are obtainable from future birthday achievements.
  25. Sadly it looks like this year the dyes come from the Committed Anniversary Achievement Box meaning it's the achievement reward and not for each character bday like previous years, so you get to choose only one dye per account. Really hope they add a way to get the rest since I'm a dye collector.
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