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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Short answer: yes, very much so! Other posters have already listed accurate picture about the state of the game. Advice: find a guild (or multiple) you like for more enjoyable gaming experience. That way you'll also have help available if needed.
  2. Great reply! Especially the background light is good advice many people don't consider. I used to strain my eyes after looking at monitor for few hours, but after putting light behind it (just ordinary desk lamp pointing at the wall) I didn't have this problem anymore. In general the brightness on your screen and behind it should be around the same level. Also helps to reduce the brightness/contrast on your monitor, often the default setting is way too bright.
  3. This was my first thought also. It's called Qiang and they can be short enough to be held with one hand. Could it be a new skill? I'm thinking in terms of elementalist summoned weapons, like a phantasmal javelin skill for the mesmer.
  4. Please consider adding purchase option for additional Koda's Warmth Enrichments from the Laurel Merchants once you acquire it thru the achievement. Same option as the Celebratory Birthday Enrichment has. Thank you.
  5. Crata Acacia, Corvus Luminiferous, Jormag's ranger: https://gfycat.com/dishonestearnestbluebottle
  6. Bashing? I did not insult you, but I'm sorry if you took it that way. Also, I read this whole thread. You should not make assumptions about others so readily.You do realize this is a fantasy MMO computer game? I think you are reacting bit too strongly. You also seem to forget the history asuras have with Primordus' minions, how in GW:EotN the Great Destroyer massacred them. The dwarven race was also almost wiped out in the battle.So I'm sorry but I have to agree with Taimi that Primordus and his minions are the bigger threat. As she said: join forces with Jormag for now to fight Primordus together and deal with Jormag later. No one was arguing that Jormag is good, only that he is more reasonable when Primordus is basically a beast that can't be reasoned with. Here's some Taimi's quotes from the Metrica DRM:"Look, Braham, I get where you're coming from. I do. But even if Jormag's lying, the data doesn't.""Jormag's not the one burning our world, killing our people, destroying our homes. Primordus is. We had to abandon everything. And we're not the only ones.""I'm not saying you're wrong. We can deal with Jormag later, if it comes to that. But Primordus is the threat right now." To conclude: in your opinion Taimi's "great blunder" was using the age old rhetoric "enemy of my enemy is my friend", or in this case more of an ally. I see nothing wrong with it, but somehow it irks you she did this and didn't acknowledge it later? I'm not even sure why she should have.As I understood it, the reason why Jormag started freezing towns full of people was to balance his powers with Primordus, because he was gaining more thru the destroyers attacking and burning everything. I can't see how that is Taimi's fault either. And as I said, I think that Taimi being imperfect fits the writing quite well. Moving on like nothing happened whenever they might be wrong is pretty much how asuras are like, most are too arrogant to admit being wrong.But as we more recently saw, Braham had different idea, wanting to control Primordus. Or are you suggesting it was Taimi's fault that Braham made that choice? He said himself that he only did it "to save his friends". Or have I completely misinterpreted the story? Because that's what happened as far as I'm concerned. Oh, and as Kaliwenda.3428 said, I too want to thank you for making this thread. I've also started to pay more attention to the dialogue and been enjoying it a lot! :)
  7. I find all this stutter talk is weird cause my gameplay is not stuttering at all, not in LA or DR etc. Maybe sometimes in a huge open world zerg but even then it's hardly noticeable. Tho I do have quite 'beefy' system and always use the 'character model limit' on low setting.
  8. I'm sorry but salvage what exactly? That a fictional character in a computer game did not do as you wanted? That's like yelling at a movie or tv show when a character does something you don't like. Also, Taimi is an asura. If anything, I'd say she's holding back, trying hard not to insult the intellectually inferior bookahs too much. Her major character traits are that she is naive and gets too excited when doing science, but nobody is perfect and I think these flaws fit her quite nicely.
  9. "Consistent stuttering" makes it sound like there's a graphic card (or PSU) issue in your system. Even my budget AMD laptop (Lenovo IdeaPad S145) runs the game decently without any stuttering.
  10. Someone mentioned shirtless men?Fear not, Lord Faren is here! :# https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Southsun_Faren
  11. Love the new Stargaze skin, esp. the wing effect looks gorgeous! Also, kudos to whoever designed the Chameleon raptor skin. You did amazing job! Just love how detailed it is.
  12. My suggestion would be to play more simple and forgiving class first and return to elementalist once you have a better grasp of the game. Necromancer and ranger are likely the most newbie friendly choises in GW2. Ranger has a pet and necromancer can summon minions which will help a lot by making the mobs attack them instead of you. In WoT terms (which I've also played many years), I'd recommend playing heavy and medium tanks before going into scouts, especially in high tier games.
  13. Tarir meta events: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_in_Tarir_(map_meta_event)You can usually find group(s) for it thru the Looking For Group tool, when it is happening. Handy page to bookmark for all the major meta event times: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timersAnd as a tip, it's very helpful to learn to use the wiki cause it has lots of info about pretty much everything in GW2.
  14. There's only one such area for me, but I have learned to appreciate it much more. Tangled: "complicated and confused; chaotic."Depth: "the quality of being intense or extreme."Naming (and design): A+
  15. This is something I would love to see implemented cause completing character looks are very important to me. Not sure how this could be implemented, maybe add more mount/glider layouts in the mount and glider tabs and additional color layouts for them? These could have few free layouts per character and then additional slots sold in the gem store, just like the build/equipment ones. Even if they were only to be unlocked with gems, I would definitely still buy atleast one additional for each character. Edit: Additional feature related to this could be the option to link certain equipment, build, mount and glider sets together, so when you switch one it'll automatically switch all sets to the linked one.
  16. Before they were fixed the 'out of saddle' mount clitches were quite funny, got several screenshots of them.
  17. I had a lot easier time doing jumping puzzles with asura than any other race, in this case size does matter!Tip: if you have large backpack, you should hide it while doing the jumps, so you can see your character's legs and where to land better.
  18. As an alternative method some here could try the paysafe option in gemstore. It has limited number of countries listed found here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/paysafecard-now-accepted-in-gem-store/ Denmark and Sweden are both on the list. Basically you look up nearest kiosk/store that has paysafe, go there, ask for it and pay the sum you want. You'll get a receipt with a code on it worth the sum you paid. Then you use it to pay your gem purchase, so it's kinda like buying a gem card or a store gift card.Personally I use the paysafe direct since it's easier and I mostly buy stuff for myself. Requires you to get mobile app, make an account and you use that to select a sum. The store scans it and you pay. In this case the receipt is only a backup since the amount goes directly to your paysafe account. I've had zero problems using this payment method, unlike some credit card payments in the past.
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