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Posts posted by Delsea.2576

  1. On 8/24/2020 at 11:57 AM, Katelynn.6593 said:

    I can't bring myself to edit the Wiki. I never did it when it was free. So doing it now would feel like I was only doing it for gold.

    Whereas those who have already edited. They've proven that they will do it for free and altruistic reasons.

    It's true that incentives for volunteer work can affect motivations. I hope that the incentives for On Wiki of Gold, which is still going strong, are not so high that they appeal to people who are only after gold, but are high enough to encourage people who may not have contributed otherwise. And, importantly, if there is an article bounty on a topic you were going to contribute to anyway, it is 1000% okay to sign your name and reap the rewards from the fortunate coincidence!

  2. December 2018 is the month of this wiki project's first ever special event: Adventure Calendar!

    Each day in December will have a pair of articles to choose from. Improve one of these for at least 24 of the 31 pairs to qualify for a special thank you. (You can still join in on the previous days' article pairs, but be sure to get in before the whole event vanishes sometime in January!)

    The special thank you: Your choice of any gem store item up to an 800 gem value!

    @Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:This project is striking a delicate balance (and credits to Delsea for designing it that way) to encourage editing the wiki without sacrificing to the quality of edits.

    I think there's a lot to be said for being careful when incentivising volunteer work. For one, we don't want to encourage a lot of low-effort edits from people who are more interested in gold and gems than they are in the quality of the wiki. A second aspect is that the act of contributing itself is the true reward, so none of us want only incentivised contributions to feel rewarding. And thirdly, sometimes incentives (and even penalties in some studies) can themselves give people a self-excuse not to participate.

    However, with the quantities we have here, I think we're in a reasonably safe place: 2 gold is something spendable but not excessive, and 20 gems saves nicely to purchase bigger things. When someone redeems 1200 gems all at once, I usually add a note to thank that player for the large body of work that this represents - improvements to at least 60 articles! And even with this limited time event on top of everything, 24 articles divided by 800 gems is an increase of 33 gems.

    I see the project as beneficial for a few groups: people who would like to help the wiki but are looking for articles that aren't finished yet, people who like to be part of a team that focuses on topics together, and people who were going to edit a wide variety of articles anyway and wouldn't say no a few gems here and there. I also write a short note when I check each contribution, and sometimes it's just nice to know that somebody actually saw and appreciated what you added.

    If this event sounds like fun to you, give it a try!

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