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Everything posted by GreyCatfish.9356

  1. Charr are the only race I find interesting because of how natural they are. I absolutely love the connection of pure, ruthless nature with steampunk-like technology. By default, they're all dangerous predators with a very animalistic nature. Nature is cruel and unforgiving - so they are. Natural born conquerors. It's basically the survival of the fittest and most adapted while there's no mercy for the foolhardy or the weak. At the same time, they display an amazing level of intelligence by inventing all kinds of technological marvels and weapons without using any magic to do so. Their social structure is very strict and every single one of them has a specialized role in it. Every single charr is a soldier who's always ready to act. If you're useless or cause problems then you're quickly dealt with. No male/female discrimination - no excuses. No place for religion. There's also a very high level of competitiveness amongst High Legions - this alone drives them onwards and pushes their technology even further. Very tight, family-like connection inside charr warbands - just like in the army - there's no "I" in the team. Your failure will cost the lives of your family members. Under the Flame Legion's rules, they were basically morons with clubs fueled by lies of the shaman caste and under constant fear of the false gods - it's just amazing how quickly they have transformed into a well organized, highly militaristic society and industrial giant. They're pretty heavy metal too 😄 I also like the asura a lot. They possess unmatched intellect and are capable of inventing things that escape logic but at the same time they can be so incredibly stupid :3 The extreme level of competitiveness, narcissism, and self-pride basically prevents them from conquering all "lesser races". There's also the infamous Inquest and those guys don't kitten around 😄
  2. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the charr running animation, but having a toggle option for running on two or all four would be a good idea. It would be helpful for a few things - like jumping puzzles or similar stuff (RP too) Currently, the only option is to draw weapons or use kits. Such ideas have been mentioned many times before, but so far nothing has changed. I guess devs are not interested or prefer to invest time/resources elsewhere. "...But, in the historical plot, there are charrs who followed in the footsteps of intelligence..." Standing upright as a sign of intelligence? Flame legion already demonstrated "higher intellect" before... Look at Iron Legion engineers - they run all fours and at the same time they are the ones who invent complex machinery, weapons, or other steampunk-style technological marvels. Iron Legion metallurgic knowledge is also pretty impressive - even asuran scientists are visiting BC to have a chance to study them - this alone suggests that charr are pretty smart. They don't have to stand upright, cast firebolts, and terrorize others with their false gods. The upright pose was always more of a superiority complex. A lot of such lore details can be learned from various NPCs in BC. Running on all fours is something natural for all charr. Running on two legs or on all four has nothing to do with "intelligence".
  3. It would be cool to have an ability similar to what Rangers have - "merging" with a pet. "Sky Circus" is already very similar but removes the mech command skills. I absolutely hate this huge, green tumor following me around, and watching a pile of them together during World Boss for example is a horrible experience. Mechanist has some pretty cool skills and after playing scrapper for several years it was a fresh change but sadly the mech is the only thing I truly hate about this specialization. Mech is the key feature of the mechanist but it's "unpolished" in a similar way to gyros after HoT release. ^This^
  4. I was just curious if there's any charr only type of guild on EU. I've seen many warband style groups running around, but mostly for RP purposes. I'm particularly interested in something small / tight knit and with a more casual approach - to be honest, I'm not really good at this game :3 (I'm also not an RP'er) Just for fun.
  5. I play since beta - not a single drop. I got 2 from mystic toilet (rifle/hammer) after hundreds of tries. Then I simply bought another 2 precursors and 2 legendaries directly from TP.
  6. An humble explorer of the further regions of experience :3https://imgur.com/a/3RP5xLX
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