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Everything posted by DrFox.8091

  1. As an "old" player I dont really need maps currencys anymore. But I usually go on LS3 or LS4 maps that I like for some farm spots.So on the way i used to spend more time on those maps to get quick hearts and dailys.From that point of view this change sounds just like a nerf. Coz lets be clear : I will not go more often on maps that I dont like (or that I dont farm) just to get "dailys". But if I was a newby or someone in need of currencys, I'll find this change truly unfair.Reminds me the time when some JP was doable with mounts. People in need to complete the Jp after this period of autorisation, so mostly newbys, can found the situation unfair and I understand that.Now I understand that people who need currencys for trinkets (leggy or not) can be frustrate coz it's take a little longer and old players didn't had this limitation. So I dont think this change will really bring more players on the "daily map" (maybe some months or years ago but no nowdays) and If they want to improve population of old content I really agree with that :
  2. Worst Jp :1) Chalice of Tear, (Ember bay)2) Not so secret googles3) Troll's revenge before mounts,Now Drytop googles or Siren's reef coz its too long since the mounts are not allowed anymore ;) Clock Tower is quite fun when u know the path, Winter wonderland is kinda fun when u dont have fat pink Norns on your way and.. I like the spider ability needed for Draconis Month Jp. Those are my favorites "hard" puzzles.
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