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Everything posted by xXxNikiGoesWildxXx.3678

  1. So far it was very disappointing how Soto was called an expansion. Long time ago we had living world seasons with 6 maps for free, we had elite specs, and many more...it was dedicated work. Soto was rushed. It is understandable that company needs income(i bought all expansions, soto pre-purchased) but quality of the game gets worse and worse. I am considering to not even buy this new upcoming expansion. Ideologically following blizzard's way of earning is good because there will be always people who will pay. It is good for Arenanet, but it is very bad for us who experienced very profesionally designed game called guild wars 2...long time ago. I ve been playing this game for more than 8 to 9 years and it is very frustrating to see where it is going. I read blog post about this new expansion and it will be 2 new maps only and 3. will come year later or so. I didn't see any new elite specialization or anything interesting. Story wise it is said something more will be done as writer said that soto story felt rushed as it was. So let's make pause there and understand point of view from veteran players who shown loyalty to this game for so long...what should we expect to get, to see? And let's also understand point of view of new player...if there is any. Will new player buy 10 expansions just to play the game? When one expansion is providing big content and some are providing nothing much at all. I remember when i started i was the guy who would never pay for any game back in a day and gw2 was one of the first games i started spending money because game was so good. I loved heart of thorns and i loved path of fire....but what happened? Idk anymore....
  2. Ranger's healing spring needs more nerf in pvp...too short cd, condi cleanse spam. Mace skills are stunning very long and more than warrior hammer build...it is just not fun in pvp....they throw all cc then reset then throw again, some nerf in cc duration have to exist(PvP). Untamed pet damage is just too much with quickness/might/fury...ranger does nothing while pet constantly keep harassing while being unkillable/tanky. I suggest to nerf pet health or to reduce its speed...having AI grinding your hp without counter is bad design in pvp. Warrior defense traitline is just sustaining warrior too much in PvP...it is always at full hp, why class with highest hp and toughness is having access to resolution/protection boon and passive uncounterable constant healing? It can strip your offensive boons and it can deny you to do anything with interupts/cc..... why making warrior so tanky in pvp? Revenant vindicator is doing too much damage with hammer and greatsword in pvp, while being untouchable because of dodge/evade/block spams, why is it that way? Where is balance? Mirage is in more overpowered state than it was few years ago in pvp. How we gonna balance dagger ambush skill in pvp? What we gonna do about vigor uptime(evasion relic, dueling traits etc). What we gonna do with greatsword split surge aoe burst spam? What we gonna do with staff slow dodgable projectiles that never hits?
  3. I agree with this guy, there is no point having duoQ in platinum/legendary, remove it.
  4. I personally like mesmer being changed toward ally support, however you need to change blocking/stealth uptimes on virtuoso as it got chronomancer's shield(Echo of Memory, Deja Vu) double long block. Then virtuoso shatter skill 5 Bladeturn Requiem is useless skill, needs rework. Mirage new dagger ambush 1 skill Phantom Razor is overtuned and needs some of its kit moved to dagger 2 or dagger 3, spamming dagger ambush skill with clones is not fun to fight against(daze/condi/trait interupt effects spam). Willbender is having main issue as being designed over melee and closing the gap. So problem is that as melee it is hard to land hits enough to proc virtues passives. And main problem comes from control condition effects like cripple/chill/imobilize. Such counter is set under f2 Flowing Resolve which fully removes these, however it is often between getting healing from f2 or removing these 3 conditions(once), other words f2 is overtuned. Willbender needs resistance boon on Vanguard Tactics when shadowsteping instead of getting protection/resolution. That way when willbender is closing the gap it can actually land hits instead of being instant slowed and unable to do anything when it needs to. And as set back it would be squishier as tradeoff for being more opressive. Currently willbender can teleport to you and be unkillable but also can't do anything when it needs to do which makes its gameplay fully pushed into one shot builds and kiting. I hope you see the problem there, virtue passive not mattering much(mostly used to close the gap) while whole kit is into teleporting in and bursting with greatsword and whirl combos.
  5. Personally, i would get heart of thorns first. Game is very big so starting from the end of it makes no sense.
  6. Willbender needs more work especially for its utilities. "Reversal of Fortune" compared to healing signet is very terrible and punishing to use. Having it twice sounds good but realistically you get 2k heals 2 times in pvp. Even 4k heal is low. There are core traits which triggers when using healing skill so try to buff those traits in order to make this healing skill better without buffing it. "Flash combo" instead of making its second cast return back to its starting position, allow second shadowstep on target if all hits land. It cannot be anything similar like thiefs/mirages utility for "going in-out" as range and requirements are super high and unfun. Fix this please. "Rolling light" same problem as "Flashing combo".... just remove backward movements and add moving forward twice. Roll forward then leap forward(current). "Heaven's palm" cast time is super long and range is super short. So my advice is to either buff range to 900 from 600 OR reduce cast time from 1,25 sec to 0,75 sec please. These 4 changes are something which needs to be considered and applied, at least anything similar to these examples.
  7. I think warrior and druid deserved all this love, but i also think it is overkill with number of buffs.... look at pink class....nothing.... also you needed to tone down specter condi spam and bladesworn damage/sustain. This patch will just create more broken builds instead of balance, hope you are aware of what you did there.
  8. Nerf teef guys, we been telling you for years!
  9. As you all know, chronomancer's wells are ethreal fields and by using blast finisher, effect created from it is area chaos aura. NEW trait would add alacrity on chaos aura aplication. Blast finishers should be new mechanic of chrono which would come as "Clockwork reset" as clock time resets naturally. So idea is to apply self blast finisher effect when your alacrity "ate" or actually sped up 60 seconds of your abilities. Practical examples: Using 4 wells with 30 second cooldowns, if having 50% alacrity effect, for 15 seconds you will regain all 4 wells after using them and "consuming 60 seconds(4x15) of their rest cooldown time". This way shorter and more spamable spells would "consume" much less time while longer cooldown spells would consume more because of alacrity %. This way blast finishers would come every 10 seconds at the best. If trait gave 5 seconds of alacrity when applying chaos armor(to you or ally) then with 100% concentration it would be an uptime of 10 seconds alacrity applied. It would be very interesting new and fun mechanic of providing alacrity as chrono instead as it is. Chronomancer use to be primal source of this boon and as its very iconic carrier, it deserves some more love than just adding boon when casting well.
  10. You get regeneration from chaos aura. So that is where you get that regeneration uptime in pvp/wvw while in pve it is very possible someone else gonna give you boons. For virtuoso i would like regeneration to be moved from Duelist's Reversal to Sharpening Sorrow . So it would fit that chaos traitline condi direction much better.
  11. Some critics are fair to exists as good feedback connected to changes proposed. However no doubt there should be ban hammer for dem keyboard warriors.
  12. This is big disappointment. From all weapons, traits and utilities....stats, runes, sigils......you brought incorrect changes... We waited for this for many months and what is this? Changing HoT specs and that's it? Some of these sounds interesting but there is still no fix about: - 300 sec cooldown traits - celestial stat nerf - there are still not EoD elite specs runes and new sigils - there is no harbinger nerf
  13. Well you are so negative about it but i don't think mesmer will hit buffs neither it needs buff. It is exactly class that require some skill and practice. I made few of my builds for mirage and virtuoso, i am doing very well. Mesmer shouldn't be like harbringer and willbender, good in any hands of any type of player. They just need to tone down other steroid classes and mesmer will be fine as it is fine already. Damage mitigation is one of the strongest in the game, burst is as well one of the strongest. The only thing as i mentioned above and here again is how you gonna use your abilities, like will you dodge enemy burst or will you eat it and die, or will you land your own burst properly or just throw it just to put spell on cd.
  14. Plat2 mesmer here(top50 Eu). Mesmer is not that weak. It is that you have to play very well to make it very good. I will point direct example of designs of virtuoso and mirage as that dodge and block timing is very important to be used both offensively and defensively or else if you waste it you can easily go into downstate and do bad trade. Class is very fragile as light armor and low health so it is a must investing into defensive stats to get that extra times/chances to make some another move. However here is why both mirage and virtuoso can be very strong. Simply mirage can evade while under cc and evasion is best damage mitigation in game. Virtuoso however has many blocks which is again another very good damage mitigation tool. You can fully deny enemy to touch you if played perfectly. On top of all of it there is stealth. I pointed here on mesmer fragility and defensive options as i think these makes difference between useful mesmer or perma dead mesmer in pvp. I think it is pointless to talk about its insane offensive tools like confusion and power bursts and boon removals. Chrono is good example of how offense=best defense which is cc and pressure spam. There is that chrono build which terrorhuz(player) and some other people play. It is based on steroid alacrity uptime and stun/daze durations. So with this build you end up perma locking someone from ever dpsing you. Overall mesmer is not bad, it takes time to master it. Beauty of mesmer is that it fits multirole so again you just need to die less and adapt depending on situation.
  15. Yes man nerf thief, it is so op with these blinds and stuff.
  16. Stone heart is only good on weaver as weaver can quickly swap between damage attunements and earth and that swap is instant cast so it can always turn this ultimate defensive stance up when its needed. It is future stronger with elite which turns this swap to 2 sec cd. Overall stone heart is strong but limited and it should be only balanced for weaver(slight nerf in cooldown/usage).
  17. If you need swiftness there is focus 4 or chaos aura which can randomly give you swiftness when struck. There is also rune called "evasion" so when you evade you get swiftness.
  18. So again...if you are having traumatic experiences with deadeye, swap to tempest and clap it down.
  19. Man every thing has its own nemesis, nemesis for deadeye is tempest with magnetic aura durations/spam. And what counters tempest is necro for example as it can remove its boons and put endless chill 😄 then somehow deadeye counters necro....guess what this is team game not 1v1 and if you are harassed by deadeye kiss dem wall and you will be fine, you can't kill it fine...it can't kill you...fine 🙂 Play around your objective, leave fights you can't win and try to not die...
  20. Can we fix this trait please, so many blockable attacks still block bladesongs with trait "Psychic Riposte" which shouldn't because "unblockable" effect. *Posted this under proffesion section but i think it is bug as well.
  21. Can we fix this trait please, so many blockable attacks still block bladesongs with trait "Psychic Riposte" which shouldn't because "unblockable" effect.
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