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Posts posted by Obe.4283

  1. Pulling tower rangers/nadespammers/deadeyes is some of the best content wvw has to offer alongside pulling boonball guilds off cliffs... I personally think it's more annoying to be fighting outside an objective and have some slacker on the enemy team just max range pew pew away with zero risk.

    Real advice is just to use the many stability and stunbreak options other people have presented.

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  2. Fear is just not as effective anymore compared to the pulls necromancer has, you would need proper duration buffs to have at least 2-3s fear and perfect positioning also the enemy has to be close enough to the edge which they usually aren't.


    By comparison, spectral grasp 1200 range 5 target pull that you don't even have to aim or target for. And on reaper GS 5 grasping darkness another 5 target 900 range pull.


    So for instance if enemy is attacking hills cata spot:

    1. Stand on the corner bit of the wall at north -> enter shroud -> activate stability skill 3
    2. Shroud 2 off the wall so you are closest to the cliff in least amount of time.
    3. Activate spectral walk on the edge.
    4. Jump off the edge while casting spectral grasp, if you do it right you'll get up to 5 kills. If you want loot you have to have deathly chill trait enabled so the chill from grasp applies a bleed stack and actually tags them.
    5. Once that's done, spectral walk back up to the cliff. Maybe wait a few seconds in case they camp the edge to bomb you.
    6. Turn your back to the cliff, activate GS5 while walking backwards off the edge at the same time. (Same with grasp, deathly chill trait applies a bleed stack and gives kill credit.)
    7. If successful you'll have killed a maximum of 10 people given perfect circumstances. Usually you'll get 3-5 kills.

    I came back to wvw 3 months ago or so, have only been playing reaper because the boonball fights these days put me to sleep. Now i can still pull half a "fight guild" off the cliff and then they'll hunt me down later and throw siege or jump on my corpse. But hey, more salt for the salt gods.


    So yeah you can still have fun with it, i'd just not recommend using fear but pulls instead. Just accept that every enemy guild in your matchup is going to chase you for the remainder of that matchup. At least in EU they are not very "entertained" by it these days. So if you are on the attacking side, make sure you have that perma stability and hug your guild tight 😛


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  3. 2 hours ago, Nimon.7840 said:

    I did my own tests with hybrid reaper.

    And while it was fun to play something new, it was only good against bad players.


    Curses was kinda a must have, but then I encountered a problem:


    Without quickness the build is ultra slow, but you can only get quickness from interrupt sigil or spite traitline.

    With spite traitline you have way too few condi cleanses.

    Pure power reaper will be better vs most common roamers for sure, i also went hybrid mostly for variety. Agree that it's really slow in shroud without the quickness trait from reaper line. Most players still don't look at animations so getting the big hits in is still easy, but it sure feels clunkier without the quickness.

    I was mostly fine without blood magic traitline cleanse until the condi bunker groups started increasing, but i think it's worth taking it over spite at least.

  4. Hi necro mains/enthusiasts,

    I've been playing a bit of reaper in roam/small scale WvW recently on this hybrid chill meme build. Necro is not a class i've played much so i'm looking for feedback to see if it can be improved (As much as you can improve a meme build to begin with). It's basically a chill themed build, with the ghost pepper popper food during night-cycle for extra chill shenanigans. I don't do 1v1 stuff a lot unless it walks up to me, mostly <10 man fights and gravity kills.

    I wanted to include as much boon corruption as i could without gimping sustain, as there have been a large amount of comps running firebrand+tempest boonfactories since i came back. It works reasonably well if i'm paying attention, it does lack a bit of burst vs thieves and things like condi bunker weaver. I keep swapping out the blood traitline for spite/death magic trying to figure out what works best, but i haven't played enough necro to really get a feel for it.

    If there's improvements to be made, let me know! 

    Secondly i'm also looking for a scourge build that "works" for similar roaming/small scale, if there is one. Preferably not pure dire/trailblazer condi, but i'll look at anything. I've been looking on YT and trying to throw something together on gw2skills with the new Blood Bank change, but it's a class i haven't played at all. It seems really squishy without the extra health from core/reaper shroud, but since i haven't played it i'd like to try.

  5. How will i enjoy my time on desert BL if you nerf pulls? This is unacceptable, we need less stability and more ping pong. (Old video to illustrate why we need this)



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  6. @Comus.7365 said:not sure why people find the idea so offensive. from what i remember in spvp you pick your weapons and the stats you desire for your build and you're ready to go.in what way does that become a negative? i even saw someone say it would be bad for build diversity. how?

    The pvp stat amulets are locked into specific combinations, people in WvW like to use multiple different stats combinations on seperate gear pieces and min/max them for more build variety. It's more fun than just picking 1 trinket with all stats imo. So the build diversity thing is mostly about reducing the amount of player input on your stats. Double if they decide to remove pve runes/sigils and opt to use the pvp ones.

    There's a case to be made for ease of entry for new players but imo it's too late to change to something like the amulet system now that people have invested all their time and gold into obtaining gear/infusions for wvw. Also anet is working on the legendary armory/template thing which basically accomplishes the same as long as you spend the gold to obtain full legendary gear. I don't see them launching that and then going to pvp system.

    But yeah this topic has been brought up dozens of times and always goes the same direction, nowhere.

  7. Yes let's pay more money for our favorite neglected gamemode. Combined with the power of bandwagoner transfer gem purchases alliances might release in 2030 instead of 2040. And we'll get to cast 2 skills per minute instead of 1.

  8. @Moradorin.6217 said:Only in wvw. Meaning all those tells are ONLY in wvw. None apply to pvp. Also I would say Sigils are the single best tell. Pink icons too sure from various traits, but those are less obvious also with IH its much harder to find the real mes depending how u trait. Sure its still not hard to find the real mes, BUT sigils just make it as easy as possible for any opponent unless you plan to basically keep them all on cooldown constantly.

    The poster is asking for a WvW build, else i wouldn't bring it up. :p I mean yeah they apply extra obvious tells, but you're not dropping target for more than a couple seconds anyway in the limited amount of stealth. Competent players will re-target near instantly. It's useful if you're on old power mirage and you can get a few secs to launch less obvious GS burst i'll agree. Just not really relevant for this particular build imo.

  9. Roaming on this hybrid core build atm. Does pretty good, even vs some outnumbered fights. Just get hard countered by s/d acro thieves or things like convert scrapper. Basically spam out a ton of shatters and distorts.

    It's heavy on cleanse, can swap out cleansing sigil and inspiration 3-2-3 to 1-2-3 for teamfights. Keep a focus instead of torch on a 2nd gear template for camps/pull kills. Can drop moa for other elite, i just commit to the signet meme. :p Helps with all the heal bunkers these days.

  10. @Lampiao.2470 A lot of effort went into this, good job. I need any form of musician mesmer e-spec for my bard character. I'm not entirely convinced about the full mechanics, i agree with the lack of good AoE damage. (I don't particularly like chrono and mirage in open world/pve) But scourge shades / kalla always felt bad to me. Then again i'm not a mesmer main and barely do PvE so there's that.

    Still, fun read. Thanks!

    @"zallesz.1650" said:I just do not feel fair that they get yet another elite spec that is not just super-fun to play, but is also borderline OP / must-have.I would prefer an elite spec that fills one particular niche, and not just be useful everywhere, because "mesmer is cool, give it all the unique and cool and useful abilities we can".Let other classes also get some of the fun things.

    I get your point, but might as well just ask for other classes/specs to be brought up to par or get better/more interesting mechanics instead of preemptively wanting a potential mesmer spec to be less fun/good. (Side note that while mandatory in PvE, mesmer and especially chrono are all but gone from the WvW gamemode at least. :p)

  11. Haven't played WvW in a while but the buffs to Mallyx CtA and EtD look promising for roaming. My biggest issue was the CD on EtD causing Mallyx to feel extremely clunky since the last patch. CtA buff is nice, the damage increase isn't really relevant to me but i appreciate the old 30E cost and CD reduction. That will revert mobility back to old standards. Larger radius is nice as well.

    @Shao.7236 said:I hope this is the last buff they give it and try to address traits instead like Replenishing Despair ICD to be removed or Spontaneous Destruction not being so Spontaneous would deserve a cool down of about 10 seconds instead.

    Mallyx users have no incentive to run anything but Pulsating Pestilence because of all of the condition pressure that they bring on themselves. This could make Diabolic Inferno and Maniacal Persistence much more appealing to use.

    Mostly because MP alone is one trait that you'd want to have transfer for the self inflicted Torment, this one doesn't hurt the user much but when transferred it does the amount of damage it should.

    Diabolic Inferno could see an extra burning stack.

    I agree that CtA and EtD are pretty much done and should be left alone at this point, moving value from Pulsating Pestilence to the utility skills or other trait/legend mechanics would be preferable to me to give room for other (grandmaster) traits to be viable. Traits (And mabey pain absorption) are the last frontier for Mallyx balance.

  12. @"Elric.4713" said:Why are our icons colored all ugly like some disco ball, our color scheme is suppose to be red, black and white but then we have other colors added on top of that with every legend and with new skills that got added with and after PoF (Kalla, Shortbow, Trident and Ancient Echo) we've been getting some blue tints on them as well.

    Subjective topic obviously, but is your stance that our legend skill icons should be red/black/white only instead of their current color schemes?

    Personally I think the current colors make perfect sense and help visually differentiate between legends as you swap them. As for the "Why these colors?", weapon skills follow the R/B/W pattern as they are amplified by rev's own core mist magic. The legend skill icons represent their specific character/design.

    • Shiro = green for jade, red for either Shiro's clothing/emblem/general assassin vibe.
    • Mallyx = purple/red for realm of torment/Abaddon theme.
    • Ventari = yellow/blue with some red for the tablet (This could've been other colors but i imagine it's for the consistency with the design of the tablet inside the grove)
    • Jalis = gray/blue like the Great Dwarf aura from GW1.
    • Glint = blue/red/yellow, blue represents Glint's own color. Not sure about red/yellow but since glint used crystal magic and her entire lair was basically a giant rainbow fiesta any color scheme would work.
    • Kalla = red/blue/orange. No clue as to why, as it's a GW2 only character.

    On closer inspection red/black/white colors appear in most legend skills, (Often in minimal amounts) perhaps that's anet inserting the rev's core scheme into them.

    If all of those legend skills were purely red/black/white it'd be pretty dull imo. It works for other classes because they generally have a single unified theme. Revenant can get away with varying colors due to basically leeching its identity from other entities. The current style lets players know they are actually using different kinds of magic/powers when they swap legend. That said, it's all up to personal preference. :-)

    I do agree that recycling skill icons from other GW2 classes for Revenant is lazy, really driving that unfinished profession feel all the way home... Though i think other classes have some of it as well.

  13. Appreciate the effort spent rearranging the artwork, nice.

    GreatswordThe weapon skills look fine, since they're mostly a copy of current SB. The biggest issue with SB is #3 being trash for competitive, so i like the evade. #4 Being able to be cast without LoS is nice too, same if #2 actually hits as opposed to currently. Regarding the style, i'm on-board with the idea of greatsword. I'd prefer if it was animated the way Balthazar uses it, (Floating around next to the player etc.) if that is at all doable for the devs. (Probably not) Having it be an animation mix of current SB, mesmer GS and firebrand axe is also neat imo.

    Kalla's FervorKalla's Fervor is pretty boring at the moment, true. I'm not that excited about this version either however. Having it stack by spending energy is alright, but the fact that you have to trait for it to be consumable outside of Kalla is odd imo. I imagine it still functions as a ferocity/condi damage increase?

    Profession Mechanic & UtilitiesThe utilities and F#'s are swapped i see. If i understand correctly the new F#'s are basically summons that have a consume skill? Would need some info about what they do outside of the consume skill. I like the idea of them changing based on which legend you're channelling, but will agree that it takes away from the warband theme if they did.

    Regarding the new utilities, they look a bit bland to me. Basically copies of the old F#'s with the added consume Kalla's Fervor stacks mechanic. Personally i wouldn't use the Kalla Legend itself in this form in WvW. For solo/small scale competitive play the only interesting ability is the portal elite basically. Thematically I would replace one of the F# summons with Breakrazor (balance accordingly, could limit it to a cleanse/heal), to keep the utilities as a uniform skill type. Not that revenant has skill types outside of upkeep, but it looks a bit better imo. (Assuming breakrazor is still basically a well)

    TraitsMost look reasonable, i think the prot on dodge is a bit too much. Thematically i wouldn't put that on renegade. I would replace Vindication and Lasting Legacy, they're both not very interesting imo. KF resource shouldn't require a trait to be usable outside kalla i think. I'd also probably keep the "gain vigor when fury is applied to you" effect on Brutal Momentum.

    All of that said, i mostly look for things i can use in WvW. Either in small scale or 1v1. I can imagine people who play support will like most of this.

    Was fun to read, thanks. :-)

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