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Everything posted by monotony.4931

  1. Quoting this for emphasis. As much as I like the trait, it absolutely has to go.
  2. So you want the most squishy, mediocre damage class in the game to not have the best mobility? Man I sure hope a-net hires you to manage balance, so I can finally quit this game. Squishy . yes but he is not the only one and you forgot about stealth ,teleport and panic bottoms (Dagger Storm,Roll for Initiative,.......)Mediocre Damage . yes but you forgot about steal and CC that enable him to kill with that mediocre damage (and condi thief dont have mediocre damage ofc) So yea having all that with mobility is not balanced for conquest**I know it's just a silly typo but this genuinely made me laugh. Thanks for that ??
  3. Before the 25th I couldn't play a single match. The game was a dumb slug fest. If real life permits I can now manage many games in a row. ?
  4. It's still fun. You should give it a go.
  5. The rock: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Rock Because it just makes me smile. ?
  6. Stupid community events? I wrote and erased it a lot of times, cause what I wanna say to you would get me banned from forum. This is a great example why you should read everything before jumping to conclusions. <3
  7. Just my wacky sense of humour. It's an unwritten rule to complain about everything. ? In all seriousness: it's great to see people still put so much work into GW.
  8. I have to wait for patches because of stupid community events now?! =)
  9. Depends really. Thanks to my fancy keyboard I have a readily available keybind for every mount. I use all of them for various purposes: -Jackal is my most used mount nowadays. It's amazing on uneven terrain and for gathering runs. It's very versatile. Bond of Vigor is nuts with this mount; -Raptor for maps where long leaps are necessary (for example Bitterfrost chest runs); -Skimmer for watery stuff; -Skyscale and Springer for exploring, sometimes on gathering runs to avoid obstacles. Both are a blessing in HoT, especially Tangled Mess; -Bug for open maps, when I want to go to a specific place ASAP; -Griffon is the least useful to me. I only use it for fun, when taking off peaks; -I'd love some extras for the Warclaw in PvE land. The kitty looks great. I used to be a big time WvW player but that mode drives me away nowadays.
  10. The poll compares apples and oranges. What some players seem to forget is that the balance on the 24th February 2020 was over 2 years in the making. Before the game reached that (for some) acceptable point, PvP was plagued by a myriad of broken builds and abilities : Scourge/Firebrand duos, Minesweeper Holosmith, S/D Daredevil, Mirage, Rampage, Worldly Impact, etc. Even after the outliers were addressed dealing damage was still way too easy. Downing a player did not require any setup or cooperation, both of which I consider essential in an ability based multiplayer game. Is this barely four months old state of balance perfect? Certainly not. Is it better than the slug fest that was before? Absolutely yes.
  11. Where did all the Necromancers go?
  12. Death match is boring. Secondary objectives make the game more interesting.
  13. It's a little dishonest to quote that post without at the very least adding the date. CMC's reply is from November 2019. At that time, every profession had at least one build that could be considered a monstrosity. Furthermore, no one possibly knew how the game would look like in May 2020.
  14. An amulet or any other fixed stat system should have been implemented since the beginning. PvE gear and items have no place in a PvP environment. I find it curious that build diversity is a recurring argument to defend a deficient gearing system. Since the very start PvE gear and items have bread nothing but broken builds. From Perplexity runes (the first implementation) over Expertise and Concentration attributes to now Trailblazer or Minstrel gear, the list is seemingly endless. The ascended power creep aggravated an already existing problem. If you're into WvW for PvP then there is literally no way you can be OK with the current system.
  15. The last patch happened on April 28th : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103747/game-update-notes-april-28-2020#latest That was less than a month ago. While that patch wasn't huge, it was at least partially targeted at PvP. It's clear that the game mode is being updated. Claims to the contrary are false. Whether the patches we see are fast enough or large enough are two different questions.
  16. Although the various states of water are a thrilling subject, I'd just like to point out that the Norn and Asura spawned Braham and Taimi respectively. If the two most public representatives of your species are a cringe worthy wuss and a whiny kid your claims on the title of superior warrior race don't hold much ground.
  17. Downed state absolutely has to stay. It adds flavor and a mini game to the actual game. It forces players to make use of a combination of cleave, CC, Poison, corpse play (some CC allows you to launch downed players) and safe stomping (teleport, invulnerabily block, blind, stealth, etc.) to win a team fight. It rewards the player for saving that essential cool down for the stomp. It rewards your team for actually working together to secure the kill. That's exactly what a 5v5 team play oriented game should do: make players work together and reward them for their efforts. That said, the rally mechanic and revive abilities are two different topics. Whether they need adjusting or not is already being discussed in other threads.
  18. Block those individuals and move on. Don't let teenage angst ruin your free time.
  19. Less than 24 hours ago I had no problems playing PvP?
  20. No. When a larger, similarly well organized group of players rolls over a smaller group or a single player the less numerous group should absolutely lose. In other, more evenly balanced scenarios two stun breaks, two dodges and all the other defensive tools a build has nowadays is more than enough. In larger engagements there's also heavy group support. Group healing and boon sharing are very powerful. CC is also extremely important to stop revives. A three seconds immunity would allow players to get their allies up unchecked. And finally, adding another mechanic to the game is in my opinion the wrong move. Combat, especially in large scale, is already a mess. Both visually and mechanically. It's impossible to keep track or even identify all the abilities thrown at your group. Adding yet another mechanic on top will make it worse.
  21. I can't stand Temple. It favours teleportation too much.
  22. It's not perfect but it is much better than what we had had to put up with since PoF release. The damage reduction we had in February was a bliss. You now actually have to use all the tools at your disposal in order to score a kill. The times where you could drop a player by pushing one or two buttons are hopefully gone forever. Team play is really important in this new environment. Peeling, reviving, focus targeting, counter CC, "corpse play" and stomping are just a few things that are more useful than before. Condition damage is nowhere near as dominant as forum posters make it out to be. Some classes have strong tools to deal with conditions too. As it stands, sustain will be looked at next. Survivability is no doubt an issue on some builds. So there is also something to look forward to.
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