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Everything posted by ramorambo.6701

  1. it goes back to the healing one for me too and it's very annoying
  2. I don't know how you could call fishing hardmode, it literally require barely any precision and timing, plus it gets easier with masteries. If anything i'd like for it to be more challenging but to also increase the moving bar speed
  3. Nerf aren't substantial? rev used to heal for: battle scars - 202 per stack, now 116 per stack, about 50% nerf rune of tormenting - 171 per torment, now 0 since they just suck so it is now from an average of 372 per second to 116 per second, wich is about a 70% nerf. Then we have thief wich has invigorating precision going down from 20% lifesteal to 6% wich means another 70% reduction Necro got several nerf to his lifesteal and durability, -22% dmg reduction in shroud, -5% condi lifesteal and a random -1% lifestal for reaper, while also not being able to use torment runes anymore Those are nerfs that nobody asked for and that are going to ruin the gameplay for those who like the solo player experience or play late at night, without making the playing experience better for anyone else. Also those build were so useful for playing a relaxed open world, wich didn't hurt anyone in the slightest. If they didn't want people to play a lame playstyle in raid/fractals stacking those tanky build they should've made specific changes only for those enviroment instead of ruining the freedom of other players that didn't even ever raid once
  4. i never played below gold, but from gold to plat 2 the toxicity is kinda common, throwers too. The gamemode is still cool and they aren't TOO comon, but they are present nontheless, unfortunately they rarely, if ever, get banned. I suggest you to try the gamemode anyway and maybe go invisible mode so you can't get whisped. But anyway try to play to have fun and to try to not get hard triggered by uneducated caveman people-like that live between gold 3 and plat 1. Otherwise play unranked, wich is a more relaxed gamemode, but it is more of a deathmatch and it gives less rewards
  5. Maybe it simply bugged out, and since they open this section and/or sPvp ingame once or twice a year they simply didn't notice. Imagine if this happened, idk, to the fractals not resetting daily, i assume they would have immediatly addressed the issue
  6. If anything the flat gain could be lowered while giving emphasis on pip boost based on your rating, right now you only get a little boost when you get to plat and above, that little boost should instead start from silver and improve every tier (silver 1 gives 1 extra tick, silver 2 gives 2 extra ticks, silver 3 gives 3 extra ticks, gold 1 gives 5 extra ticks, gold 2 gives 6 extra ticks, etc. ). That would actually give a reason to play games and to remain at high rating, thus to win
  7. I sure do hope offseason will be shortened from now on, 2 weeks without a decent pvp gamemode/enviroment mostly results in people playing other games and maybe not coming back for the next season
  8. 1. Start with the class you feel most comfortable with, gw2 pvp has a really high skill ceiling, it's better to start with something that you actually feel comfortable with 2. -learn all the classes and their meta builds ( you can find them either on hardstuck.gg or on metabattle / twitch chat command of some streamers) -learn the kiting spots (search on youtube gw2 kiting spots guides) -watch some good pvper (notoriousnaru, boycerino, sindrener, benzoabuse, zenyus to name a few. they all have vods and are good players) -find your optimal options (keybinds, type of targeting etc. i believe you can find guides on youtube) -have fun and go invisible status ingame if people start to flame you in whispers o/
  9. learning how to not get tilted after unlucky matches is an essential skill needed in team based games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Learn to play all the classes in unranked, play some duels, learn kiting spots, watch streamers, get good keybinds, git gud
  11. That's because /gg in pvp could be used to respawn faster if you're in an unfavorable position or if the enemy is purposely letting you bleed out when downed btw you can also just go to character screen and log back in if you get stuck in pvp
  12. if i had to guess they probably released specs in order of wich one was ready first or something along those lines. that said i jut wanted to say here too thet pet based spec in spvp are absolutely unskilled and feel like kitten to play against
  13. they would literally only need to communicate verbally while being on discord to understand if they're playing in the same match and against and/or in team, wich they already do
  14. that was really nice, can't say anything but compliments, but please do give some attention to the flawed structure of pvp even without scandals ❣️
  15. You can already spectate tourney games, it's just that they have limited slots and you have to be partner. I suggested the same thing a while ago, real problem is that it would enable sniping, and most importantly that it would require they giving a kitten about pvp
  16. 2v2/3v3 is increadibly one sided for support + tank class or just necro spamming lich in general, but hey if you like it, by all means; i'd be happy for it to be permanent but to not force it after a season ends
  17. If only any dev in charge of the decision of offseason existence would open this section of the forum to see the feedbacks of this gamemode, or maybe just open the game and actually try how awful it is
  18. You keep saying the population shrinked because of soloq implementation, while ignoring the fact that the population was big only when people still hadn't a clue about how much this game sPvp was pretty much semi-abandoned, meta specs are specs that are 4 years old, the gamemode has nothing to do with the shrinking, the never changing meta however does. Dang, another post that only list positive things while completely ignoring negatives of your reasoning, the annoyance of finding 4 people, removing the option to play ranked with a single button click-no direct player interaction that many players do like for pvp modes. Anyway rest assured that 5v5 enforce will never happen at all, it MAY appear in the offseason tho, just to test the water, since off season is a shitfest anyway
  19. Why do you even open public topics if you already have decided that what others say is wrong and you're "factually true", just open a notepad and write senteces while answering to them yourself then. No solo que would hurt ANY competitive game, pvp is mostly played for fun rather than for farming like fractals, thus removing a system that enables a quick que and forces a more annoying system would hinter the fun; i'm not saying no one would play it i'm just saying that it would be less fun, resulting in an even bigger reduction of the sPvp population, wich is IN-FACT low, since it's easy as kitten to get in the top 250 even while not being a top player. Also idk why would you take PVE players examples in an enviroment where we're talking about PVP player's behaviour, so no you have no facts whatsoever. I mean i'm all for new gamemode and revamps, but forcing 5v5 and kicking out solo que right now is nonsense, as i said before pvp should get a revamp at its core, with a whole lot more incentives to have the numbers to support new game modes, one of wich could be 5v5 ranked only
  20. The population of ranked would diminish drastically if 5 person were needed to que, finding 5 people is beyond annoying, look at wow pvp, where you have to manually find 1 or 2 persons and how unfun it is to see people quitting in your face after the first loss. Solo ranked is good because it's quick and fun, wich keeps a lot of people playing, it would be a terrible idea to force solo players to play unranked since there are almost no rewards for unranked, what you're suggesting is basically automated tournament with extra steps. The actual problem of ranked matches is the non-existent matchmaking, no distinction between solo and duo que and the semi-low population, anet should start from the population problem, giving more incentives for pvp players, thus expanding the playerbase and providing by result a better matchmaking
  21. Every time the off-season starts some ranting thread appears. And rightly so, 2v2 and 3v3 are horribly unbalanced, unfun and with even more terrible matchmaking. I don't really know why the off-season is even that long, why can't it be like 2 or 3 days while implementing 2v2 and 3v3 as secondary gamemode? And if the answer is because no one would play them then why would you FORCE the players to play a gamemode they don't like at all? Every time off season starts there is a mass-exodus of pvp streamers from twitch, anet either want the pvp playerbase to get smaller/ don't care/ is too stubborn to accept that the gamemode failed
  22. i like how everyone just answers without even reading entirely my first post, or any other post in the entire topic, and keeps repeating the same comment wich have been already addressed and answered
  23. The live streaming excitement part is true, yet again the easy solution is just make the streamer cast the delayed version of the game if that's the case.Also i already said the reasons about why the streamer- only version is not good and why a replay system or delay would actually help:
  24. And I'm sure learned that teams use it to cheat, to read what the other team is doing via some remote guy in their voice chat who's job is to watch the other team. Dota 2 and many others game work around this issue showing a delayed recording of the game, still from what i understand it's not possible to replicate this 1:1 but there is surely some work around to make it happen, like, idk a downloadable replay? Or maybe make it like wow, that you can have access to the users information and have someone casting them on the ufficial gw2 channel in a proper manner, showing builds and making a more new-user friendly enviroment?what is realy needed is some work or feedback from anet side with the purpose of making pvp more accessible and informative than now
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