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  1. Nice, sadly doubt it'll get fixed before the season is over though :<
  2. Not just Harbinger, but for any Necromancer spec Weakening Shroud in the Curses traitline is bugged, it doesn't apply Weakness on Critical Strikes at all, only when entering Shroud. Been like this for over a month.
  3. Great in PvE Niche in WvW Irrelevant in PvP
  4. This, the game needs more casual modes. 10v10, 15v15 (think WoW battlegrounds and please with good rewards unlike Stronghold) Proper 2v2/3v3 arena (think WoW arena, current maps are pretty bad in the off-season mode) Unranked/Ranked should probably be merged to just "Conquest" (just make PvP badge, win/loss and rating hidden by default) Also tournaments need divisions, doesn't make sense to put a Bronze player team trying a tournament against Rank 55 Dragons, there's a reason every sport in the universe has different divisions and leagues. Just have tiered rewards. PvP Population numbers are currently so low that the matchmaking algorithm doesn't even work anymore. You'll get games against 1800+ players when you're like 1400 lol Balance patches alone aren't gonna cut it, they're great and all but they don't bring fresh blood to the game since they mostly just affect people already playing the mode or taking a small break from it. If you've never played League of Legends and it's receiving a balance patch you're not gonna suddenly be like "oh boy, time to try!" because of it This game probably has the best combat system out of any MMORPG. It's a shame it's not being utilized to it's full potential... But a lot of people in this community sadly would rather whine about how new modes would "split the population" and continue to let the game bleed out.... Also an additional side effect to having PvP be good is that it attracts a lot of Twitch and YouTube content creators and viewers, most of the Twitch viewers on WoW for example are arena PvP streams. GW2 section is basically dead at this point but even then most of the top viewed streams are of people who are good at PvP (Boyce etc.). And yes, those platforms are a bigger deal than you might think.
  5. Don't know if there are any Chrono players to get upset at this left in the game :^)
  6. I noticed this causes some other weird issues too, like in WvW when hitting a Lord and throwing the Blade it only hits the Lord once and then just kinda vanishes, even though there are like 30 allies (+ the Clone) to bounce from around the Lord Probably because I'm not in a group with them it prioritizes the Clone, which is broken Pls fix, the ranged poke this used to provide was great
  7. I actually really like this idea to make Clones matter for WvW
  8. See title, basically makes Mirror Blade useless on single-targets on long ranges. And no I'm not talking about Virtuoso since they don't spawn a clone to begin with, this happens on Core, Mirage and Chronomancer.
  9. I just noticed this as well, yikes. Hopefully they'll fix it asap...
  10. Been getting pretty frequent crashes at random just about anywhere caused by File: D:\Perforce\Live\NAEU\v2\Code\Arena\Engine\Gr\GrTexCube.cpp(420), not sure if this is DX11 related though since those crashes usually mentioned BGFX.
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