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Everything posted by dace.8019

  1. Go to the training zone in Lion's Arch Aerodrome - you can spawn a golem in there and it's a private instance. It will give you DPS in the chat window at 75/50/25%.
  2. You can change the prefix on Ascended weapons via the Mystic Forge. This allows you to Research Kit them.
  3. I've never liked the illusions breaking with the target's death either, even though I mained Mesmer in GW1 so I put it on the back burner in GW2... until Virtuoso appeared and saved the spec for me.
  4. Is that I can't delete the portal scroll along with the in game mail in one click but must instead loot the portal scroll in order to delete it in order to resume ignoring that game mode.
  5. On the subject generally of Reviving dungeons I'll throw out my obligatory idea on this: put them into the Fratcals of the Mists. Whether or not they become their own subset or they can mingle with the rest of the fractals is another matter. And I know this is way more complex than simply putting them into fractals - besides all the mechanics and integration the dungeons themselves need to be massively reworked. But guess what? There's a lot of content sitting in those dungeons and it is just languishing there. Is it a big job? Yep. But you've already got the assets, framework and design.
  6. Got a character stuck in Amnytas - can't get through the loading screen. Just prior the ping in the instance they were in was over 900. I actually managed to escape that instance, but the one I got put in had a failed meta, which started killing me but the instance closing message popped up immediately, I hit it, and it put me back into (I assume) the shard that was dying.
  7. They tried this in Overwatch and there were actually some cool changes - besides the mountain of some of the worst decisions ever inflicted in the name of balance on a game anywhere.
  8. Awhile ago, ANet were talking about updating core Tyria. It may have been more superficial to bring it up to the standards of the expansions but I also wondered if it also meant tuning up the story and other core experiences. We haven't heard anything on that front now in years so I think it's safe to assume that project will never come to fruition.
  9. Shiro's utlilities in PvE are a little pricey too, particularly because you'll want to get as much Impossible Odds out of him as you can, and just by running IO for a short while leaves the rest greyed out.
  10. Woah woah woah I don't even play this particular meta of DE I just like it for occasional OW stuff and it's been hollowed out hard.
  11. Homogenization of professions due to the hard meta preference for Alacrity and Quickness is easily the worst thing about modern GW2. I really get why ANet are doing it - people wanted an easily parsed role that didn't involve intimate knowledge of a profession and this was it. Making a profession mandatory as the only vehicles for these boons was unsustainable so they had to dole them out to everyone. I love burning down content as much as the next player but I hate that we're not looking at professions and their elite specs through the lens of what interesting mechanics, changes, skills and new effects they bring but how to squeeze alac, quick out of them and have huge dps/heals. That's all there really is atm for group content. You could boil the game down to 2 buttons in these modes: one for DPS/heals and the other to supply whatever boons you're built for. I guess it's easier to balance and build content for than having 9 professions doing weird and wonderful things distinct from one another like we had at launch.
  12. They're rounded up in the middle of the night and turned into Soylent.
  13. I was so sure this was an oversight on the patch notes and we only got half of it. Where's the rest ArenaNet? This surely can't be it? On that cooldown???
  14. Necro didn't used to be a safe bet. In PvE Necro used to be the worst class in the game for groups and events. For the first year (or two?) when poison only stacked duration, bleed only went to 25 stacks on a single mob. Maybe you could have one necro - but after that they started to cancel one another out. Got to the point where they were specifically forbidden on half the LFGs.
  15. Apologies for the necro But I've been away from GW2 for a while and returned lately and saw these skills updated with new animations. Thanks ANet.
  16. Major, unrealistic feature? A complete modernisation/update of the engine. You know, so it can handle the open world zergs that half the content revolves around. It would probably take them an expansion's worth of work just to get half way there. I guess at that stage we're just talking about a sequel. But I'm not wholly on-board for the dreaded "3" just yet. Maybe this one isn't unreasonable but turning the LFG tab into something beautiful, fulfilling and complete? Something you don't have to constantly refresh, something that you don't have to spam a "Join instance" button on. A fitting portal to the game's content, full of evocative art pertaining to said content, laden with details about dailies, weeklies, achievements and other awards. That better succeeds in connecting players with one another and the stuff they want to do. Instead of a half-assed, rush-job, no imagination after-thought.
  17. By degrees, ArenaNet managed to completely screw up their vision for GW2's professions and combat dynamics. The boon range is one of the things they completely misjudged and led us into the boon-role meta. It started by simply making it so that 25 might and perma fury was simple and worth occupying the same nanometer of space. It killed ranged options in group content. For awhile, it also meant conditions were useless (along with the bizarre original design choice regarding the old caps on conditions). Instead of addressing this mistake, they doubled down and pandered to the "cheese it down" crowd. And, why not? Burning a boss down in 2 minutes does feel better than taking 4 minutes to do it. Unique boons became spread around to promote inclusion, especs became known by these meta boons instead of by their unique mechanics or designs. The game, heavily promoted on its departure from the "holy trinity" just created a new holy trinity. Healer, DPS alac, DPS quick. The point of all this is to demonstrate that they will not increase boon ranges. There's 2 camps ANet are keen to keep happy; the open world zerg player (there's enough of them in the blob that boon range is sort of irrelevant) and the meta instance crowd (who are stacking on the sacred spot in every encounter).
  18. I've always thought that Dungeons salvation lay in being bundled into the Fractals somehow. Although there's a lot of work involved in solving their myriad problems, it's still a lot of content left sitting there and the worst part is that all of it can be redeemed with a some TLC and 2022 relevant rewards.
  19. Good: Most things! Bad: PvE Endgame builds/variety. Homogenization of professions/especs. We've gone from "You're free of the holy trinity" to "Actually, you're a slave to the trinity again" to "Screw it, the trinity is now alac, quick and heals. And we're going to build everything in the especs around providing multiple routes to this trinity so that it is not only accessible but mandatory." I don't even mind the concept of the trinity and enjoy it in other games but it is such an awkard fit in GW2's combat and original design philosophies that it is probably the thing ruining the game for me. There is no effort, skill, carry, expression. There is only the boons and faceroll.
  20. I did say "rumoured". And the rumour was that it was very early GW3.
  21. IIRC GW3 was the rumoured project cancelled along with the swathes of lay-offs when MO left. Maybe they've restarted it, or more likely, gone in a different direction with the sequel.
  22. It's probably going to be housing. I'm really not for that because it sounds boring to me, but they did mounts so well that I'd be open to seeing what ANet could produce. Maybe player home airships? I suggested that elsewhere. But, on the flip-side, I'm not optimistic, because I reckon a lot of the talent that brought us gliding and mounts are gone - purely judging that on the forgettable masteries in EoD.
  23. On the matter of elitism/efficiency, it's often about time. Time to do the thing and do it easy. In GW2 this often ends up with the people in question spending longer waiting for the optimal group than the time it takes to just run the content with an adequate group. I've often sat in fractal groups waiting on, say, an Alacren for 10 minutes. Having one in the group doesn't take 10 mins off the time to clear the daily/recs. But they're gonna wait around doing nothing until they find one instead of just grabbing one of the billion DPS refreshing LFG and just doing it.
  24. Just pick the easiest boonrole spec, join the group full of the same, faceroll the content and you too can catch up on your netflix backlog while being an elite GW2 player.
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