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Posts posted by dace.8019

  1. The endless slew of vendor trash and basic crafting supplies, concealed within bags within boxes within chests exist to mask the almost complete lack of worthwhile items you can actually loot in the game. I think it also allows more discrete compartmentalising of some loot tables and allows ANet to manage rewards by activity. Almost all of the worthwhile rewards in the game have a track, achievement, recipe, currency or some such other means of acquisition. This is fundamentally a credit to the game, IMO. But it does mean that the lootable items are very boring and a chore to manage. I've noticed, lately, some attention in this regard where you can loot some better items as part of reward cycles and that has added much needed spice to the loot system, so perhaps it's being recognised.

  2. Oh man, dungeons. So much work left to rot. They're in a bad way all these years later and that will probably never change. Fractals were meant to replace them but I've never understood why so much content was allowed to wither when it could be salvaged and redeemed.

    I've said this before, so excuse me if you've seen me put this out there - Dungeons should be wrapped into Fractals as a second category. You could mix in some fractal rewards into their rewards systems. They would need some work well beyond bug fixes. Some encounters/bosses need their mechanics rebalanced and some dungeons/paths probably need a good overhaul. While recycling and remastering old content is harder than it sometimes sounds, the assets are right there, so a lot of old, neglected but completed work is ripe for exploiting.

    This, sadly, will never happen.

  3. @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:The main issue with that conclusion is that the Nightmare and Dark Hunts also seem to counteract and fight against Mordremoth just as the Dream does. If the Nightmare was Mordremoth's influence, then all of the Nightmare Court should be instantly enthralled to Mordremoth, yet as we see with Faolain and the remnants of the cut-Nightmare Court content, this was not so.

    I think that, overall, you're mostly correct. But I didn't necessarily mean that Nightmare was pro-Mordremoth but was closer to his nature. So like the apple not falling far from the tree (sorry >.<). eg. They're "evil", like Mordremoth, because they've fallen to their base nature which, even if independant from Mordremoth, is like him, and they're susceptible to that evil alignment because of their origins.

  4. @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:HoT promotions actually showed that sylvari "immunity" from dragon corruption came, in fact, from the Pale Tree's protection - and in Season 2, this protection is brought up as something the Soundless don't have.

    I'm not disagreeing or suggesting you're wrong - but my impression of the Pale Tree's protection was The Dream. And that The Dream only protected the Sylvari from Mordremoth (up to a point) and their darker inherent natures. I didn't reckon that The Dream provided more for protection from other Dragon's corruption based on that and that sort of propped up the possible half-truth of resistance to other dragon corruption as a result of being a dragon minion.

    This is also somewhat supported by the use of the terms Dream, Nightmare and the etymology of the word Mordrem. "mardröm" is swedish for nightmare. "Mordrem" is perhaps more literally "Mother dream" and I believe that is more than a simple coincidence from anglicising the word mardröm. All these wash together to suggest Nightmare was always the state Mordremoth created the Sylvari to exist in, the Pale Tree's creation of The Dream was a protective, motherly dream for her children.

    Other Elder Dragon's gaining access to the fallen ED's domains seems to be what has openned the door to cross corruption?

  5. I've long held that they should be updated and folded into Fractals - as some kind of subcategory.

    There's work involved to polish and rebuild/redesign some of them, but the existing base is solid and there's a lot of framework and content to exploit.

    ANet could tie them and their rewards into the Fractal rewards systems. Everyone wins. ANet get to revitalise/redeploy existing content and assets, fractals players get new content, dungeon fans get their dungeons back on the map.

    But its never going to happen.

  6. Fully agree with this thread. It's a little bit absurd.

    This has, I'm sure, been a thorn in Arena Net's paw all these years. They doubled down on big, map-wide meta events because of the positive reaction the system garnered, but the game runs like crap during these events. Like they painted themselves into a corner.

    I'm sure a lot of people over the years at ANet have wanted to fix this mess but one assumes the time/cost budget is too big.

  7. 100% agree that the way to make Weaver (and almost any profession) shine is to go all-in on damage. It doesn't necessarily need to be berserker (if you're going condi, hybrid or something) but leaning all your stats into killing mobs quickly and working out survivability from traits, utilities and approach/tactics is rewarded throughout GW2's PvE.

    There isn't a single aspect of GW2's PvE I don't take a glass-cannon (stats-wise) profession into and manage. Some things are harder than others, but generally I can first-go everything. The game's combat is fluid and dynamic, understanding how different enemies fight is more important than face-tanking them while you cycle through a rotation. One of the best things about being glassy is that you need to learn these. You'll understand the game better as a result; instead of facetanking attacks you might survive, you'll learn to side step them, dodge them, block them, interrupt them, shadowstep out, flank - and you'll have been ready for it, because you'll recognise the enemy and know their moves, the boss' mechanics, etc. This is true mastery.

    All of which is achievable in non-damagey gear, of course. But being that good and being in soldier's gear is a bit like leaving your ferrari home and riding the bus.

  8. I've used a bunch of different CPUs (at various stock- and overclocks) and let me tell you, you are wasting your time looking to benchmark. I've not sought to reproduce a something of a benchmark, but i have been following FPS in the same sort of content over them. The differences are often minimal between capable, modern (and even not so modern) CPUs. It's not worth the effort because the game runs so awfully outside of your proposed "benchmarking" and you will spend much more time in the instances where it runs poorly than in your scenario - thanks to the factors other have pointed out.

    All you can do is hedge your bets and go for the beefiest IPC that you can OC and I guarantee you will still be disappointed by GW2s performance. The game will run a bit better but when in crunch mode it will still limp at basically the same FPSes or an FPS unacceptably close to the poor numbers you might be seeing anyway.

  9. Jacarandas, you will aggro one while killing another, and aggro yet another while killing that one, then again, and again, until you go full Anakin & the sand people on them.Wolves (like the ones in HotW and CoE). Their openning attacks are ridiculous, but only really a problem if they're in groups and stagger them.Bristlebacks if you don't have any projectile reflect/block or a buttload of CC equipped. You can abuse LoS on them quite often.Branded griffons, who do a whole lot of nothing while evading you for extended periods.Sand lions, because blocks and blinds galore are fun. Not too bad if you have a rapid, fast melee weapon. But if not, who swaps their build/weapons to fast/rapid strikes for the sake of one or two mobs on their way around a map?

  10. @"Angel.8517" said:Disconnected 3 times on the last cut scene with popup message."The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code=7:11:3:191:101)".Disconnected for the 4th time. :anguished:.5th time after a build patch..

    I'm getting the same problem, with the same error code (Code=7:11:3:191:101). I've tried it 4 or 5 times and it always happens, with the message appearing right after the cinematic concludes. No other networking issues apparent.

  11. I've had two - one from each end of the value spectrum.

    Got Zap, which at the time was worth over 1,000 gold. I'd just joined a pug for HotW p1 and while waiting for the opener to get to the dungeon, I hopped into the water to kill a couple of things below the entrance - was half way through killing the veteran fish when the join button appeared. This was when you could just join dungeons from the prompt in combat. Very nearly did and would have missed the drop.

    Years later I got Carcharias (~30 gold :( ) from a PoF bounty.

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