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Posts posted by DrDoctor.8091

  1. So when you take the "Kinetic Stabilizers" trait, your stun and daze duration is increased, but the new Flashbang skill is unaffected by it and the new Supply Crate goes back to the original duration, so if you take Supply crate and take KS trait, supply crate's daze goes back to 2 1/2 seconds instead of increasing in duration.

    • Crystal Configuration: Eclipse: This trait no longer causes Corona Burst to grant stability. Increased base barrier granted from 374 to 991 in PvE and 748 in competitive modes.In addition to my previous comment, I think this is an unnecessary change, Engineer in competitive modes would really lack stability, I would say keep the trait as it is, BUT give it a decreased stability duration to 1 - 1 1/2 second.

    I do also think that the other Crystal Configuration traits should be buffed as well. Well, mainly the Crystal Configuration: Storm. I think the range is pretty fine, but a range increase to make the auto attack an actual ranged ability would be cool, I'd also suggest buffing the damage on the auto attack (when traited with Storm), because I find it to be lack luster. If you buffed it, it would make this trait an option for group PvE and PvP as well. Crystal Configuration: Zephyr is also a bit lack luster, it has it's uses in some place (I do enjoy using it in WvW, where I can give superspeed to the people I play with. Can be useful in some PvE cases), but overall it's pretty lackluster. Doesn't have any synergy or much of a good use. I'm not entirely sure how it should be changed, but I think it needs a rework or it should be replaced with a new trait.

  2. Aim Assisted Rocket (REWORK): Rockets are now only fired on critical hits. Rocket recharge reduced from 10 seconds to 3 seconds. Rockets now require the engineer to be at least 450 distance from the target to fire. Every 5th rocket instead calls an orbital strike.

    at least 450 distance? That's kinda silly. I always found Engineer to work best in melee range, especially Holo. This trait would be absolutely lack luster for Power DPS (and somewhat condi, because, while it would give a lot of vulnerability to the enemy, but its mainly a power damage trait, not condi). If it were within the range threshold of 450, that would have a big impact on Power DPS and would DEFINITELY have more synergy with other traits than being at least 450 distance away.

  3. @XenoSpyro.1780 said:It's obviously a bug since the difference wasn't mentioned in the patch notes. I prefer they keep it this way, except for the Detection Pulse change since Analyze is garbo. Everyone would rather take extra dodging or quickness anyway, so at least there's some form of choice.

    It's not at all surprising the devs forgot about Lesser UG and UG. If they actually played core engi (hint: they don't), we wouldn't have seen half of the changes we got over the last 3 years butchering the class.

    If they played Holosmith, they would know that some HS traits need a rework or buff. Examples: Photonic Blasting Module on Grandmaster tier and buff or reworkCrystal Configuration: Storm on master tier lol.

  4. I don't know if this was intentional or they forgot about it, but if you use the Gadgeteer trait in Tools, you get the old version of Utility Goggles (Fury and immunity to blindness) + might, but without the trait it's resistance and blindness removal. Is this a bug or intentional? Kinda weird they didn't change the UG while it's traited or even the Lesser Utility Goggles trait. I'm aware not a lot of people use it, but I am just curious.

  5. Engineer

    When the scrapper's profession ability was changed to an F5 skill, the tool belt skill from Sneak Gyro, Detection Pulse, was replaced. That skill was sorely missed as it provided useful and skilled counterplay if well timed. As the profession mechanic needed to remain on the F5 key, we looked elsewhere and saw that Purge Gyro, an inherently defensive and utility-centric ability, had a tool belt skill that did not fit its intent. Scrapper is also getting a bit of a tune-up with its hammer skills and a reduction to the vitality loss of the Impact Savant trait, which was leaving them a bit squishier than we intended for a bruiser style of play.

    • Equalizing Blow: Increased damage by 9%.
    • Electro Whirl: Increased damage by 9%.
    • Rocket Charge: Increased damage by 10%.
    • Shock Shield: Reduced recharge from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.
    • Thunderclap: Increased damage by 6%. Reduced recharge from 24 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • Corona Burst: Reduced might gained in WvW to the same amount as granted in PvP. Reduced the damage of this skill by 20% in PvP and WvW.
    • Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.
    • Function Gyro: Increased damage by 100%. Increased land radius to 240 and underwater radius to 360. Added clarification to skill description to clarify that function gyros are destroyed when their skill is interrupted. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
    • Shaped Charge: This trait now increases damage by 0.5% per stack of vulnerability instead of by a flat amount.
    • Solar Focusing Lens: This trait now also grants 2 stacks of Afterburner when deactivating photon forge. Increased stacks granted from overheating from 5 to 6.
    • Chemical Field: This skill has been replaced by Detection Pulse as the tool belt skill for Purge Gyro.
    • Detection Pulse: This skill replaces Purge Gyro's previous tool belt skill, Chemical Field. The radius of this skill has been reduced from 1200 to 900, and its targeting has been improved in large group settings.
    • Purge Gyro: The tool belt skill for Purge Gyro has changed from Chemical Field to Detection Pulse.
    • Sneak Gyro: Increased the cooldown of this skill from 45 to 60 seconds in WvW.
    • Med Kit: This kit can now be used underwater.
    • Med Blaster (Med Kit): Increased healing to match tooltip.
    • Cleansing Field (Med Kit): Fixed a bug that caused this skill to remove more conditions than intended.
    • Elixir U: Fixed a bug that could cause this skill to give endurance.
    • Supply Crate: Fixed a bug in which the Healing Turret created from this skill would not overcharge.
    • Health Insurance: Updated description and tooltips to accurately reflect the functionality of this trait. This trait increases incoming healing by 10% and increases outgoing healing by 20% while using Med Kit.
    • Mechanized Deployment: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant less than the listed 15% recharge reduction.
    • Mass Momentum: Increased stability duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • Impact Savant: Reduced the vitality loss from this trait from 300 to 180.

    I do love the Scrapper changes, so many buffs. It seems like you guys are going the "Bruiser Scrapper" approach with all the damage increases. Sad that you guys couldn't find a way to make Impact Savant's damage to barrier trait go with condition damage, but I guess the increase in hammer damage is at least good. Maybe they'll be okay for Fractals and Raids, but not as good as Holo of course. The nerfs for Holo are pretty decent, they'll still be good as a duelist though. Glad you noticed the more healing side of Engi, it might not be ideal, but any buff you guys can give to Healer engi is very needed. Healer Engi is pretty useless unless there's a ton of condi on the team.

  6. @Vagrant.7206 said:

    @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:What do you think of the "drunk scrapper" using elixirs? Saw it posted and gave it a try. Had some laughs and it was stupid fun in bitterfrost doing my daily berries runs but of course did no hard things.I have been waiting on your update here though so thank you!

    I toyed around with my "surprise mechanic" variant in the raid DPS arena. Obviously made some modifications for PvE. I was able to sustain about 20kDPS.

    Sadly, 20k - 25k is all you'll be able to muster with Scrapper Power damage. With Condi Scrapper, you can hit around 30k+, but I'm pretty sure core condi or holo condi is better, but that's for raids, Open World, you can do whatever build, but just saying :D

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