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Lost Dimension.9014

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Everything posted by Lost Dimension.9014

  1. Thanks for the simple answer! One more question, there are mounts you do not want and there are mounts you really want, and there are mounts you sort of want but at the same do not want, would you count this as a "want" or is it better to include these as not wanted? I think this is the reason why I ended up gambling lol.
  2. Long ago, I purchase two 5x licenses for Istani. Now it is on sale again, I only wanted the one mount out of the 5 left, the selected license costing 840 is a no brainer but I can gamble using a single random license costing 280 and see if I can get lucky to save gems or at least spent the same amount of gems (3x280) but also get two more mounts. Decided to gamble because the odds are good, 3 out of 5 chances right? Didn't get lucky and got the mount I wanted on the 5th try spending 1400 instead of 840 or even 1260 D:I know, my fault for falling into the trap but oh well.... Good thing is that I am staying away from the Black Lion Chests lol. Now this raises the question, I know it depends on how many mounts you wanted and RNG being RNG, but what is the best tactic in getting the mount you wanted from the mount adoption licenses using as few gems as possible?1) Let say I wanted 5 mounts, what is the best option? Purchase two 5x licenses?2) How many mounts "wanted" do you think buying the whole 15x license would be worth it?3) In what situation would spending on a single random license would be ideal? Thanks!
  3. I completed the event, thankfully it seems I was trying to do the bugged/fake event but not the actual real one. The actual event covers the entire Pact Camp, the big oval orange circle you see on the map, this event works.
  4. "Safeguard survivors attempting to reach the Pact encampment" event is bugged. 4th time in a row that I encountered doing this event. This event doesn't seem to progress because 3 NPC survivors walk around in circles endlessly and not heading to the destination. Can anyone confirm that it is possible to do this event without triggering the bug or is the Ground Pounder achievement impossible to do for now?
  5. I really do hope so that the Icebrood Saga LS5 goes on sale or at least in April where they released the last chapter to end it. Missed the entire season except for Champions because stupid me got lazy and decided not to login every 2-3 months to get each episode for free when I decided to take a long break from GW2. Feels kind of bad that I have to spend to unlock it. Guess I won't make that mistake again when LS6 comes out lol.
  6. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/turn-up-the-heat-with-the-volcanic-throne/Why no sale for Skimmer, Roller Beetle, and Skyscale on March 11?
  7. It would be great if players are rewarded a true flying experience once players reach 100% map completion. For example, 100% in Bloodstone Fen map would reward us true flight but true flight is still disabled on maps not at 100%. This is for not ruining the experience of exploring the area for the first time. Once we experience the entire map, why not have a true flying experience?
  8. Please bring back Shimmerwing Skycale and Dark Monarch Skyscale in this year March salePlease bring back Dark Matter Cape and Shimmering Cape in the gemstone instead of black statuette exclusive
  9. Would be nice to have Total Makeover Kit for sale for this anniversary sale. Last year it was 70% off and I hope we get it this year too. I really need it for my character.
  10. Exactly. I am in the same boat as you OP. Throughout the entire gameplay, since I first started playing GW2, I never once got disconnected from the server while on the open world field. Doesn't matter if there were a lot of players on at the same time or a lot of stuff going on my screen, disconnects never happens during the open world. I will give Anet a huge A+ on this part, really high-quality stable connection. What I will give Anet a huge F is the low-quality connectivity inside the storyline instances, especially the long ones like 'Hearts and Minds' and 'The Departing'.
  11. Again. It happens again. This time its the second last chapter of PoF. After fighting the boss and finishing the video cutscene, I disconnected ONCE AGAIN. Edit: I did it again and the fight was pretty short. This is the check point we should be getting and I am glad this one isn't one of the problem but The Departing was a pain.......
  12. I have enough. I refuse to spend any more cash on this game until they found a solution to this problem, its a waste of my time and as well as many other players. Why won't Anet make this a priority? The Departing is a very very very time consuming long instance; long time walking around with unskippable hundreds of dialogues with 2 boss fights (one in the beginning and one in the end). Many players are asking for checkpoints Anet, when is it happening? When are you providing us the solution? When will I get my griffon? When will I find out the ending of the story of PoF? When will I get to experience ls4? When Anet? Tell me?
  13. Star mounts pack please and thank you!I like the mount pack idea, especially the branded mount pack and exo-suit mount pack. What I really want the most is the star mounts pack (Starscale, Starrabbit, Stardrift, Stardust & Starbound).
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