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Everything posted by HiTandMayhem.1378

  1. Dynamics Thesis Defense Unit [UNIV] seeks players on FA or linked server knowing that Alliances will happen soon[tm]. TLDR You: 18+ -Roamer seeking Roamers, Vets to Novices, team players -Ready to run a build you can survive on while doing damage [pref you know >1 class] Us: 'Effectiveness without Elitism' -Long time roaming guild, vets to novices -Affable, helpful, team players, Roaming/Havoc, Theory Crafters, 18+ -Occasional meme runs to break stress or monotony Times T/F/Sa 8-9PM PST but considering additional times ====The Long of it: === Who we are: [UNIV] is a veteran roaming presence on FA that has been around for many years. We are a close-knit, mature group of friendly folks who run WvW regularly. Currently we run on Tues, Fri and Sat during PST time zone but are open to running other days if it makes sense. What we do: We are primarily a havoc/roaming guild. We go where Zergs are not, and take objectives while they're not looking. We enjoy skirmishing with relatively even numbers and disruption to cover our larger guilds assaulting keeps, (e.g. contesting waypoints, harrying reinforcements, etc.) We want WvW to flourish as a game mode; to that end, we help out new players, avoid map and team chat toxicity, and don't go out of our way to kill enemies without a metal rank (since they tend to be newbies) unless they attack first. Who we want to join us: Friendly, mature, experienced WvWers in the PST timezone. We are also open to less experienced players who are friendly and eager to learn. Expectations: 1. Above all, be mature and friendly and have fun. We strive to be effective, but not elitist. 2. Run a build that effectively does damage and has decent survivability. We are not prescriptive on what builds must be run; meta and experimental builds are both welcome here, and we have a mix of theory-crafters and experienced roamers to help with tinkering. 3. Ideally, be able to play multiple classes/roles. At minimum, be willing to update your build in response to game balance changes. 4. Follow the commander's directions - as a small group, our success depends on everyone being on the same page in a fight. 5. Don't kill newbies, unless they attack you first. [we want to encourage new players to stay in WvW, even if they're the 'enemy' this week.] Please contact HiTandMayhem.1378 in-game if you are interested, or if you are on when we rally, whisper us, get invited to our Discord, and rally with us to see if you'd want to join.
  2. Those who have been here since before F2P accounts, there was plenty of spying, trolling and sabotaging going on in favor of enemy servers from pay accounts. My own experience of the game as it stands now is that the spying, trolling and sabotaging is vastly less frequent now than it was.
  3. I thought that was solved when they murdered Ekko the dolphin. :'(
  4. Assuming you do, for something, consider that whatever server you're on and whatever time zone you play in, there might be a friendly guild you could join that would help facilitate what you need to get through this terrible task. IF you were on FA or a linked server, I could give you a few friendlies to try. Good luck.
  5. Don't forget Golems with Ice Bows during the Golem Event week. That was hilarious.
  6. ~ Kovu Well, to be clear, UNIV has been running those runes for themed runs for years now, since the beginning of the guild, but we also recognize that it couldn't have been META this whole time. Also, thank you Kovu for elevating my battle cry to a higher level. The Golem Massager is best finisher. :) My experience is that Golemancer runes have always been effective against people who don't know how to counter, even when the rune really sucked. It sucks less now but still has its disadvantages. I think too that often meme runs tend to only offend people who dial in the META trend and expect everyone to be playing that META [or the recently obsolete one] so they get flustered when someone comes out of nowhere with not the formula everyone wants you to run. The most effective players I have known, instead of getting mad, they hunker down and look for the weaknesses and find a counter. I would imagine that if Golemancer were that dialed in, our driver Kiroshima would either be telling us to run the rune or he would insist on principle that we not because unfair. He's spent plenty of bandwidth on forensically drilling down on builds that made the game too easy in this forum I can't imagine why he'd be silent on this one. Personally, it would be a glorious day to see every single player on all sides running that rune just for the laughs. However I don't think it's good enough (or OP enough) that people would be doing it. ~HiT
  7. Gorilla is so OP that even when he isn't in WvW, he -is- in WvW.
  8. I agree that tactics are there to use. Just today, right after signing in I happened upon a keep with all open slots and no tactics. I think too though, the name lends itself to the idea that tactics should be used tactically. If we panic and throw switches before the tactical moment it's much like pressing all the buttons in a duel right at the beginning of an engage. I agree as well that with people trying to blame someone else, it might be that someone doesn't have good timing with tactics, but so much else is in play. -It might be a bad coverage time where the enemy is disproportionately larger.-We might be on a server that abuses scouts, so nobody wants to scout and a location isn't defended until it is too late.-You might have a commander who tags up, insists that everyone leave their map and come to the map where the tag is, then after losing a tower or keep on one of those abandoned maps, that same tag hurls insults at the one or two players left on a map. So yeah, sometimes not trolling, sometimes trolling, sometimes low tactical timing, but often someone wants to find fault and few are ready to share the blame. Just my two cents.
  9. Something something .... make guild hall arena with WvW conditions instead of PvE ..... sssomething...
  10. How about a banner pack that would be more beneficial for WvW players? WXP banner? WvW reward track banner?WvW participation banner? WvW return supply banner? [ gives the 4th benefit of 'Supply Master' for those who do not have it and for those who do, gives a higher probability of return]
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