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Mister XY.9536

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Mister XY.9536's Achievements

  1. Well, rn the Catalyst is absolute trash and always has been. But I guess the international best guilds don't know what they're talking about.
  2. Well I did raid quite a lot and I can say, it still sucks. Raiding is something you do with 10 people, everyone knowing their role. This is for far more people including pugs on an open world map. Most raid builds are absolutely disgusting to play in open world while most open world builds are omega troll on raid bosses. Example: Most open world builds are half DPS/ half survivability with a lot of people going toughness/vitality. Which is basically a troll stat combo in raids. But how would you survive enemy after enemy after enemy in PvE without proper self peel? In Raids, you got designated healers for that after all. So a Raid DPS with 0 self peel can quickly get burst down in PvE by some rando enemy. And an open world pug with half tank half dps build who doesn't know the mechanics at all will only scale it all up. So how can this be solved? Pugs git gud, this even isn't as hard as it seems but probably just scaled up to the point the handful of good players can't solocarry. Build switching. Get a raid build in reserve just for this fight. Works best with an organizing commander. Organizing Commander with Ctrl V. A lot of Ctrl V. For the mechanics. At the end, I assume it turns into tequatls difficulty wise. Everyone will know what to do when and it's super easy because the amount of afk people contributing nothing but scaling to the boss diminishes.
  3. In the end it seems like the entire ice brood saga was a big filler. Shouldn't have promised down heaven and earth and instead admit it's a filler and instead focus even more on the upcoming expansion to ensure a great revival rather than half baked things.Atleast the event gives lots of MF booster fireworks.
  4. Me: Yea ill quickly rush cooking to 500 and thats itDevs: Every one of these cooking recipes holds the key to both world domination and immortality in it's very source code! Jokes aside stop making delicious stop in games, it's making me hungry and I can't eat a Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak irl every day out of financial, health and ethical reasons.
  5. Okay. If anet says one mount skin for everyone that is affected by server issues: Since saturday the server stopped working as intended so they'd have to give the mount skin so everyone that logged in since saturday. Servers are still not fixed up to this point.
  6. Weird question. What are raids?I remember doing a break from GW2 and I came back and there they were.You seemingly need atleast 40 people, fully asc gear and every single build must be perfect in order to achieve.Pretty complicatedSo I never really touched em. Now I wonder if they're worth investing into ,what do you guys think?
  7. Addition: This seems to be the case for the following story instance as well.I assume these two aren't the only instances that don't allow any achievement progress. I sadly lack the time for further investigations.
  8. Hey hey hey! So I was doing the story instance "Discovering Scarlet's Breakthough" aiming to get this one single achievment done by simply not using a turret or the steam creature, slaying all mobs in the cave in good ol hand to hand combat and still didn't get the achievment.I've looked up the achievment in the wiki and found out that you can actually see if you're still able to gain the achievment by the small yellow crown icon.Which I never had. The instance started and I didn't have it in the first place.Must be bugged.Please fix.
  9. Feeling a bit like i'm begging for walfare but ehh >.< I'm sorry! I've read that you're only allowed to wish for one thing yet there are two kind of things I truly desire. Desire #1 is the Wedding Attire OutfitI just love how that outfit is not only changing for ever race so fitting with both elegance and cuteness but also changes for your gender. I just love that outfit, it fits every char so well and is not one but somewhat 10 outfits in one! >o< It's amazing! And it kind of reminds me of Guildwars because the human skin of the outfit looks like the one from the original Guild Wars! My Stepdad used to wear it out of fights but Ahhhhh i'm already talkign to much >w< Desire #2 are Agony Infusions.I've came back to GW2 a while ago and sitting on my Ascended gear rn (damn timelimit, one thing per day =3=) and rn the only thing stopping me from going to higher level fracs is my Agony Resistance. So far I only got 70 of those lvl 1 thingies but I need so much more to be able to get higher v.v Feel free to dump all of your lvl 1 Infusions on me >.< So far I got 281 fracs done so I'm not like "This looks nice I may try it if I get the stuff for it" but i'm rather like "I'Ve done this a lot already but want to get even mroe intense! >:3"So yeah, basically I would be totally amazing and I'd be super happy if someone could help me out! >o<Thank you for reading ...all..of..my...wahtever you wanna call it o.o Text? Playing on EU servers, Abaddons Maw.Not sure if that's needed but yee >w< If someone wants to do something just add me! Tho I have no idea of anything that came after Zhaitan.. ._.
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