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Everything posted by Miraculix.2795

  1. This mission is a good example of one that could have been split in 2. Before going to the Temple of Kormir would have been a perfect cut.I wish the missions gave you some sense of how long they are at the beginning. Right now, you never know if it will be 15 minutes or an hour.Plus Rytlock constantly going Leroy Jenkins and aggroing stuff nowhere near the rest of the party is annoying.
  2. I made it through on the third try. Things I now realize I did "wrong": I killed the Krait by the third tower before we blew it upI didn't talk to the resurrected Wyld Hunt TacticianNeither of these are obvious, there's pretty much no way I could have known this without reading about the bugs in forum threads and the wiki. The solutions could be to insert something in the story line to tell you this or simply remove them as contingents for continuing to the next step.
  3. I made it through on the third try. Things I now realize I did wrong: I killed the Krait by the third tower before we blew it upI didn't talk to the resurrected Wyld Hunt TacticianNeither of these are obvious, there's pretty much no way I could have known this without reading about the bugs in forum threads and the wiki. The solutions could be to insert something in the story line to tell you this or simply remove them as contingents for continuing to the next step.
  4. Finding bugs is annoying, finding bugs that have been around for years is worse! Doesn't every character have to do this mission? How is this still bugged after 4 years? I have sent in bug reports for both times I got stuck (once the Pack Marmox wouldn't keep going, the second time Demolitionist Tom wouldn't move after blowing up the 2nd tower). The second run I went ahead and killed all the mobs on the way to and near the towers before talking to Demolitionist Tom, as suggested by Zoebe. This is my 2nd story line mission in a row that has bugs. Is every story line from now on going to have major bugs like this?
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