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Hiraga Taichiru.1580

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Posts posted by Hiraga Taichiru.1580

  1. Me     : Hey Chrono! how are you?Chronomancer: Hey, im somehow OK... whatsup?Me     : Do you rememeber your only to effective skills?Chronomancer: Do you meanTides Of Time and Gravity Well?Me     : Yea... they got nerfed.. now they deal no damage, good luck mate for your survival.Chronomancer: Whaaa...??! well im quitting this game, Please Anet find someone to replace me. I'm retiring

  2. Sometimes when you want to get to an enemy, you use your teleport skill to reduce the distance between you and enemy, or even make it a retreat skill as you can use it to run. The use of these skills such as :

    • Thief steal skill
    • revenant Shiro shadow step
    • guardian shadow step

    is allowed when target is out of range only if you are using Normal camera settings when you switch to Action camera. it does not work.. is this a bug?

  3. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:It's going to be somewhat chaotic for a while. And I'm sure there will be overlooked things or unintentional problems. The number of changes is so large that all possible interactions are impossible to predict. Our goal is to be able to respond relatively quickly to issues that come up. And there will probably need to be a decent size follow-up release to continue to refine. Balance is a long term commitment, not a one release solution.

    Like Chronomancer ?

  4. @Saracen.2691 said:This change is insane. Please revert it. Scourge is almost consistently kitten in terms of damage potential with every patch but this one is just way too severe specifically because of ruining synergy with Sand Sage and Sadistic Searing. Mobs aren't static in this game, especially in use cases where it remotely matters like T4 Fractals. Having less than as many shades up as possible constantly is hamstringing your DPS as scourge. Now you are punished for trying to pursue that synergy - mob moves out of your shades? Congratulations, you're screwed and a gigantic chunk of your damage just evaporated. We need the ability to act as an additional shade for the purpose of pursuing mobs and even if you want to argue the support focus angle, great, hope you enjoy denying your allies that condi cleanse or little bit of barrier that would've helped them because they're a metre away from your shade.

    It feels like you intrinsically gave the ability for Scourge to deal DPS and now you're trying to hammer it into those of us who like the playstyle that we're wrong. It sucks, taking away the little flexibility we have is excessively punishing. We can't even destroy shades so if we're out of them and the mob runs off we can potentially be waiting twelve or more seconds contributing next to nothing to our teammates. What the hell am I supposed to do in Snowblind now? Shaman leaps so I get to spend a quarter of a minute twiddling my thumbs saying 'sorry I'm dead weight again guys'? Situations like that aren't at all the exception either - that isn't even taking into account how many people obliviously knock mobs out of your shades. This is the most damaging update in a single patch Scourge has ever received, worse than the bug on launch, nerf to compensate or the bug being fixed and nerf never reverted.

    This is the same as chrono wells. Instead of fixing the chrono wells, they copied the mechanics to necro, rip chrono, rip necro.

  5. good, good...I see people who actually quit the game...Anet thinks their game is the best for some reasons... no, I only played it to have fun with my friend then it grew to be an addiction (WvW), by removing the Chrono from competitive gameplays they removed that addiction.. well thanks Anet, you will probably get fewer players to play your game until bankrupt takes place.

  6. @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    Renegade says hello.

    No. I've played renegade, I was able to perform better AoE Condi damage and better support than Chrono. but not the skills. what I mean is to have support legends like dwarf and centaur with renegade e-spec... this is actually better than Chrono atm (With F2, if I remember correctly, you could SPAM alacrity and heals, unlike Chrono)...So... "Chrono says hello"

  7. @"BadMed.3846" said:

    Players like me will keep calling for nerfs as long as unskilled players keep hiding behind a broken spec and pretend that it's been nerfed to the ground. Mirage is ridiculously broken even after the CI temp change. Redesign or nerf, I don't care. I just want Mirage to loose some of its capabilities. It does way too much in terms of ability to spike damage, spam conditions, endless CCs, endless escape mechanics to engage at will along with excellent mobility.well two things you must know first of all Mirage does not have endless CC. In fact, all mirage weapon/utlity skills also the in the whole build has not a single CC, all CC comes from core Mesmer skills and secondly mirage shines when deceiving other players from the name "Mirage".by pointing these out, its obviously you don't play a character which could counter mirage (condi or power). to put it simple Holosmith can counter DE really easy, and ranger could counter necromancer specs really easy also DE (Thiefs) can counter mesmer specs like mirage easily. but it seems that you are expecting that your character what ever E-spec it has , should be able to kill every single character in the game... no, thats not how it works -some build/gear/e-spec are required to change to be able to do so, but not in the same time(Imagine you are fighting 2 people condi and power, and your build is anti condi, then you well probably wont stay long against the power dmg)-but it seems you don't know these things unfortunately.also let me point out this@"BadMed.3846" said:Chrono got fixed. Can we fix Mirage the same way now please?

    i would really expect you to know about chrono before you suggest it got fixed...how about this, make a video playing chrono in 5 matches in pvp and show me the performance of your "Fixed chrono", easy right?. or even go to WvW and show me how fun it is to get killed by every single character so easily.

  8. @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:I never had an issue with the game, I've sent a ticket once because I made a mistake on the gem store and it was solved really smooth and fast.

    On the other hand these forums' mods are out of touch. Got banned one week (last week) for what I assume was saying "degenerate" in some comments. But wasn't "degenerate" what dev told that was the reason for banning CI from game?Today a thread a guy made about gw1 and was deleted as well.Happy trigger mods...

    Regarding chrono don't expect anything, these devs never aknowledge a mistake, at most (far fetch but still for the sake of example) they'll make IR a minor or something.

    Oh no,im not expecting anything atm from them... i am pretty sure they've seen this post, but no answer till now.

  9. @"YtseJam.9784" said:Yeah, "lets uninstall our games and play something else", lets throw away all the time and money spent in this game for the past 7 years, cause someone made a very bad decision and doesn't have the face to acknowledge this mess. Pfft to think I actually consider last year applying for a dev position there...

    well if you play the game for 7 years , then you have the absolute right to say these things... and i knew that they were rude since i became a regular player in this game... Why ?..The moment i changed from F2P player to regular player 1-2 years ago, when i paid 100$ to get the full game this happened to me2zQHbhx.jpgthen i tried to get help from the forums and i got thisliA1FVC.jpgnow at that time, i couldn't speak to anyone to help me with this matter. But Ooh they have this "submit Ticket" system, which is pretty useless in my opinion in which i had to wait 2-3 weeks for my ticket to be read in which it got marked as resolved, but it did not actually get resolved and i had to wait for extra days to get it done... i have sworn from that day that i will not pay anything for this game.....and i was originally Condi FB, but they nerfed it which had me to go to soulbeast and that also got nerfed and then when i found that chrono is most Intriguing to play with they nerfed it too much; i had to quit the game.

    PS. im a person who does not share passwords and im very confident that i was not hacked... If my account had been accessed by another person.. then the only thing comes to mind that Anet security got breached.

  10. in 5 days from now, it will be a full month since the last update which nerfed chrono. Are ANET devs going to fix/rework the chrono E-spec? or not ??they at least should inform their players of their plans.... if they won't fix/rework the class, then it should be easy to leave the game, however don't waste our time whilst you don't plan on doing anything for this class.Really, I should be expecting one of Anet devs to write something here.Thanks

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