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Posts posted by Mepheles.2087

  1. Character’s in-game name: Tai Zhen Jin


    Character’s gender/pronouns: Female - She/Her


    Character’s species: Human -Canthan/Elonan ancestry


    Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model: A lean, muscled woman in her mid-twenties of 5'8 height, light brown skin, sea green eyes and dark brown hair that is very kinky or curly in appearance. Usually done in an afro style.


    Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?
    Divinity's Reach, Ossan Quarter, Rurikton, Queensdale, Shaemoor, Claypool, Ascalon Settlement, Lion's Arch, Hoelbrak, The Free City of Amnoon, Metrica Province, Rata Sum, Caledon Forest, The Grove, The Black Citadel, Shire of Beetletun


    Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?
    "She's often seen playing with the children of the Ossan Quarter, and getting into twice as much trouble if she isn't cooking for them."
    "The girl is in town for a few days and disappears for a month afterwards. She's got a wanderlust that's going to get her in hot water, someday."
    "If you hear popping sounds late at night, it's probably her knocking down bottles with a toy pistol. Wonder how she fares with the real deal."

    "A decent lass, but her sister has her beat as far as social grace goes, but I suppose every family has that one child..."

    "She's quite good at handling knives...and I mean for more than just cooking...makes you wonder."

    "She seems to have a thing for magic, seen her pestering every mage that passes through The Reach at least once a day."


    Additional info:
    Comes and goes as she pleases. She's hilariously inconsistent like that, so if you see her one day, don't expect to see her the next.
    -Is of mixed descent but uses the family name of her Canthan side of the family (father's side) who migrated to Divinity's Reach Generations ago.
    -Currently works as a freelance courier, getting letters and packages wherever they may need to go, from Kryta to Ascalon to Elona and everything in between.


    (I'd have a picture, but haha...I don't understand how to forum...)


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  2. @Elspereth.1280 said:

    @Mepheles.2087 said:We already have airships,tanks and submarines but apparently for everyone motorcycles break their immersion. Also games like Gw2, FFXIV and WoW are not traditional fantasy. They are high fantasy/steampunk fantasy to some extent. FFXIV is having this discussion too because they are introducing clouds bike from Advent Children into the game now. It feels like the glass that holds most people's immersion is way too easily shattered.

    The problem with having motorcycles is, if they are popular and I imagine they would be, they would be everywhere unlike the airships etc.

    You would think so but the roller beetle is not as used as it once was. People do get bored of stuff you know. People will use the bike for a few weeks, but just like the rollerbeetle if it doesn't really do anything as well as other mounts it will be benched unless you just wanna go riding for long stretches.

  3. We already have airships,tanks and submarines but apparently for everyone motorcycles break their immersion. Also games like Gw2, FFXIV and WoW are not traditional fantasy. They are high fantasy/steampunk fantasy to some extent. FFXIV is having this discussion too because they are introducing clouds bike from Advent Children into the game now. It feels like the glass that holds most people's immersion is way too easily shattered.

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