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Recon.9461's Achievements

  1. Once you have made it into Lions Arch (by either doing the Gates of Kryta mission or running there through the explorable zones) you can pick up a quest that will allow you to travel to the GWEN sections of GW1. Max lvl is 20, and if you are not lvl 20 yet when you head to the GWEN areas it will up-lvl you with minor bonuses so you could survive and lvl up in those areas. Getting to the GWEN areas will also grant you your 1st heroes which are customizable henchmen. Going to the HoM is like the 1st thing you have to do after travelling to the GWEN section (you could run around and by-pass it, but why). Do keep in mind that if you choose to go directly to the GWEN areas you are by-passing a lot of story.
  2. The few times I have popped into GW1 recently I have seen a few people running around, however, I think they are all mostly using Hero Henchmen that they have setup to fill out their parties. I wouldn't necessarily say GW1 is dead, but it certainly has turned into much more of a solo playstyle game. If you are interested in increasing your HoM pts and playing GW1, it can most certainly still be done solo with heros/henchmen (and IMO still a great game worth playing). Plus the GW1 Wiki is amazingly filled out with all the information you would ever need to complete the game and your HoM.
  3. If you need to download the client, you can download it directly from the official GW1 site, https://www.guildwars.com/en/ click on the download link in the upper right-hand corner (should be no need for logging in to get it). As long as the GW1 account was linked with your GW2 account then your login credentials will be the same for both games (and these forums for that matter). I would also confirm with the HoM calculator to confirm what rewards you do have as already mentioned by Astralporing:
  4. When you logged in and checked your HoM in GW1, did you do it on the same character that would have filled up your HoM or did you do it on a new character? The GW1 HoMs are character bound by default I believe, and you would need to talk to Kimmes in the HoM to switch what you are looking at from character view to account view.
  5. Sounds like you are suffering some CPU thermal throttling when playing GW2. I used to experience the same issue watching my FPS spike from 60fps to 10fps for about 1-5 seconds before jumping back up to 60fps for a few minutes. I was able to determine it was thermal throttling by using an application that monitored CPU usage and temps and noticed the CPU usage and temps spiking at the same time as the FPS dips. I was able to temporarily resolve by re-applying some thermal paste to my CPU which worked for a few months. Then I upgraded the cooling system for my PC which worked for a year before I officially upgraded my PC.
  6. You can already make this change on your own. In fact you can change it to any song or playlist you want. Instructions can be found on the gw2 wiki:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack Me personally, I would like to see an update/change to the login screen, but I do not see that happening until the Expansion is released. In the meantime, I have changed the login music to my own playlist of the original GW2 Overture, the GW1 Overture, and the GW1: Factions Overture. Oh, the memories.
  7. I noticed the checkpoint thing too with this latest LS episode. When I did the 1st mission on the 1st day I DCed at the very end during the final conversation and then when I came back to do the mission again all I had to do was the final fight's last phase instead of the entire mission again. So yes it is nice to see that some improvements are being made, at the very least with the newer content.
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