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Posts posted by Blackari.2051

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 1:05 PM, Trejgon.9367 said:

    And for a number of people, being able to schedule uninterrupted 1h+ (because a number of groups would prefer to clear more than one wing per sitting) for playing is not achievable goal. Those people usually then when asked why they don't raid, will use the "time commitment issues" argument.

    most of the time groups want to do all IBS5 + DS + dailies with others, thats as long as 1 wing maybe (I dare to say 2 of them)? same uninterrupted schedule 

    also most groups in LFG I have seen are on 1 wing basis with some of them being multiple 

    On 6/5/2024 at 1:05 PM, Trejgon.9367 said:

    That being said, discussing with raid fans, the bundling of it, reinforces the thematic feel of venturing into a hostile base, which is apparently what at least some people wanted when asking for raids

    what hostile base ? ppl who play raids play strikes as well, and I am sure that those who pug raids pug strikes as well, so does that mean strike pugs are hostile base as well ?

    on the other note, what "hostile base" ? what is it ? its the same as when somebody is calling ppl elitist/toxic because they want a proper setup / knowledge from others ... just a buzzword thrown around most times without any substance behind it...

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  2. 3 hours ago, RaveOnYou.2819 said:

    raids are played by 10% of players (probably half of them are vets playing game more than ten years). due to high level of entry barrier and time commitment issues.

    oh stop with the cap finally, what "high level of entry" and "time commitment issues" ... every single raid wing on normal mode is kitten poor easy and 1 wing of raid will take you maybe like an hour or so (not counting getting ppl together, since you need to do that for strikes as well) ... its not the raids themselves which are a problem ... its the majority of this game's playerbase.
    there is literally no difference between strike boss and raid boss .... its just ppl in here automatically boycott anything that has some sort of learning curve in it .. as long as you cant just spam #1 and run around and get fully rewarded its bad for them 

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  3. On 4/13/2024 at 3:48 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Agree to extent, however dying has a purpose sometimes and also pure bunkers do just always fight on node to stall, see here:

    No stealth, and nothing outside me seeing if I could fend off 3 people at once kills me.  I would have still died, but as I label in the video probably should have just backed up and kept the node neutral instead of running off it to try and stop the entire group.    

    If you are a +1 / burst type then something like Smokescale is beneficial, however there you shouldn't be full capping nodes (only decap), so my point about stealth impeding capture isn't relevant.  

    oh yeah.. nothing better than "showing the strength of a build" in unranked game where numbers of button pressed in every fight is less than me typing out this sentence with extra spicy random dodges 

  4. 9 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

    We got a new meta, new convergence bosses, a new strike cm, tons of new achievements, legendary armor, legendary relic, new weapons for each class ( -> leads to new builds -> more variety in gameplay) and more.

    Idk, if you say "no real endgame content" it looks like you just don't like the content. Which is okay, it's a matter of taste.

    you cannot call that meta ... look at any HoT meta, even PoF metas are probably more meta than this pile of something....
    new convergence bosses - just like they took sorrow and used it as final "boss" for new "meta" these will be just copy pasted from somewhere else .. additionally its for convergences, which is such a boring, dull and unimaginative piece of "content"

    lege relic is kinda pointless rn, you need like 3 to 4 relics per class to cover all possible builds, only thing its doing is saving a bit of inventory space, and with current prices not worth it

    new weapons are probably the only positive that came out of this update.
    new lege is ok to have (even tho the farm for it is more atrocious than any lege before it), but its just more of farm gold the way you farmed it until now to get it (most veteran players will have lege armor already, so unless you really like the skin then it is not realisticaly a new content)

    • Confused 6
  5. wait ...are we calling this a "story" nowadays ? ... like holy kitten 
    the last 2 updates should be just a single update at minimum .... the kitten "do events" part that is being used every single time now is absolute garbage and cannot be even considered as a story 
    the whole new update has like 40 minutes (if that) of gameplay, and word gameplay is really stretching it in on itself .... like 90% you are just listening to some dialogue that a 1st grader could put together and you actually play the game for like 10 minutes maybe and fight 1 mini boss, who doesnt do anything and like 30 mobs in the rest of the story.
    You no longer have any dialogue option even if your choice wouldnt change anything , at least you would have something at least 
    dont even get me started on the "go watch vistas" as a part of a story ....

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Stalvros.9217 said:


    I'm not asking how to complete the event
    I'm asking if there's a continuance AFTER you've done the events.


    "After that you are supposed to take the jade cubes and dropped them into the little void bubbles found on the ground until it fills and after that you will get new instance step in the second part of the map."

    And I gave you exactly answer for that 

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  7. You fill the bar by doing the events.
    Then there are spots marked with the storyicon which u need to scan (go to it use special action button)
    After that you are supposed to take the jade cubes and dropped them into the little void bubbles found on the ground until it fills and after that you will get new instance step in the second part of the map.

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  8. oh boy, oh boy, no other way than dagger OH from weapons? really? So there is not a combo system that can achieve stealth ?

    short answer to your suggestion is: NO! 

    And this is why Anet never actually uses any feedback from forums, because at least 80% of them is made by players who have no clue.

    But just for the sake of not instantly being flagged as a "toxic player", let me ask you,
    Which direct ways, outside utility slots since you do not want to "sacrifice" those, have other thief specs, to get into stealth?

    Only one comes to mind and that is DE's Silent Scope trait, which is already bound to rifle.
    So then what about daredevil, hmm staff provides no stealth, so it has as many ways to get to stealth as specter, and core thief is the same... Every single spec has exactly same amount of possibilities of getting into the stealth, so you know what? let all the specs interact with SA not depending on their stealth access but rather on their core mechanic, so let's see...

    Core - it has only a steal so lets give core thief alone back the SA trait to stealth on steal
    DrD - hmmmm, it's main mechanic are dodges, so lets give DrD built in Silent Scope trait from DE to get stealth on every dodge, wow it has three of them ? does not matter.
    DE - well it has Silent Scope, but that is a trait and not core mechanic like you propose so then lets get stealth everytime you hit max malice ?

    What a great design we got ourselves here. Seriously, claiming there is no other way to access stealth other than OH dagger is probably the definition of being clueless. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

    The issue was HOW to do the towers. Players were struggling back then to figure out how to get past it until the circle strat was created and people learned it. 

    What you need to realize is who the intended audience are for the map metas. They’re not intended for hardcore players. 

    So they will learn how to use spacebar in whisp form and to jump over the waves on this fight. Same thing.

    Also if anyone will try to impose that this fight is hardcore then all I can do is to have a big sigh.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

    The meta in EOD is different as the issue has nothing to do with either of those but mechanics bloat and things preventing DPS being done to the boss.  Time really won’t resolve something like this. 


    Well towers in DS are mechanic sort of.

    The only problematic thing in DE is crystal phase, because somehow ppl are unable to spam sapcebar to get back on top fo the tower (?) Other than that, it is just standard stay close to mid and watch for one half of the platform go red and dodge to the other side. 

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  11. 5 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

    It’s one thing if it’s a standalone meta like Teq or TT but not a map meta which has numerous things tied to it. 


    DS meta at the beginning of HOT ? it was at least 1 hour long if not alomst 2. 
    Gerent ? It went unkilled  for how many days with premade maps! 
    AB, same maps were failing on event that you can now do blindfolded...
    All of these metas are not a standalone fights.

    It just takes time, its only 2nd day of xpac, let ppl learn the fight do not just nerf it immediately just because everything in the game is kitten poor easy content to do. This fight will be no problem in couple of days.

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  12. oh, this is comedy gold ... so many noobs think DE is broken cuz they cant dodge once.. like literally, even if your claims of 30k dmg in 2 seconds is true you would avoid almost 75% of it just by one dodge, you cant be serious about DJ since it is fucking huge orange beam pointing at you + audio cue when it will shoot, so getting hit by it means you are blind and deaf and at that point, why are you even playing games ?

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