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Jinn Galen.2468

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  1. Dagger 2 could use a decrease in channel time similar to how long Axe 2 channel is which is 1.75 sec to 2 sec. Dagger 2 has shorter range, lower damage, and longer CD. It's a fair thing to ask and still keeps counterplay. It can still be dodged and interrupted easily. Dagger 3 could use a casting time decrease from 1 sec to 0.75 sec and a CD decrease from 25 to 17-20 sec. I called MH dagger as a power weapon because it's what I see from it's stats. Most of it's damage comes from power. It is supplemented only by condi to trigger bonuses on Dagger 2.
  2. The only thing consistent about dagger is the AA. Dagger 2 has way too long of a cast time to justify it's benefits. Too easily interrupted and avoided with the stuff classes have now. It also depends on bleeds. This weapon doesn't give any bleed except for Dagger 3 which you need to then transfer. But transferring is a tactical move for necro. If I'm going to use 3 to bleed myself, then transfer the bleed to the enemy just to make 2 stronger, it better pay off. It simply does not. It's not consistent in it's role as power weapon in MH. I get that you think this is a life drain themed weapon. Cool. It does not need to deviate from that theme to be consistent with it's role. If it's destined to be a condi weapon. That's cool too. But it isn't consistent with that either.
  3. Indeed. It is in the old forums. I just linked you one of the patch notes from the old forum and surprise, it states that Anet buffed a bunch of weapons, skills, traits, etc for PERFORMANCE while keeping the concept intact contrary to what you said about it being the other way around :) I dunno about that mate. Anet IS promoting build diversity. Aaaaaaand using dagger for fast and consistent melee is a separate build/playstyle contributing to build diversity.
  4. You got one part right here. It's not good to assume that axe got buffed strictly for PvP, I'll give you that. Then comes the question... why was it buffed? I'm sure as hell it wasn't for OW PvE. Anything works there. Wait... here it comes... maybe it was underperforming! But what is that nonsense I bolded in your comment: "A weapon getting buffed does not immediately imply it was for reasons of performance"? Wow... just wow. So why did they buff it then if it wasn't for performance? I'm pretty sure it was for performance. It's pretty much stated in the patch notes. I had to dig up the patch notes that improved axe. I started here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-October-18-2016. Anet pretty much states here " In addition to a couple of minor bug fixes, we wanted to improve the viability of necromancer power builds, which have been somewhat lacking in presence." Many changes are conceptual and good performance is just a bonus? Are you positive about this? I'm looking at patch notes. Most of them are geared towards resolving performance issues. When you say conceptual are you talking about thematics? Like if the skills, traits, weapons match the theme of the class? Doesn't seem like it to me. They do mind the theme and concept of the character but the end-goal seems to be performance. I don't have a choice for a fast, consistent, but less burst melee weapon. Dagger should have been that but it isn't consistent. Nothing fits the criteria so i have nothing to choose from, hence, no choice except to change playstyle and either go with utility of staff, or cleave and slow burst of GS. Do you understand what build diversity is? I think that's what Anet is currently campaigning for with the current PvP/WvW splits.
  5. Because that logic of don't buff X for PvP because there are other choices is stupid. Why? If that's the reasoning Anet implemented from the get go, axe would probably still suck like lahmia said because even before axe became good you could have just used scepter, staff with warhorn and OH dagger as off-hands. Yeah. So much for diversity in weaponry. Every weapon deserves to have a spot in a game mode so players could use what fits the playstyle they want. Personally, I don't like GS for power reaper. Too slow but dagger skills besides auto attacks suck. So I don't really have much of a choice.
  6. So obtena, before the GS and axe buffs that made them good in pvp (GS is arguable. I don't think it's good but that's me) what were the "good" weapon choices for pvp eh? MH Dagger is of course not good. So what weapons does that leave necro?
  7. Dagger 2 should have the same channeling time as Axe 2. Dagger 2 is 3 seconds while Axe 2 is 1.75 seconds. 3 seconds is just absurd along with the fact that Axe 2 deals more damage from better range and is on a lower cooldown.
  8. I would be eternally grateful to anyone who would give me an extra bank tab. Still saving up money for PoF and in-game gold is getting eaten by crafting ascended armors. Server: NA
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