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Regon Phoenix.8215

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Everything posted by Regon Phoenix.8215

  1. Played for years before -> F2 always have been Berserk mode, it was clunky and there was no reason to use simple burst skills over primal burst skills. Returned few weeks ago -> F1 is Berserk mode, warrior feels much better to play, can even compete with most other classes. Few busy weeks -> Berserk mode is returned to F2 = regression into making berserker clunky again. A single good change to it was reversed, thus it is a regression.
  2. Too bad. Regression into a worse state is always bad, so ok then. I shall then simply play better classes then, no problem.
  3. So, few weeks ago I returned to the game and noticed that F1 became berserker mode and normal burst skills were removed for berserker. I really loved it and it was really fun when both berserker and burst was binded to one button. Today I logged in and it seems this awesome change was reversed. My question: why?
  4. Well, AOE fear does have cooldown, but i see what you mean. This could work and would offer quite an unique combinations for various scenarios.
  5. In every MMORPG there must be the worst class. Every game have it. In some games those classes changes with every path. It is just happens to be so that in GW2 every path necromancer is the worst class. If you don't like it, then play a different class.
  6. Are you sure? This elite would pump out as much healing as any other support class, especially when combined with Blood Magic traits.
  7. Quick description of the elite: Well, necromancer fantasy-wise is something which walks between life and death and manipulates both of these aspects. Reapers should be representation of death, Scourge should be representation of thin line between life and death, so this elite would represent life. It would be played as pure support and maximize its healing on others rather than itself, so, unlike others supports who are themselves nearly immortal, this Elite wouldn't bee too great at healing itself, but it would be wonderful at healing others. - - - - - - - - - - - -
  8. Well, how would you make a "fankenstein" style engineer?
  9. No no. Minions are fun. Haven't you seen necromancer running around with minions? Doesn't that look like fun?
  10. Quick description of the elite: a mixture between engineer and necromancer. This elite would copy lots of this from necromancer, but maintain its own engineer oriented twist. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tools traits synergy:Static Discharge -> Discharge 3 bolts when F3 is activated.Kinetic Battery -> Grants 2 stacks when F1 or F2 is activated, grants 3 stacks when F3 is activated.
  11. A disastrous titan who wields a tree it pulled out of the earthQuick description of the elite: This Elite would excel at AOE conditions and would benefit from using burst skills as often as possible even if your adrenaline is low. It would also play around creating combo fields and performing combo finishers. It would play as high-risk high-reward class as it does not tankiness of spellbreaker or emergency healing of berserker.In PVP this class most likely will flank enemies and push as many AOE abilities as it can while avoiding as much damage as possible.In PVE this class most likely would play around combo fields of his own and other players. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  12. Well, necro do have staff and staff's range is 1200. So, it should be okay. Engineer? You mean Reanimator who melds technology and necromancy?Thief? You mean Grave Robber who collects and use necromantic artifacts of the old?Mesmer? Sounds something like a Ghost Lord who use life force of his fallen foes to temporally bring them back to life as illusions of their former lives.So, yeah, absolutely.
  13. That's true. This elite would need a dedicated support to be viable as an actual tank and thus might not be that good, but i guess it is preferable alternative to necromancer having no tanking options at all. Also, keep in mind that this Elite with right build in PVE could maintain constant protection and additionally take even less damage while in shroud. Lots of CC? Necro already have several ways to deal AOE damage and do all things you mentioned on enemies in specific areas (wells, etc). This Elite could quite effectively pull enemies into wells and similar AOE spells. Getting pulled every 5 seconds if you are not careful can be very effective for group support, especially in PVP when you need to pull enemies from points. Well, it could hold a point for quite a long time. And it would be quite effect against builds who focus on bruising/bunking, because they usually don't do high damage.Sooo, while not technically stronger than some builds, this Elite could rush a point in a group fight and keep it while also pulling all enemies to itself for other party members to deal damage. So, technically, while not actually strong by itself, it could help out entire group quite a lot.
  14. Quick description of the elite: Something which would require maybe the most tactical gameplay compared to all other class. This elite could have very great battle mobility and surprise effective burst damage, especially when combined with help of other players. While it does not have sustain of Reaper or Scourge, it still have ways to deal with damage, especially ranged damage. This Elite would use basic Shroud, though, its use of Shroud most likely would differ quite a bit to Core necromancer's use of Shroud.This elite would play around lots of combos with its own combo fields and combo fields of allies, and it can maneuver through out battle field a little bit like Thief.While slower than other Rifle users, this Elites have good damage and it have the most important thing necromancer lacks - mobility. - - - - - - - - - - -
  15. Quick description of the elite: Essentially a massive hulking tank focused on grouping up all enemies and surviving for extended periods of time. While it does not have lots of damage, massive sustain or damage avoidance like some other tanks, but it does have tools to mitigate damage and offer excellent tools of managing enemies' movement.Unlike Reaper who focus on massive melee/AOE damage and constant chilling of foes, this Elite focus on weakening nearby enemies and strengthening itself.Similarly like Scourge, this elite can inflict some torment on nearby enemies, just not as good as the Scourge.This Elite does not have bonus health bar like Core or Reaper and can not pump barrier like Shade, but it can prevent damage via CC, weakness and protection.Technically this Elite would be even less mobile that Core Necromancer and it might be not entirely favorable for some players, especially how necromancer is already the least mobile class in the game, but while this Elite have very little mobility it still can deny mobility of other classes regarding pvp.I think this elite offers an option for tanking with alternative way of dealing with enemies and damage in both pvp and pve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  16. When i made this it was possible to be taken apart into two elites: one for necromancer and one for guardian. Getting a new class is unlikely, but it would be interesting.
  17. If Anet needs ideas for elites of next expansion, then this is always available.
  18. As long mesmer can 1-shot nearly anyone out of stealth it should not be in meta. And it still can.
  19. - Haven't plaid thief for 6 months at least. Entered a single match for lolz.
  20. Lol. You lost this argument when you stated that core guardian was more meta that thief.
  21. Lol, who cares? The less 1-shot glass cannons = the better. My core guardian never was in meta and, yet, you do not see crying about it.
  22. Did +25k damage dealing abilities got nerfed recently? 25k damage dealing abilities? Where and under what conditions? And this doesn't even include death judgement which once hit my ranger for 30k.
  23. Well, name could be changed to anything to fit the story. I just thought that something like "maniac" would fit the most leather wearing madman jumping around with a massive 2H sword (especially 2H katana), cleaving enemies and laughing like a crazy person. Oh, and this is just one little suggestion. I made tons more. For example.
  24. Did +25k damage dealing abilities got nerfed recently?
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