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Everything posted by MauChann.3081

  1. I want to know purely for the sake of knowing that Arenanet does anything with the report function at all which doesn't seem to be the case outside of automatic moderating (regarding slurs mostly) But reports regarding character names, people botting/afk farming, and trolling behaviour during gameplay? I don't actually believe they actually do anything at all with those.. Being notified they did something with my report would result in me getting more faith in arenanet which they honestly need after the disaster that was icebrood saga..
  2. I have actually tried making both 2nd gen and 2,5 gen legs and my conclusion on which is more expensive and takes more time is very clear. It's the 2,5 gen legendaries that cost most. Why? Because of the ridiculous amount of mithril and elder wood. That's it. That's all that legendary needs including the precursor craft. There's no story, no special items you need besides the obvious. 2nd gen legendaries needed mithril and elder wood too, but also wood and metals from previous tiers, and I think the one reason people find it tedious to make, is because of the timegated materials. (which again you can also buy with gold but eh) Imo because 2nd gen had a story attached to it, it was less tedious to make, there was a fun little variation in collection and crafting, if you were done with 1 step you'd get to do something else for step 2, instead of repeat step 1 but bigger and more expensive like gen 2,5 has. I don't care what the collection aspect of gen 3 is going to be, I just want one to be there so I'm not endlessly stuck saving up 2 specific materials and actually have something to do inbetween the tedious farming and crafting. Even if it's just one event randomly in the open world that I have to do to gain some 'npc's knowledge' to proceed. Hell I'd kiss a skritt if that's what it takes to have my ingame characters understand the lore behind a weapon a bit more, and to have me as a player have fun while crafting something rewarding.
  3. So as I understand it this achievement worked fine when it came out in 2019. However. its 2021 now and it's gotten more and more horribly broken as time passes. The point of the achievement is to land hits on Kralkatorrik's wounds while flying with Aurene in the story instance. You need 3 hits to 'inflict a wound' As far as I understood it from the wiki and the forums, the bug advanced to where you need to just hit the dragon 10 times. Which was already hard enough to do considering every hit was considered a miss or out of sight.. And this is where the bug has developed to now. I can easy land 10 hits on the dragon. But none of them count to the achievement. Even if I hit all 10 in the same spot to inflict a wound, even if I try to do it with multiple people in a party so they can grant me a damage boost. Nothing I do progresses this achievement. Nothing I do is registered as a hit. It's honestly frustrating that this is a bug that's only gotten worse and worse as time has gone on. It's not like it's blocking my progress to getting Vision out of the way, I've done the WVW track. I just want this achievement out of the way, if not for myself, for the players who hate having to play WVW to get a PVE legendary item where WVW shouldn't be necessary (besides gift of battle) Please anet, Fix this bug, or let other achievements count towards the meta achievement so it's atleast not blocking progress for players.
  4. The amount of times there's going to be a new player standing in caledon forest, queensdale, wayfarer foothills etc asking why a couple dozen people are standing there is on a whole new level lately. There's a ton of players basically who don't even know what worldbosses are, let alone how to handle them. Yes, I absolutely agree, I am tired too of spamming one button while standing in one place, but as of right now I wouldn't appreciate a difficulty increase without making the fight more rewarding, or without a tutorial somewhere in the game that will allow new players to get to go along with the fight and understand what needs to be done. Veteran players will not explain how certain mechanics work, Guides that exist online are barely looked at and sometimes complicated too.. There needs to be an ingame explaination of basic mechanics like cc, bounty mechanics, and much more, before we can start tinkering with more difficult versions of already existing worldbosses.
  5. I just hope they make the crafting process somewhat interesting again like the first 4 gen 2 legendaries. I want to feel like I've put in effort for my legendary gear, not a grindable gold sink. That being said.. I hope they exclude amalgamated gemstones (although they've become cheaper recently) and mystic coins (which are still a ridiculous item in the game since they changed the daily system) Even if that means the development team has to put in effort, to come up with interesting stories behind the weapons that I can experience while crafting it. I don't care how much they have to postpone the release date to make this happen. I genuinely hope they don't get lazy and go the goldsink way again for this.
  6. I have tried the exact way it's described here 5 times and it identifies it as a hit on Kralkatorrik. HOWEVER.... It doesn't register the hit for the achievement. no matter how many times I hit, miss, or have no line of sight, no single hit registers for the achievement. Nothing is eligible. Nothing counts, even with other players.. and it's honestly super frustrating by now to see like 20 solutions and none of them work. It's not about destroying the weak points anymore, because even landing 3 hits on a single location doesn't register. It's not about the amount of damage done. Nothing works. The counter remains to be on 0% and I just want this meta achievement done and over with out of spite.
  7. Istan farming is good for ectos, t6 and goldAlso use your laurels for t6!!Any excess materials you get sell them to buy mystic coins and amalgamated gemstones
  8. There's always rotten apples in every community, but overall in every mmo that I have played, I'd consider gw2 one of the least toxic. Ofcourse there will always be people I disagree with, or find toxic, but the majority is very nice and accepting and that overpowers the bad imo.
  9. Same problem here, I logged in all happy this morning knowing I could continue the collection, i do the meta, and nope. still broken..
  10. Same here, Using the Swarm Logging Flute, It's been 32 hours since I last gathered from the Eerie Driftwood, not getting the item I needed. So now I'm stuck..
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