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Posts posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. Ranger perspective: Projectile denial and win. Pretty easy with untamed and turtle pet. Or just out range them. Things that pew pew hate to get pew pew'd back.

    Harb dmg mostly comes from them going into shroud, which is mostly projectile dmg. Deal with the CC on shroud 5. Projectile denial everything. I personally feel like harb is overrated.

  2. 15 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

    I don't think most of these points are related to OP's issue. Playing on prime time is the only real recommendation here. Don't see why there would be a need to share personal experiences when the balance of matches is very much a statistical issue to do with with all 10 players that are chosen for a given match and the available total pool of players queueing. That was a small perhaps inadvertent boasting followed by one actually related piece of advice.

    A match can be balanced in the top 10 of players just as much as it can be balanced in gold 1 and silver 3 as long as all players have roughly the same skill level. Which brings the OP to their issue that the population might be (might be, Anet will never share this) too low to have good queue times simultaneously to a small MMR range that you can match against. So no matter if you're in the top 10 you'll still get matched to g3 and sometimes even g2/g1 players, which means OP's question really has no proper solution other than "play when most of players of your own rating would be playing" which is very hard to do and probably not possible in most ratings.

    So @OP, unfortunately the unbalanced matches might be something we just have to live with unless Anet can somehow improve the algorithm - there's little to do for a player to "find" games, you can just choose when you queue, not the conditions of the queue itself, whereas increasing your rating (or decreasing it for that matter) only changes the average rating of your opponents. The large spread in ratings however ensures that you will be seeing a lot of people far away from said average, even if it's your "real" rank. Because the regular+top players often (as seen here) know each other and again, we likely have a super small population, it's easier to find balanced matches on that bracket by matching playtimes - but this being the only way to "find" fair matches is limited and not much else is up to player control.

    Some of them could be. Time of day can help. Time of the season can help. Playing the right build can help. If my team is 2 thieves, a dps virt, and a reaper, and I also go a dps, and they have 2 bunker spellbreakers. That's a recipe for a loss since no one on our team wants to really stand in circles with that comp. OP asked how do solo players play this game? and the answer is, "just fine" most of the time.

    A lot of the imbalance of matches comes from player skill and spec choice.

    • Confused 2
  3. 49 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    I have no idea who Tycura is--and you realize 'the account I had just solo queued top 10' means your alt, which is already suspect behavior to begin with.  That and you mention duels, so if this Tycura is you're duel buddy then...

    Starting at high placements, alt'ing to decay dodge, and more than likely trading a win here and there, sure you can 'solo q to top 10'.  But what Eura said above reads as if any average joe can solo q to top 10 with some hard work and nothing else, while he's at almost 400 games and not Top 10 whilst being one of the better Ranger players.  

    Anyway, if 'practicing duels' is a euphamism for finding a throw buddy, then sure...OP, go find a duel partner! 

    I have solo queued to top 10 twice this season already, and will likely do so again. Once I get there I go "what if I decide to play a shortbow longbow build?", or some other trash - and go back down. Or I queue at not prime-time which is a recipe for disaster as well. I don't really care about the rating.

    The fact of the matter is, if you try hard, queue at prime time so your teammates are competent enough, play a good enough build, and rotate/pick your fights wisely, then yeah all you need is hard work and nothing else.

    Tyc hasn't played in months and he also solo queued top top 10 in his first 90 games. On condi soulbeast which also isn't the pinnacle of ranked carrying.

    It's a l2p issue.

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  4. You can solo queue into top 10. So unfortunately kind of a skill issue. But being able to know how to rotate well, pick your fights well, judge your team comp and the enemy's team comp and adjust your build/spec/class to fill any or to take advantage of any weaknesses helps. Also, queuing at prime time when other players have brains also makes the game easier imo.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, whooot.5784 said:

    Imagine complaining about someone who's complaining about spirits?

    He's right tho, this skill is completly busted:

    It's a cc aoe: check

    It does big damage: check (I got hit at 6k+ by that) and why the heck this cc still does damage btw when almost every cc of the game doesn't?

    Can be lunched from your back with a really poor visual animation: also check.

    This skill is totally op bro..

    Oh and I forgot the fury proc that makes the thing synergizes even more with ranger.


    Dazes can do dmg, harder CCs do not.

    • Like 3
  6. Storm spirit has always been out of wack. It's damage is independent of the ranger's power stat. Rabid amulet? Carrion? same damage. Buuuuut it does scale off the ranger's ferocity and any other damage modifying traits....

    I think it's neat it has a good power chunk when running condi, especially when it has low crit chance itself. However, the fact it can chunk people's HP bars on power, never been a fan of. Certainly a skill that deserves to be looked at.

    • Like 2
  7. 23 hours ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

    # of buttons =/= class difficulty

    23 hours ago, Eventine.8024 said:

    Not directly related, ok...


    23 hours ago, Eventine.8024 said:

    Why does ele in PvP (but also in WvW) need twitce the player skill (and five times the number of skills) to do less than all the other classes?



    • Confused 1
  8. Apart from being a kitten map layout, the secondary mechanic is poorly made. Other maps with buffs (temple and coli) have the same buffs in the same spots. What that means is if a buff is accessible but no one grabs it and the next timer comes around, the buff just stays there. This is also how it works on Djinn's. If the meteor is there, but enough time passes and starfall shows up, the map UI says you can grab starfall, however, interacting with the secondary mechanic at this point means you will be granted the meteor (not what the map UI says). If this was ACTUALLY a competitive map, not being able to grab the correct buff (for example grabbing a meteor when the map says you'll get waters of life) could make a big difference. But this is not a competitive map and the secondary mechanic is kittened. It shouldn't be in RANKED the competitive format. At least, it's not in tournament rotation.

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  9. GW2 PvP is one of the least toxic PvP environments imo. It has gotten worse overtime due to a raised skill floor caused by things like an increase in specializations and weapons which makes it harder to have an effective build and to know how to fight effective builds. The duo queue format of ranked and the small population do nothing to foster positive connections in games. Way back in the Free Tournament days you'd queue up (1-5 players) get on a team, then if you won you stayed together for the next match. If someone left, you just got someone new. Then if you won again you went to the next match. If you won that 3rd match you got better rewards which you could use to enter into Paid Tournaments that were more competitive and had better rewards. This system actively encouraged participation and fostered connection because you wanted to play with the better people because more wins = more rewards. With the current system its all just one offs. Win or lose your rating is affected and that is all that matters. I have little reason to interact with my teammates because next round they might not even be on the same team let alone in the same game.

  10. Feels bad that Owl's Flight has a hard time dealing with Z-axis. If used over a pit or something it will just fall into the pit never to return. It should be an unblockable projectile.

    Feels bad that you can't activate instant cast skills in the middle of the 4 leap, such as Sic Em, or Signet of Renewal.

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