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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. PVP it s DPS Soulbeast is still viable, and core ranger is arguably one of the best side noders. Though I expect nerfs to these soon. There are also quite a few hybrid/condi builds that are decent for just fun queues. A class that is good only for duelling...get nerfed for being too good at..duelling.....That's literally what is going to happen. Pet nerfs WILL happen. Or marksmanship nerfs.
  2. How so? Does each individual stack apply life steal too or are you just meming? With the 100% increase in damage to movement impaired foes it's literally the 2nd hardest hitting weapon skill ranger has. Just tested it you're right and it does indeed stack with pred cunning, since that stacks 5 poison its hits 5 times and nets you 980ish extra damage plus whatever condi damage actually ticks thus indeed coming close to maul. man if only dagger mh had a cc or evade double dagger would be scary, perhapps having a cripple on auto would be good too (sword dosnt benifit from preds cunnningYeah once dagger mainland gets an evade d/d is IN imo
  3. How so? Does each individual stack apply life steal too or are you just meming? With the 100% increase in damage to movement impaired foes it's literally the 2nd hardest hitting weapon skill ranger has.
  4. This build is always an issue for me. Seems to be even stronger this patch for some odd reason... I get the idea of killing pets first. Kinda like mesmer when they go invis. But clones are usually one AA and done. When you kill the pet, don't they just revive after pet swap? So you constantly have to kill pets one after another. How do you deal with the constant pet pressure? Kite it, dodge it. Pets can only hit you within a certain range and since its AI they cant mind game you. When they reach a specific distance they will attack. Also when a pet dies, the CD is 60s. So the other one will likely just passively die unless its something tanky. Like pet 1 is out, you kill it. I swap. I can now not swap pets again for 60s.
  5. Right, which is why we can't know for sure how this sigil is acting from what's been posted.
  6. Are you sure it is prioritizing stability? Looks like from what you posted we cannot tell if it's prioritizing stability or if it is just taking the last boon applied. As in Last in First out. Try covering stab with a different boon then do this.
  7. PVP it s DPS Soulbeast is still viable, and core ranger is arguably one of the best side noders. Though I expect nerfs to these soon. There are also quite a few hybrid/condi builds that are decent for just fun queues.
  8. BM/Skirm/SB Grieving, or swashbuckler, or wizard. Take the bonus ferocity traits, go a/d gs and you have both condi and power dmg, you can even get away with running traps if you like. Besides Maul, Dagger 4 is the hardest hitting skill we have. Axe 3 applies a lot of condi pressure on its own and sets up Dagger 4 dmg.
  9. Pet damage might need a slight shave. As is, core ranger is simply buffing the pet damage and people have 0 idea how to dodge pet skills or to kite the pet. People who actually know the way pets work and move never get hit. This is a HUGE l2p issue imo. But the REAL problem is that if pet damage is shaved (or even if its not shaved) pets need a defensive buff. Against core ranger people should be killing the squishy dps pets. The thing is in a lot of 1v1s (not to mention bigger fights) pets will just die on their own due to AoE and cleave. These pets that do "too much damage" have 16k hp and 1.6k armor, THAT IS 500 ARMOR LESS THAN ZERKER. These pets cannot dodge, they do not react fast to being recalled with F3. They will die eventually no matter how good the ranger is at healing the pet, giving the pet protection, or recalling it from damage.
  10. Dagger 4 is the 2nd hardest hitting ranger weapon skill.
  11. Hmm, well 1. druid isn't that good. 2. I don't know how to say this kindly, but you're not good enough to pull it off.
  12. Out of curiosity, what sort of builds have you been running? There are some different things I have tried (only in 2v2s and been able to maintain plat for what that's worth). Skirm/BM/Soulbeast Bear stance with spike and fire trap and sharpeneing stone. A/d Sb. Merge with bristleback and use shortbow 4 and Axe 3 to proc Bristleback and sb and axe preparation skills along with sharpening stone. That way your first 3 hits do weakness, 3 stacks of bleeds, then your 4th and 5th hit do 2 stacks of bleeds, and your 6-10th hit do one stack (on top of whatever condi skill you're alread using. I had success with dropping fire trap for sun spirit. These builds played quite well with a support. Also tried hybrid with carrion and viscious quarry with BM axe trait to do a/d s/a with the same traitlines and be able to power spike after they blew CDs with whirling defense after a smoke assault knockdown combo Currently trying to mess with viper's nest due to this thread. It might be overrall stronger than flame trap due to poison ticks healing you, especially with the WS poison master trait if you go that route. Again these perform well in 2s with a support.... So far I haven't found anything truly 5v5 top tier worthy... but I'll keep looking.
  13. Should the Jump Pad Trajectory overpower every and all CC? This is what currently happens. Someone jumps on jump pad, they get hit with a knockback as they are jumping on it or are in the air flying up to the pillar. For example, if you're about to hit the jump pad and I overcharge shot you, should you fly up into the air and land on the pillar still, or should you be launched out of the air instead? So the question is, should CC override the Jump Trajectory?
  14. I think the damage nerf went a little too far and the reward for going so glassy just isn't worth it for how much risk is involved.
  15. That's a vague and customized complaint. Lightning Rod is fine. If It's too much on weaver, you have a weaver problem. More likely you wish to work less for a win than others. Doing damage and applying weakness for 3 secs on a hard CC (which are on long CD's, except Weaver air), and they aren't spammable fyi. You can chain the ones you have, but it's a short chain. The damage is so pitiful, I believe you to be trolling, or a sore loser. People complain about whiners, but in reality they complain about you. Im not sure why people keep repeating that "it does low damage". It really doesnt. Its a 1.5 scaling skill. Thats only 0.3 less than a back backstab, which is 1.8 scaling. Sure, weaver has fewer damage multipliers, but it will still easily hit for 5+k on a crit. Edit: Pulmonary Impact, now that skill does low damage, and did even before this patch overnerfed it. And it got nerfed by 66%. Lightning Rod already did 2+ times the damage, and was untouched.That's higher than maul and worldly impact!
  16. Condi ranger definitely has something going for it at the moment. I'm not sure this is THE build but I definitely recommend experimenting a little
  17. For PvP it was doing slightly too much damage. In the right hands - like mine (since I've mained power ranger since launch, and mained this build in question for the last year) - it was absolutely devastating everyone. I hit legend in 2v2s, slayed teamfights In ATs it was a veritable blood bath. It was high risk with high reward and I patiently waited for my windows to get in and land my damage... essentially one shotting even the best people. And they didn't like it - thinking it was too easy yet unable to play it themselves at the same level. Funny enough, this build was actually BETTER pre-CC patch. It was just harder to play due to the higher damage rolling around. So for me, the nerfs were expected in some way. I think they did a fair job explaining them. Unfortunately, I think they went a little too far. It doesn't feel like the high risk of MM/BM/SB out weigh the risk when you can easily be pressured by condi mesmer (due to so many gap closers, and the lack of sustained condi clear), daredevil (due to unblockable steal and short bow 4 to interrupt your block), power rev (due to gap closers), a good spellbreaker, even HARD countered by MM-necro lol. Yet these weren't being played. There were like 0 counters being played... now some people are starting to play these builds and despite my experience... I find the reward for playing the build no longer outweighs the risk... I can outplay so well and yet i dont do enough damage anymore to pressure a counter class off of me now... But I'm not the audience... and I think for casual PvP and WvW the damage was just too high. It's truly unfortunate imo. There are MUCH easier builds out there for PvP with WAY less risk and almost the same reward... and that's not what I want to see.
  18. Arena is pretty bad. Any map with terrain is better, because it adds dimension. Being sit on a ledge slightly higher than surrounding territory is broken how? It’s just not arena is ez to watch but has no where to go except in circles if I wanna kite Arena is the Fairest map, and that's what real pvp'ers want. It Has everything you need, wide open terrain for ranged, Los / kite spots for melee, A Smaller area up top for Aoe centric and Support based professions. Broken Terrian refer's to rubble which breaks pathing, which puts professions at a disadvantage, then add in map design (tight areas) which put other professions at an advantage. and your left with FB, Necro; Condi Rev, Ele. how is this even surprising? "Any place you can walk to, you can port too" In this case that tranlsates to using SB5 on the underside of the balcony, you can kite in 3d...... "Thief Main".....right.Arena let's some classes with aoe target through the floor of the top area and hit the ground.Its kinda brutal
  19. /Thread Still doesn't solve any of the glaring issues with this weapon, which is the reason for the OP to pose this question. I think the biggest issue with it is that it has no good weapon swap counterpart. S/d doesn't pressure enough anymore. Torch is the worst. And a/x means you have poor survivability once they're on top of you.
  20. Dude's running full glass, catching all the vulnerability a LB ranger can dish out, standing in "sic em'ed" bird swipes and then cries for nerfs while calling others bad I assumed as much from his lack of HP. This is how much the bird actually hits for without buff and vuln stacking Seems pretty reasonable for a pet with 16k hp, no armor, hit's less than once a second, and still has a hard time hitting a moving target Nearly 3k per kit no buff, no debuff as a pet... You think this is ok.............. omg...Even tanky pets die in 2v2s lmao.
  21. Seriously? What happened to the community knowledge? The wording is flanking or behind, flanking also means the sides of players, so if we imagine a circle cut into 4ths with the player's face being the center of one corner, the the other 3 angles left (270 degrees) is bonus effect hit space. So 1v1 its a bit harder to do but with good kiting its somewhat possible. In fights where you aren't the focus it's quite easy.
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