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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. Only moment of clarity is 50% and that's only on interrupts. Kinda hard to pull off that one. Also nerfing those wont mean ranger still doesn't destroy people. Name one other class with 50% modifiers. I dare you. Name another class that relies on a single weapon skill and single hit to kill someone. I dare you. Most people are dying to straight maul remorseless and sic em, WITHOUT moment of clarity. That damage mod isn't the problem. Moment of clarity offers a lot of counterplay and is only (maybe) a problem on soulbeast. The problem is Sic Em. Hammer guardian (being about double cooldown of maul), hammer warrior, greatsword guardian. Last one isn't a single guy, but a 2.5 second channel which is arguably harder to hit. I believe it's his turn to "Name one other class with 50% modifiers" given that he immediately side stepped your question. Honestly I'm starting to think many of these ranger mains should be playing mesmer with how much smoke and mirrors their putting up. Because he knows he's wrong. Or one would hope he does anyway, there's no justifying the amount of modifiers they have access too. Yep and he's doing a classic SF by suggesting nerfs to something that won't fix the problem so he can run around ignoring danger for another month. Mind you at least he isn't suggesting to nerf ranger by actually buffing it like SF.I am suggesting nerfs to something that will address the problem but ALSO will address future problems. I am leaving moment of clarity and marksmanship alone because they allow for a bursty melee range play style that has been around since launch and that I've been using on soulbeast for over a year now and I believe carries significant enough draw backs that it deserves some high reward for its high risk. it's only been complained about now that ranger can get away with using it with sic em.... and also now that ranger gets superspeed, unlockable, quickness, and remorseless procs on merge - which could be the real problem tbh - because it allows ranger to EZ mode get into range and quickly do damage with an unblockable big hit that used to require set up with CC... I do think ranger should have access to some small unblockable and the blast finisher is great but the superspeed and quickness could be a little much... ANYWAY the reason why I'm not choosing to write threads about moment of clarity and remorseless is because even If these get nerfed there are like three other traitlines that I could roll with and get less burst on single hits but way more damage on EVERY hit due largely in part to sic em. Nerfing moment of clarity and remorseless wont stop ranger from nuking people itll just be doing it from range more so than melee range now and that's largely in part due to sic em. I think a zerker soulbeast should do a lot of damage. It's a berserker that has almost no condi clear, is very squishy, and can be pressured out super easy when focused. Yet right now, since no one is choosing to even try to pressure power ranger with their immobile builds (like playing mallyx herald condi rev instead of shiro mallyx or power herald, or thief) ranger is able to get away with what it's doing. So gut Sic Em so ranger isn't doing 25% more damage on EVERY HIT OF EVERY SKILL during that time and let ranger keep its ballsy Marksmanship melee burst - and lets see what happens. I think melee ranger with a high risk build deserves high reward and don't fully understand where you people get off believing ranger greatsword should not be a threat after investing into 3 dps traitlines.
  2. Only moment of clarity is 50% and that's only on interrupts. Kinda hard to pull off that one. Also nerfing those wont mean ranger still doesn't destroy people. Name one other class with 50% modifiers. I dare you.Name another class that relies on a single weapon skill and single hit to kill someone. I dare you. Most people are dying to straight maul remorseless and sic em, WITHOUT moment of clarity. That damage mod isn't the problem. Moment of clarity offers a lot of counterplay and is only (maybe) a problem on soulbeast. The problem is Sic Em.
  3. that build isn't doing the damage people are complaining about. Could be the next one though,
  4. Only moment of clarity is 50% and that's only on interrupts. Kinda hard to pull off that one. Also nerfing those wont mean ranger still doesn't destroy people.
  5. At top tier pvp you need to be able to click. But you could probably get into the too 10% with an action camera if you put in the time.
  6. I'm 100% with Eura on this one. I think it's a function of classes no longer having clearly defined roles to fill (like we had at launch). Every class just does everything now, which promotes class stacking the fotm, with no penalties. Damage nerfs aside, they need to go back and redefine class identity. That's what we need, to bring back variety. Well they should just remove class stacking for monthly.
  7. Hear me out, we give each profession the innate ability to dodge. Give it like a 10s cd. Create boons and traits to get it down to 7.5 or 5s really easily. Give everyone somewhere between 1-3 dodges. That way people can dodge the CC and make for active play.
  8. Rangers have an advantage over necros. However with other classes, going against necro is difficult. Rangers can be easily dealt with if you play a warrior or a thief or a rev. Get close to the ranger and they are easy. Are you for real? Ranger is utterly broken If the ranger cant 1 shot you from 1800 range or with a 25k maul then the pet will 1 shot you. Class is busted. Necro is just a bucket of HP
  9. Skills that trigger pets to do damage at the same time as ranger a la bunny thumper could be cool. Either through utility or weapon skills
  10. kitten. Kitten?Yes. BULLSHIT. Ranger damage mods mostly only affect single hits. With maul at base dmg of 1.8k hitting for 16k crits.... maybe 20k in a perfect storm (which doesn't happen in real play), The 25%, 25%, 50% dmg modifiers are on the single hit. You dont get those on waehoen 4 which is a 900 dmg base, with multiple hits. You just will NOT be getting 10k to 15k on it. So I'm calling bullshit.
  11. Arent like Pandas that can die not allowed?
  12. Yes, but this once again encourages & promotes Guardian play dominance. Now in 2v2s and still in Conquest. Mechanics that are so strong that it requires one class to spray it all over its team to get serious for a win, is too strong. I shouldn't have to have a Guardian in my team at all times to be able to compete against tempests and other Guardians. Well then stab share with soulbeast? Take a support scourge and corrupt their stab? Use a heal shout war? Use your own tempest? I feel like once upon a time we had some options for meta... and there were times the meta changed multiple times without balance changes. To me it seems people have forgotten these times. People have forgotten how to theory craft and adapt and instead just complain on the forums. Is tempest too good? Could be. But Its kinda neat to see something besides firebrand.
  13. I'm not really looking to get into another argument about this but getting +'d by ranger -> go behind wall you're safe! Thief or rev +'s you, you're not safe anywhere.
  14. Seems like double elimination would've been the the way to go from the start. Someone explain to me why I'm wrong.
  15. Strongly disagree with this recommendation because removing Sic 'Em from the game adversely affects ranger players in open world, meta events, raids, strike missions, fractals, and dungeons. A skill that is useful in other game modes should not be removed just to satisfy the small population of players in pvp. I mean, it should do like 0% damage gains in PvP. Obviously they wont remove skills from the whole game. But they could number tweak it to useless in PvP.
  16. I mean... aura share ele doesn't share stab right? Shocking aura IS its defense which is countered by guardian sharing stab... I feel like a lot of the complaints people have right now can be dealt with through simple "try-harding"
  17. They seem to pop way faster. And they last a little longer and as long as there is a population you get to fight better teams more. Just might need more incentive now for longer play time required.
  18. @ZDragon.3046 Good write up. Thanks for taking the time and write out something thoughtful. I just wanted to add that the reason I targeted sic em was because it addresses problems on soulbeast and on core. Soulbeast dmg and core ranger pet dmg. Im fine with sic em being unplayable. We could nerf GS and longbow damage, but it would then make high risk druid and core ranger builds have even less of a reward. Core ranger does not see top play - and I dont think it will. I dont think itll be common in mid tier play either except for this bursty pet build (and we know druid doesn't see that area of play - especially not as anything high risk). The reason for this is damage from longbow and GS arent actually high enough on these classes and the glassy pets are too squishy in teamfights (they even will die in 1v1s to certain things - by accident even!) So the problem is really soulbeast damage mods... therefore sic em.
  19. Dead Eye is also one of the few things that has absolutely ruined my day on power ranger lol.
  20. Overheat holo is probably the highest most effective easiest 1 shot. It actually can 1shot from stealth. Has great mobility and ways to reset. Use bombs and blasts and leap to stack big stealth. Run in and overheat for aoe crit for 18k on top of whatever else you did out of stealth.... (Intel sigils guarantee crits) when in combat on it too. Rocket boots for mobility, another finisher for stealth and a great way to make distance, to reset, stealth back up, and go again. Third utility is whatever, I like S - throw mine is another big damage dealer that could be added. Heal is whatever, I like AED. Elite is whatever. But 100% serious, if someone seriously learned how to use this/tweak it to make sure they always land overheat they could get away with maybe valk or cav...? It could actually be a viable build imo. It's got everything you could need. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlJwCZcsLWJOuX6veA-zZILjGLgMTAbHA
  21. I feel like people who didn't play during core just don't know how to deal with rez utilities. CC the rez, poison the body, cleave while someone stomps? It might be kinds too good but still feels manageable at the moment.
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