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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. Cant wait to see you guys running tiger in anything larger than a 1v1 and having it get completely insta nuked once it comes out. Thing can insta die in 2v2 deathmatch, wait till conquest is back. This skill is not easy to land, requires 2 traitlines, a utility, and a weapon skill, can be kited, blinded, blocked, CC'd. It might be a problem once firebrand is nerfed but for now, despite possibly being core rangers best option, it feels unviable to me vs competent players.
  2. PSA, @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" is right. With sic em, remorseless, maul, and a target with no toughness, the tiger can do this much. Fortunately the tiger is super squishy so it's really killable - like if you LoS and just kill the pet thats a viable strat. In addition, to get this damage, the ranger must trait into Marksmanship a pure dps line, Beasmastery... more or less a dps line, and slot a dps utility ONLY useful for this burst. This is a burst that is the addition of having fury on the pet (which can be given from pet swapping to the pet), maul, F2 and Sic 'em. So, F4, 2, F2, Utility. The tell is quite significant, ranger in GS, ranger might use hilt bash first, ranger is using maul, there is a tiger crouching ready to jump at you (this is a large animation), you've been revealed, and the ranger shouts "SIC EM". This burst has been around for awhile and has not been used widely? Why? Read this paragraph again. Why else? you miss this burst the pet is useless. It has no utility. Felines and birds are PURE DAMAGE pets. You will not see this on soulbeast. Why? these pets offer no utility when out and only birds offer utility when merged. Also, other things were just straight stronger. Now? maybe it is tiger's time to shine. Given that. I am currently undecided on if this warrants a nerf or not, until its tested further. Edit: for every tiger F2 that lands there are 8 that dont land.
  3. Pretty much this. All it takes for someone to fight against a top tier player this patch is to throw on the tankiest build you can run and afk on node as several people struggle to kill you. Bunker meta killed the game the last time because of how boring it was. But what did Anet expect by nerfing the hell out of damage and making cc skills do 10 damage? Lol... hope it gets fixed sooner rather than later I think 1v1s are now much healthier. But I think anything beyond that kinda becomes who has the better numbers. Which is firebrand. Once it's no longer a 1v1 I think who has the firebrand just wins because it has soo many instant cast aoe greatness. Mantras should have never existed... and they completely out pace everything now. With mantras you can use that utility 3x more than other people's utilities. And you just cant survive long enough to turn the tides, not can you turn the tides during the now too short casts of mantras to charge
  4. Maul, sic'em f2 petswap f2 for the bird one. And just maul sic'em f2 for tiger. No might, no vulnerability Was your target in downed state or not wearing armor (ie naked)? These numbers still seem too high. As in, my numbers aren't this high when I do this. I'll correct this if I'm wrong when I try again later. Also running sic em on core ranger has never been viable, would be surprised if it was now.
  5. If you're willing to be brave/insane enough to take signet of the hunt... our most useless yet viable utility... you deserve 6s of unblockable.
  6. Sucks to hear. No one should be able to outplay and still lose. This patch has drastically lowered skill ceilings and that's something I can never agree with.
  7. If you're gonna boast big damage numbers you need to state exactly how it happened. If I go full glass (beastmaster, marksmanship) to buff my pets damage. Throw on 15 stacks of vuln, buff my tiger or my bird F2 for +115% damage. I'm still not hitting these numbers. If I cant hit these numbers in the mists, how am I supposed to hit them in game? If someone isn't dodging 25 might stacked, 25 vuln, sic em, attack of opportunity, remorseless tiger F2. They deserve this much damage.
  8. Temporal rift does too much damage and too much CC, the radius of it is far too wide, 300 should be more like 200 or 180 even. Blazing edge just has too large if a range. If Firebrand is this slow moving walking tank of death make it so. Make rake a 300 range skill. 600 is just way too far. These skills are single handedly carrying condi rev and firebrand (well and mantras, mantras just shouldn't exist).
  9. Would you like to know more? Yes No Since every heal was nerfed to 30s cds (besides water spirit) the amount they heal for doesn't really matter as much as it used to. What I think matters more is what the skill offers. Personally, I find bear stances ability to basically make me immune to condis for 6s (I trait it, to share the small duration) to be much more useful than a couple thousand more HP (and of people are throwing condis at me, I'm getting healed for more). With bear stance, you can pop it and get aggressive because you dont have to worry about condis. Healing spring doesn't cleanse fast enough. We heal as one doesn't offer cleanse. And troll unguent only cures condis on you at the time of the cast. It just offers a lot of utility other heals dont.
  10. Since you just lost your annulment and agility sigils. Use doom and get some poison on that body.
  11. I'd argue bear stance is the best heal we have... but what do I know?
  12. Play any class with pew pew and wait till you start shooting yourself cause you were pew pewing into a light aura... JK! Its Magnetic Aura! But you can't tell! Cause they all look the same!
  13. If you aren't running toughness, pets have always been able of doing this much damage.
  14. The bigger auras are ok, I guess. Maybe too big But the fact that it's nearly impossible to distinguish them from each other just by site and we have to look at the buff bars is too far.
  15. 'Twas the night before Patch Day, when out in The Mists;Someone was saying, “Ugh matchmaking! Fuck this”.Another season has ended, Helio won;“Which account should I sell? Maybe this one?”Yet others had hope that the devs would dare;To wield their nerf-hammer, “please this time, be fair”With 2v2s coming, soon we will see;What is OK, and what is straight OP;Despite Swiss tourneys soon and nerfs to CC;Many players will not see this patch with glee;Forum warriors will all be shedding their tears;No longer knowing if thief should cap near;Others will cry nerf this and that, boo-hoo;Whilst they claim, “I am gold tier! And you?” In the meantime, the rest sleep and await;Skill nerfs to evades, weavuhs with Twisted Fate;They’re about to get wrecked like mirage with one dodge;While thieves run rampant with their espionage;Revenant does stuff I am tired of this;Soulbeast got nerfed, “Ugh matchmaking, fuck this!”Warriors still suck, right? I do not know;They will be worse off than holo, that’s fo-sho;Something about firebrand being too strong;Full CD resets on one skill? That’s wrong; More about necros they are probably trash;I really did not read much of this patch; Rest In Piece Rock Gazelle, your Head Toss was large;Guide us into this patch-day using your charge;You will be missed but other pets are still busted;A new way to play, makes this game seem less rusted; Perhaps this will be the reset we need;To save this game from itself and toxicity.
  16. Good rangers =/= bad rangers. You fought someone good. Good players have no straight up losing match ups. It's just who is better, and who is more used to what they're fighting.Bad players could copy that guys build and still get farmed.
  17. Just please, for the love of Melandru. Do not complain about me just autoattacking you to death with longbow, or axe autos. It will LITERALLY be because all my other skills will be on CD and swapping back to GS with its increased CDs wont be worth it yet. And now that soulbeast only gets 1 pet... or if I'm forced to play core, I am losing out on a lot of buttons I could have been pressing before. I'm sorry for the autoattack spam. It's just how it's gonna be until you randomly dodge, then I'll press some more buttons. Thanks for listening to this PSA. Sincerely,Ranger mains (and everything else with ranged autos)
  18. Since all damage and stunbreaks are getting nerfed the longer CD to unflinching fortitude won't be a big deal + the extra stunbreak could be life saving. Plasma and boonbeast variants will still be powerufl, and the most important in my opinion is that the damage from pig maul is unchanged. A charge -> GS maul -> pig maul will still do about 15k... thats a big deal.
  19. Pets will be the same as always in Pvp. SmokescaleSiamothGazelleOwlRavenElectric Wyvern
  20. Pre-Change For GS, the skill damage coefficients goes from highest to lowest damage: MaulCounterattack = 3rd chain autoattack (also an evade)Crippling throw = swoopAutoattack, Maybe? I don't care.Post-Change (current) MaulCounterattack = 3rd chain autoattack (no longer an evade)Swoop (crippling throw removed from the game)Autoattack, Maybe, I don't carePost New Balance Patch: Maul (longer CD)Swoop (lower dmg)Third Chain autoattack (even lower dmg than swoop)Auto chain 2Auto chain 1counterattack = hilt bash = 0 dmg.In 2 balance patches the Greatsword has gone from versatile melee weapon to, defensive melee weapon, with some weirdly hard hitting skills due to the bug that GS 4 uses itself twice-in -a-row to melee weapon with WAY less damage. GS 4, our hardest hitting skill is now going to do 0 damage, as will hilt bash. Taking our 2nd hardest hitting skill and lowering it to 0 dmg is a huge nerf. Adding 10s to that skill's CD is an even bigger nerf. Then going further and nerfing EVERY OTHER SKILL on our bar is absolutely crazy. Why is that crazy? Because our other weapon sets are so undertuned that GS is still our best choice! We will be forced to use it because all the other options are so much worse. it will still be seen as "too good" when in reality it is just the best of our bad options. No weapon should EVER have all 5 of its skill nerfed. Insanity.
  21. With the coming update. Soulbeast will lose its ability to pet swap. This allows for a single merge to trigger clarion bond and zephyr's speed. With unstoppable union's change to give vigor and protection a single merge will grant the soulbeast the following: Fury, 3 stacks of might, swiftness, quickness, vigor, protection, unblockable, and superspeed. This is currently still possible in the current game. However, to do so requires you to press 2 buttons very quickly and have 2 CDs ready at the same time. You must pet swap merge VERY fast. This creates a skill differential that allows for a skill ceiling and gives an edge to more experienced players. With the new update we will be moving away from this. No longer will players have to wait for their pet swap AND merge to be ready, and have to pet swap merge practically simultaneously to break a block (requiring patience and forethought) now players will be able to simply see a block press a button and slaughter someone... it drastically lowers the skill ceiling... something ranger does not need, nor the game needs.
  22. Stunbreaks and damage mitigation skills are being removed or getting increased cds across the board.
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