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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. @Trevor Boyer.6524 Pets have always had quickness on pet swap and from QZ That's not the problem.
  2. @shadowpass.4236 I'd add charge merge, hilt bash if you didn't. And i would add dodge to mesmers
  3. Dude thinks mesmer clones are more interactive than pets. You don't know what you're talking about lol. Link me a guide on how to set up a keyboard input thing on screen and I'll stream and you can see how often pet skills are used. I'm like ducking Mozart on my pet skills trying to control that god awful AI. No input? Lol
  4. :thinking: Pets aren't these mobile, unkillable nukes. They barely do damage outside of like 2 attacks on Gazelle and they deal negative damage in a team fight when there is a Firebrand and other classes throwing around protective boons like Aegis and Blind (which would literally nullify Gazelle's damaging skills). Quick tip: if you're blowing defensive cooldowns on anything except Smokescale's Takedown or Gazelle's Charge, you're doing it wrong. You can literally walk out of Gazelle's Head Toss before it goes off, unless you're CC'd/immobilized, but dodge the Child of Earth if you know the pet swap to Gazelle's cooldown is up. So if by "too many cooldowns" you mean a single dodge for both pets, then yeah, sure. Anything else is just a waste and you need to practice more against rangers if you're doing dumb stuff like dodging their auto attacks (instead of kiting the pet) and blowing defensives on skills that have deal 3k damage like SS's Smoke Assault. - Mirror Matchup - Punishing Maul - Countering Longbow and Punishing Evade Frames - Good example on how to avoid/bait out ranger skills whilst simultaneously keeping track of pet attacks in a winning 1v2. I think I get memed maybe once a year against a oneshot WI Sic Em Soulbeast (they are basically perma dead vs. me regardless of class once I know what they're running). But people saying stuff like: rangers get carried by their pets, pets are tracing missiles, and I'm dying to the pets! are hilarious. I can't remember the last time I actually died to a Marksmanship Gazelle burst. It just doesn't happen to players once they know where the damage on ranger comes from (not even that hard to figure out). Which also happens to be the reason why rangers are literally nonexistent in more competitive settings. So when I hear, "So you have to consider the fact that either all these people have l2p issues or that its possible the profession in some aspects need reductions." ... yeah, by that definition, all of these people have L2P issues. With that being said, I've also suggested several nerfs to the class that actually address issues:Lower the damage on Gazelle's Charge to 1.4k instead of 2k base.Lower the % damage modifiers on Moment of Clarity and Attack of Opportunity to match Remorseless at 25% (instead of 50%)Lower the block duration on GS4 to 2s.Increase the cast time on Troll Unguent to 1s.Remove Plasma from Siamoth. But yeah. Those videos are a few examples on how to fight against rangers. Not very difficult. I think there is some confirmation bias. People remember when the pet kills them. Not when the pet doesn't. As rangers we know it doesn't not happen too often. They could even halve the damage on gazelle F2 and charge and it'd still be a good pet. Moment of Clarity is fine. How often are rangers chaining interrupts into hard hitting pet skills? - they'd are not. Shouldn't we fix the bug abuse on GS-4 before we nerf it more? Im heavily bias against all things WS so... sure. Agreed
  5. @"bravan.3876" I mentioned weaver to show you how a single class can kill any pet in a 1v1 accidentally. Pets due die in team fights sometimes (as I said they get instanuked by aoe) but it's fine, you clearly don't understand how pet management in game actually works so I'll drop that. Your desired change to give pets CC on their F2 (you said F1 but I'll assume that was a mistake because thatd be insanely good) won't help. Even if it is pets CC'ing for 0 dmg people will still rage. Pets already have tells. They also have scripted use of their skills... if we give the ranger more control of pet CC there will be tells that the ranger can cancel to bait dodges... that aren't scripted. You're arguing for ranger buffs... You don't understand how ranger is played at higher levels. I was of the opinion the "pro players" liked the idea more that pets should scale off of ranger stats. Ranger does dps so does pet. But it's squishy. Ranger is tanky so are pets, so tanky ranger can't nuke people with a pet... But hey, that's a rework that won't happen. Because those aren't number tweaks. Only current action is for people to learn to play and to shave the gazelle.
  6. @bravan.3876 Are you for real? They won't rework pets entirely. If they did they'd make it so all pet skills are activated by ranger. Then ranger would really be OP but they have repeatedly said they won't do that for casuals. And they have said they are only doing number changes. Do some pets need a nerf (like gazelle?) yes... But despite some overperforming numbers, pets underperform, you seem hellbent on letting pets hit you without kiting, using z-axis, or understanding why the ranger even has a pet. Of course it's there to make you get out of LoS... that's the whole fucking point! As for pets dying, even tanky pets can get insta nuked in teamfights... Im not sure what you're getting at here... 1v1 pets shouldn't die. You're right. But some of the glassier ones can like birds against good players who can burn it after you swap. Also fire weaver can solo nuke a pet. Im also concerned about your categorizing of top players, your boy angel uses sic em and signet of the hunt? EU must be garbage if they're letting this dude get to plat 3/legend. And you also seem upset about my credentials... so I am not sure what you're looking for... You're on like every forum thread with clearly limited vision...
  7. @Trevor Boyer.6524 Please make a post about how to dodge pets. By just drawing a shitty picture of a dude standing on a box. Or jumping over a short river ( a la Robin Hood men n tights) and have the pet have to go all the way around instead of just right over since their parking sucks. People seem to forget how to not only LoS but also how to kite a PvE AI.
  8. @bravan.3876@ the people saying change pet entirely. If every class had their class mechanic removed, ranger would come out the strongest. Pets going on a minute cooldown when they die is a shit mechanic because the pets can never fully recover if being used. They will just die over that minute again and again. Or the ranger has to keep the pet heeled. It makes no sense for a class to lose their class mechanic for 60s or more. The need for a soulbeast to merge to revive a pet is enough of a hindersnce already. It throws off the desirable flow of merging and unmerging and swapping because the ranger has to merge with a pet they have probably already used before and has skills on cd instead of swapping. You lose out on the bonuses of swapping and lose out on access to fresh skills for a good 11 - 18s. It really messes up the flow. Maybe that could change? Merging with a dead pet could come at a cost? Lose x hp, or next unmerge puts soulbeast merge on a longer cool down? @bravan.3876 I am not recognizing most names in this thread... who are these top players?
  9. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Hammer core guard can essentially 1 shot a dps ranger. And as long as dolyak stance isn't available, hammer ring trashes rangers. 100% hammer guard is better vs ranger than the meta core guard. Do people play hammer core guard? Nope. Is that the Ranger's problem? Nope.
  10. What a wild read. Non-plat rangers calling ranger OP (LOL). Top rangers calling ranger UP (I guess).Yet this is kinda legit. Ranger falls off hard at the top of the spectrum. Most people aren't there though. So how do you balance a class around it being good vs bads, but bad vs goods? Historically, you don't. You cater to the casuals and nerf it. Which is a shame, because it seems pretty straightforward to fight most rangers. You LOS. Again, If you die to pew pew, LOS more and dodge more efficiently. Unlike DE with s/p and rifle, ranger can't teleport through walls to kill you after you LOS. That being said. Gazelle is busted - needs some shaves. GS is fine, and before anything gets adjusted on it, the bug abuse should be addressed as that alone will change it's feel significantly. People saying soulbeast needs less boon uptime are confused about soulbeast. Soulbeast with boon uptime sure as shit ain't using a lb right now - I haven't seen any. And the ones that are will be competing for a side node role that multiple classes out perform them at. The soulbeast's ability to rez the pet with a merge is the only reason it's viable. Pet's being able to die is a shitty mechanic when the game has so much more damage now then it used to ( and it was a problem then still too).
  11. lol, I moved on Anvil Rock a few months ago. In WvW I met only @Eurantien.4632 , I mean guys from this forum. I am playing mostly 7-10PM Pacific Time. Am I on Anvil Rock? Lol i don't even know since I haven't played WvW in so long.
  12. Gazelle is overtuned, yet we need to realize what is happening here. Marksmanship, Beastmastery ranger. This class has almost no condi clear, no sustain, and no defensive utilities. It has some serious drawbacks which is why most Rangers run Wilderness Survival instead of Marskmsnship. So why is damage so high?Beastmastery:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pack_AlphaStats increased by 150.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pet%27s_ProwessFerocity increased by 300.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Loud_WhistleLess in play: above 90% hp on ranger pet does 10% more damage. Marksmanship:From Clarion bondhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Call_of_the_WildPower increased by 90 from 3 might stacks.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moment_of_ClarityAfter ranger interrupts pets next hit will do 50% more damage.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/RemorselessWhen the ranger gains fury, pets next hit does 25% more damage. Greatsword:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maul_(ranger_greatsword_skill)After the cast, Your pets next hit does 50% more damage. I can pet swap, hilt bash for interrupt, maul, then Gazelle F2 and that F2 is now hitting you from a pet with +240 power; + 450 ferocity, + 125% bonus damage. Personally I think the combo is fine and the person getting into range should be aware this could happen and just kite. There are players who literally never get hit by the pets. That being said, Gazelle damage is just too high for both the F2 and the Charge and both should be shaved or nerfed even as much as like 50% imo. But the rest of the pets imo are fine. Then again, if you just press the W key, he can't get you anyway... Did I get a BINGO?!
  13. Like that will stop good players (on any class) to kill plebs who automatically come running on the forum Of course not, but it will stop it random killing even good players.
  14. Gazelle is confirmed busted. Nerf that and ranger drops down a notch.
  15. Should add scrapper runes. Another 5% dmg mitigation. And then just learn to play better/smarter.
  16. This is incredible. We are watching Axl evolve in real time. What do we do? Do we interfere, do we just let him be? I'm not certain which is morally better.
  17. Echoing Discipline on warrior, longbow auto burns and weapon swap gives adrenaline so once in Zerk mode you can put out some crazy burn dmg with longbow and sword Burst skills
  18. All on GS 4. Potentially the CD, potentially the dmg, but also that "bug fix" that'll probably kill it.
  19. Yeah it's ok. I still prefer the older version ofc. What do you think about 50 endurance on hit? That way we get a full evade (.75s as opposed to the previous 1s that could be used up to 3x) I don't know. The problem with GS auto is it is absolutely garbage on dps now. You're almost never getting the full chain off, you just don't have that kind of time to stand in the fray since you don't get the evade now to peel out. So if we buff it to 50 endurance, is it gonna help that much? I guess if I ran out of dodges and needed something? My concern is... with a tankier build like a/a gs paladins "boonbeast" type deal, all of a sudden you've got something that can stand in the fray long enough to get a full autochain off and reap the rewards. In this instance that would be a full endurance bar every 2-4 seconds (2s with quickness). That's now too powerful in my opinion. The evade was good before because while you were doing it, you were doing 0 dmg, which meant as a tank they were just doing whatever cause they know you had no follow up, and as a dps people didn't care cause now you were doing no dmg either and they can just follow up and try and melt you since you're so squishy as dps ranger. I'm not sure what the answer is.
  20. First off, why aren't you using troll unguent? Healing spring just isn't viable. Courage is probably better on axe than agility. Cleansing on staff would be better than escape If you have mobility issues use traveler runes or natural stride trait. You're taking verdant etching with 0 glyphs? You could always take the daze/stunbreak glyph. It lasts forever and is instant cast, on a low cd. Then again, between verdant etching and natural stride, celestial shadows has always been good (maybe not desirable if 1v1ing though) The immob spiders are better than the weakness spider. Muddy terrain hasn't been used as a utility since 2013, might still be ok though if used well. Ancient seeds might be better than lingering light if you're 1v1ing.
  21. NO axe mainhand is WAY better 1v1 AND 1vX, LB in a 1v1 any decent person is would punish you, and axe kite very well with 5 target chill. (if traited)Wh offhand 4 more boons and healing, axe off hand is ok-ishStealth on ranger is very situational and often not the best play as ranger have low dmg output so you need to do constant dps to kill or cleave downs (esp more sustain oriented build)id say make lb 1200 range so ppl stop crying then buff all dmg exept auto 30 -50% Remove hunter shot as it fails too mutch and cant be relied on. (Ranger used to not have stealth at all ) This guy doesn't play longbow right.
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