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Everything posted by NoobiiTo.5984

  1. I'm looking for command line or someway for disabling addons like arcdps from starting up without having to delete the .dll file before opening GW2. I haven't had any luck finding a solution elsewhere.
  2. Hey, There is this crazy fire effect on your skill bar entering Berserker, and any random keystrokes will trigger the flame effect more or less or using skills in general. Tapping same keystroke will not trigger it, it have to be different to the previous keystroke. I blocks the view of the cooldowns, and its really taking your focus of everything. Picture of what it looks like
  3. According to wiki, this back item should be salvageable, but i can't salvage mine. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Luminate's_Backplate I'm using Ascended Salvage Kit, and the back item is infused. Could it be the information on wiki is outdated, anyone else have this back piece and could try salvage it ? When i try to salvage mine, it just turns red like other unsalvageable items.
  4. Whats an warrior ? It's not ture support, it's not true damage 😄
  5. Marked as spoiler for anyone who haven't done the story yet.
  6. You will have to click Next target to get a closest target back on.
  7. This is not only for action camera, if you have Auto targeting enabled, and you click on a frendly players in squad/party or a allied mob like necro minion or ranger pet, you will not automaticly gain target on an enemy with any attacks you make.
  8. You are skipping dialogs, you need to trigger Arkk BEFORE running/sprinting in normal mode, the toy/tonic sprint only works in CM.
  9. Hmm, i collected all Bioluminescent weapon skins as well and did not get any sort of achievement, but then again, there don't seem to be an achievement under Black Lion Collections.Maybe they are moving away from gemstore collections.
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