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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. Some thiefs or eles don‘t even need some catapult or ram to flip a tower! But as honest player just get guild catas/rams and visit a near claimed camp twice for supps.
  2. Just make a cooldown, after each stealth you have to be like 1 or 2 seconds visible.
  3. But I cannot pick one for the homestead portal!
  4. Hi, perhaps I need new glasses or is there really no way to set a hotkey for the homestead portal? You can set hotkeys for the other things of this small popup with fishing, skiff, personal waypoint, but the homestead portal is missing in the list.
  5. Weapon mastery for the shield is quite … got like 20 in 12 years.
  6. Hi, can anybody tell me, what this thing, this „Empowered Beehive“ does or is?? When I go along, it is „consumed“, but really nothing happens. Checked my stats in the hero tab, no buff, nothing.
  7. Hi, perhaps a silly question, but I want to know: In your homestead there are three stations for swapping mats to needed mats for decorations. On the second tab of the stations dialog you can buy a rare and an exotic item called „Homestead Upgrade: …“ to reduce the costs for yout mats. If you furst buy the exotic item you are still able to buy the rare item. What happens then? Is that another advantage? Will it destroy the exotic variant and use only the rare variant? Or just nothing more happens (except the loss of some gold to buy it)?
  8. Hi, there is this new kind of wool in the lowland map, will this please be available as harvestable resource node for the homestead instance? Would be very nice to have such a tree there too.
  9. I guess it will(bender) be fixed right after exploiting thiefs.
  10. My problem is, I don‘t know for who I am fighting now. The alliances will change every now and then, so other people, nobody that I know. That‘s not a home server anymore, I fight only for my own loot, but that‘s all. I don‘t like that and I want my real home server back.
  11. I think ANet already worked on it. With the new treb costs, walls are so fast down that jumping as thief through strange ways to a lord takes now longer.
  12. Or at least make it available to all classes and not just thiefs, mesmers and eles. Equality to all! 🤔
  13. I cannot see that cele harbs are invincible. I play one because I didn‘t want to be killed instantly as before. With almost no defense, no blocks, no invuln, no stability and no extra life from shroud you just have your health pool. And I am still killed often enough by stun warriors, even reaper necros, or longbow rangers with too much immob, or by perma stealth thiefs or some broken engis. If you know the necro spec you know their weak spots. That‘s it. End of discussion.
  14. Hey, as the title says, I now see blurry texts in the Wizard‘s Vault and the trading post (gem shop, trading post). Other texts seem to be ok. Just the embedded web services. (edited, corrected slurry to blurry… oops)
  15. And you need one player navigating the turtle and one player for shooting. So a 50ppl-zerg has 25 turtles at maximum for shooting. Perhaps you can limit the amount of turtles in one area to something like 5 turtles.
  16. Well, Siege Turtles could be balanced! You just have to give like 1 supply per shot with a decent damage, like 40-50 shots needed for one gate or wall (in no faster time than one flame ram or one catapult needs, 40-50 like the costs to build one siege, plus maybe a little because you don‘t have to buy a siege). All could be possible.
  17. Yep, see them too, but cannot interact with the caches.
  18. For me this worked: Got to the rockslide with Petros. Then go to the NPC with the bomb (talk to him). Return to Petros (previous step / rockslide) and use the now appearing special hot key (bomb) on the rockslide. Got then credits for this. Do almost the same for the next brood under a rockslide.
  19. Don't know much about the new meta. I would like to do it and get the achievements. But no, you have to do another meta for that. Oh, and another meta, too. TWO metas to start a third one. To achieve nothing because it fails so often. Got to the meta twice so far. Two times in all the time. And the damage there is insane, champs everwhere, damage here, damage there, downstates here and there, dead ppl here and there. Can't decide what to do, rezz ppl, kill the champs, dodge the next damage wave or even do a little damage to that health points sponge named Eparch. No fun. A big nope for me so far.☹️
  20. The story lasts longer if you watch the whole epilog with the ANet team members and doing all the dialogues with all the 20 NPCs…
  21. Or, if you (=ANet) won't fix this, just allow other classed to do this too. Equality! 😜
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