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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. What, you are not ok with that two blue thingies and one cheap crystal? =)
  2. I guess ANet has a big queue for reported players and still trys to handle the millions of cases from 2017...
  3. Thanks for the info! I will have a look at the new vendor to see what I am not going to do.
  4. You mean like www.guildjen.com, guildnews.de (german)...?
  5. Just add a few teleport waypoints here and there :) Perhaps I will go on the desert borderlands then. But at the moment I don't like it (although it is really good looking).
  6. I do that often too. And one day maybe I'll survive more than 5 seconds. =)
  7. If annoyed I reply with fun facts until my opponent gives up. That means I quote random facts like: Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter “a” in its word form.Edgar Allan Poe married his thirteen-year-old cousin.Jupiter is twice as large as all the other planets combined.The Super Soaker was designed and invented by a NASA engineer.Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.Salt used to be a currency.Alaska is the only state whose name is on one row on a keyboard.There are only four words in the English language which end in “dous”: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.There are 32 muscles in a cat’s ear....So, did you know that a "Poronkusema" is the distance a rendeer can walk without peeing? It is about 7.5km.
  8. Perhaps it can be easily secured with marker traps with only two small ways in, it feels more the servers own camp than other spawn camps. Don't know.
  9. Seems to work! Walls were there as expected! Good work
  10. Yep, a really nice skin. Would buy if that were for the WvW mount. But nice indeed!
  11. Ran into this problem too. Alpine borderlands, northern west tower, first all walls were there, but when I came along this tower the second time, several walls were missing. I was able to walk on them as they were there, just invisible. Could not walk through.
  12. See https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/122883/cannot-log-in-the-game#latest ...
  13. For me it's just "permanent stealth" together with a portal. Who was that?
  14. Happens sometimes to me, cannot tell the circumstances. Even when on a mount. Could happen everywhere (WvW, PvE...). But I just shrug and go on.
  15. If you wish for aprils jokes you didn't get the point of april jokes. My two cents
  16. But... then... you have to do DRMs... so often ... oh my. And that within that 6 day period.
  17. "My son, I have something to tell you. You're adopted.""What? You both are not my real parents???""We are, but now pick up your stuff."
  18. And I would like to have a bank view always available to see what's in my bank. Of course and in respect to the buyable bank access tools, you should not be able to get something out of the bank for put something in the bank. Just view it.As workaround we already have this information in the tooltip of things (like "12 in bank", "123 in material storage"). But not as complete view.
  19. More mount speed would be nice, perhaps only in own regions.Perhaps something like a third dodge.And with the first attack perhaps hitting more than one target (what currently looks really really weird when attacking these white ambient creatures)
  20. I still wish for fixating the mini map. So often (mainly in WvW) I want to pan the mini map around and have it resized or moved to another screen corner.And nice in WvW would be to be able to ping guards (at the flags) too, not just camps or towers.And also for WvW: on the top right corner of the mini map is that "button" to see the two progression bars. And if you get a bouning chest the chance is very big to click on that button instead of on the chest. Could we move that button to somewhere else? Does anyone really use that button??
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