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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. ... but a so long term achievement, that counts for a LS meta achievement?? Please...
  2. Tangled Depth. No need to explain this.Drizzlewood then. I hate this only-meta-event map - also as the dragonstand map.The other LS3/LS4 maps won't see me either, don't know what to do there after the story and achievements.
  3. But rising up 3 shades with all the cast time, your enemies are all on some other location far away. I want my old scourge back. sigh..
  4. There is a repeatable reward track for that? Then I'm missing it too! I just find this mon-repeatable reward track in my list (already done).
  5. Really nice is, when you are in downstate, and find a npc near to to rally up. And he attacks you, and you attack back, but you can't because of a grass leaf in your way. So he attacks you to death and you can't do anything against this.
  6. Yes, a known bug, although a minor one. Had that once, too. Was quite funny and reproducible until map change.
  7. Fully agreeing. You have to do all the achievements when the map is new and all people are there. Going back only one map/story part is quite difficult.
  8. I hope they learn from our complaints and do not use these endless achievements next time. It's a very bad test how long timegates could be stretched. We already had weekly timegates, but this is a new dimension. Think in a few months nobody will visit Bangar again when the second talk is finally possible.
  9. Had that a few days ago with my necro in that new drizzlewood map. Were short befoe the north meta. My backpiece (Warbringer, that WvW legendary back piece) disappeared on drawing my weapons and stayed invisible until I unchecked and checked the backpiece visibility in the hero panel. But only once and then never again so far.
  10. If you take only the north meta, then it's really nice. The south meta is a little exhausting. And both as one huge meta makes that bad.
  11. Only once the meta and I have my "Do the meta 10 times". Meta achievement is done, so then hasta la vista, drizzle map,
  12. You philistine! You don't know Sinead??? Go and listen to her music! Shoo! Shoo! =)So, ANet is as silent as Bangar to our problem. I guess they are laughing at us for our impatience. But in 5 years, when we can finally talk the last time to Bangar, we will laugh back! Ha!
  13. Sure, but the dominion scrolls for example stay on 20 scrolls!
  14. I would never ever buy lion chest keys. I farm one per week with a new char, but real money for that?? No. Even if they're reduced.
  15. But the charr scrolls are special. You buy the first one for 20 old ones. The second costs 40 and the third 100. Another reason why this episode is just a joke.
  16. Perhaps that treasure hunter kit to find hidden chests?
  17. But this achievement is one of the achievements for the meta achievement and I'd like rather to to this instead of doing another ugly one.
  18. The next dialogs are data mined and known. Perhaps they exchanged weeks and months by accident, who knows.
  19. That chest looting after killing Jormag is the worst idea ever. You have just a few minutes to travel around the complete northern map, struggling with not coming into combat by snipers or npc groups everywhere (and then you can't get out of combat for a very long time), for tiny little chests here and there, plus unmarked shards of Jormags whatever. No, get your old developers back and do it right next time.
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